By DOCS BEST CARD SI 91 (2013). 5 wins, $784,318, 2nd Los Alamitos 2 Million Fut. [G1], Golden State Million Fut. [G1], Ed Burke Million Fut. [G1], etc. Brother to CARTELS FIRST CARD SI 103. Half-brother to SECRET CARD SI 105 (Champion). Sire of 99 ROM, 11 stakes winners, $3,890,792, including EYE ON THE CARD SI 104 ($642,795, Rainbow Fut. [G1]), EM HIGH COUNTRY SI 101 ($270,562 [RG3]), CARD ONE STARTER SI 96 ($209,746, Oklahoma Derby [G3]), J BEST BOOGIE SI 96 ($173,258), EL AVENTURERO SI 98 ($146,039 [G3]).
1st dam
JS PRAIRIE CHICKEN SI 88 (s/o), by SF Royal Quick Flash. 2 wins at 2, $39,700, Fair Meadows Paint & App Futurity, finalist Oklahoma Paint & App Futurity [G1], Pot O'Gold Futurity [G1], Speedhorse Paint & App Futurity [G1]. Dam of 3 foals of racing age, all started, 2 ROM–
JS Docs Best Chicken SI 84 (f. by Docs Best Card [Q]). Placed to 3, $13,890, 2nd Oklahoma Paint & App Juvenile, finalist in Speedhorse Paint & App Juvenile S. [G1].
2nd dam
IMACHICKENKICKER SI 103 (s/o), by Dos Poruno. APHA Champion Solid 2-Year-Old and 3-Year-Old, Champion Solid 2-Year-Old & 3-Year-Old Filly, 6 wins, $144,334, Pot O' Gold Futurity [R] [G1], PSBA Derby [G1], Cowboy Hall of Fame H. [G1], Lone Star Speedhorse Futurity [G1], Paul Harber Mem. H., etc. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 ROM–
JS PRAIRIE CHICKEN SI 88 (f. by Royal Quick Flash [Q/P]). Stakes winner, above.
JS Apollitical Chick SI 91 (g. by Mr Apollitical Dash [Q]). 3 wins to 3, 2024, $30,085, 2nd Speedhorse Paint & App Futurity Champ. [G1], finalist Pot O'Gold Futurity [G1].
JS Gitter Dun Chicken SI 88 (g. by Gitter Dun Turnpike [P]), APHA Champion 3-Year-Old Gelding, winner to 3, $21,865, 3rd Speedhorse Champ Futurity [G1].
Imakickenchicken SI 81 (f. by Royal Quick Flash [Q/P]). Winner at 2, $4,556. Dam of-
El Docs Best Chic SI 91. APHA Solid Champion Aged Horse, Solid Champion Aged Mare, winner to 4, $30,511, finalist Speedhorse Futurity [G1].
3rd dam
Game Chicken SI 90 (ch/s), by Game Patriot. APHA Broodmare of the Year, 2 wins, $19,005, finalist in the Oklahoma Paint Futurity [G1], OkHA Futurity [G2], OHA Paint & App Derby [R] [G2]. Dam of 8 APHA foals (2 overo), all started, 6 ROM–
FLASHTHECHICKS SI 102 (Royal Quick Flash [Q/P]), APHA Solid World Champion twice, Champion Solid 2-Year-Old, 3-Year-Old & Aged Horse, 11 wins, $315,010, American Paint Classic Futurity [R] [G1], Graham Paint & App Futurity [G1], Pot O' Gold Futurity [R] [G1], Mr Lewie Mem. H. [G1], etc.
IMFLASHINTHECHICKS SI 101 (Royal Quick Flash [Q/P]), APHA Solid World Champion, World Champion Solid 2-Year-Old and 2-Year-Old Gelding, 9 wins in 18 starts, $176,707, Okla. Paint Futurity [G1], Speedhorse P&A Futurity [G1], etc.
IMACHICKENKICKER SI 103 (Dos Poruno [Q/P]), Champion, above.
Imahotchicken SI 90 (Royal Quick Flash [Q/P]), APHA Champion Solid 2-Year-Old Filly, 3 wins, $81,468, 2nd Graham Speedhorse Derby [G1], PSBA Fut. [R] [G1], etc.
El Diablo Chicken SI 83 (Royal Quick Flash [Q/P]). 3 wins, $52,217, 2nd Victoria Ennis H., 3rd Oklahoma Paint Futurity [G1].
4th dam
Kicken Chicken SI 81 (s/t), by Judys Lineage. Winner, $4,415. Half sister to FLYING ARKY SI 108 ($312,811 [G1]), ERCHLE MCKINNEY SI 101. Dam of 7 foals to race, 4 ROM–
KICKEN TEXAS SI 100 (Texas Hero [P]), APHA Champion Aged Gelding, 5 wins, $33,308, Great Lakes Futurity [G3], 3rd Michigan Futurity [G3].
Eye Opening Chick SI 92 (Mr Eye Opener [Q]), APHA Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, 2 wins, $21,393; finalist Oklahoma Paint Futurity [R] [G1].
RACE RECORD: At 2, one win, twice 2nd; at 3, 2024, unplaced in 2 starts. EARNED $12,227.
Accredited Oklahoma Bred; in training; Oklahoma breeding stock.
QData 3/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!