Hip No.
Consigned by Donna J. Hudson
Hip No.
Throw Me Sum Mister
February 21, 2023 Sorrel Filly
Spots Hot
Stylish Play Lena
Dual Reyish
Dual Rey
A Little Reylena
Katie Little Lena
Throw Me Sum Mister
High Brow Hickory
High Brow Cat
Smart Little Kitty
Mels Little Sassy
Smart Aristocrat
Mels Aristomatic
Sassy Quixote
By DUAL REYISH (AQHA/APHA) (2014). $452,687: NCHA Open Futurity Champion, Breeders Inv. Open Derby Champion, split 6th NCHA Open Super Stakes, Southern Open Derby and Classic Reserve Champion. Half-brother to LONE WOOLF ($634,548: NCHA Open Futurity Champion), HAY U ($200,246: split 3rd NCHA Non-Pro Classic/Challenge), REY TO SLY ($103,208: 5th NCHA Open Futurity). Out of A LITTLE REYLENA ($126,058). His first foals are 4-year-olds. Sire of 43 money-earners, including WEEZY F BABY ($158,345: NCHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion), LBR HANGEM ($113,667: PCCHA Open Derby Champion, West Texas and Idaho Open Derbies' Reserve Champion), THE BIG BADD WOLF ($72,558: Cotton Stakes Open Futurity Co-Champion, 6th Augusta Open Futurity), CUTEISH DESIRE ($71,276: The Ike Open Derby Reserve Champion, 3rd PCCHA 4-Year-Old Open Stakes), REY TO THE WEST ($55,812: Idaho Open Futurity Champion, West Texas Open Futurity Reserve Champion), DUALZ ($39,838: finalist Augusta Open Futurity and the Cotton, Ike and Arbuckle Open Derbies), PLAYIN REYISH ($15,893: San Antonio NCHA Open Derby Co-Reserve Champion), CR REYS CATTY ($12,333).
1st dam
MELS LITTLE SASSY, by High Brow Cat. $28,166: finalist NCHA Eastern Nationals Open, top 10 NCHA $15,000 Amateur Finals, finalist NCHA $35,000 Non-Pro Finals, NCHA Area 14 $35,000 Non-Pro Champion, NCHA Area 22 $15,000 Amateur Co-Reserve Champion, NCHA $15,000 Amateur Top Ten. Dam of 1 foal of performance age.
2nd dam
Mels Aristomatic, by Smart Aristocrat. NCHA money-earner. Dam of 2 AQHA point-earners, 4 money-earners, including–
KT MACS KAT (g. by High Brow Cat). $127,787: Congress Open Classic Reserve Champion, finalist NCHA Amateur Classic/Challenge, split 5th NCHA Eastern Nationals $50,000 Amateur, 5th NCHA $10,000 Novice Finals, top 10 NCHA Eastern Nationals Open, top 10 NCHA Central Nationals $35,000 Non-Pro.
MELS LITTLE SASSY (f. by High Brow Cat). Above.
SHESACATSMEOW (f. by High Brow Cat). $14,545: 7th NCHA Eastern Nationals $25,000 Novice, finalist NCHA Eastern Nationals $5,000 Novice Horse Non-Pro, NCHA Area 14 $5,000 Novice Horse Non-Pro Champion. Dam of–
JOHNNY HAS MY CASH. $14,893 to 4, 2024: split 5th Utah CHA Open Futurity; split 5th Idaho CHA Day 3 Open Futurity, Day 3 Int. Open Futurity Champion.
3rd dam
Sassy Quixote, by Doc Quixote. NCHA money-earner. Dam of–
Mels Aristomatic (Smart Aristocrat). Above.
4th dam
Hollywood Gem, by Hollywood Bill. Dam of 7 money-earners, including–
WEE BILL (Wee Doc). $13,422: split 3rd Southern Spring Cutting 4-Year-Old Open Futurity, 6th Augusta Open Derby, 4th NRCHA World Non-Pro Limited; finalist Augusta Fall Cutting Open Futurity, 4th Florida Orange Blossom RCH Bridle Non-Pro.
Quixote Gem (Doc Quixote). $6,990: 6th Atlantic Coast Cutting Open Classic, 3rd Bonanza Amateur Classic. Dam of–
Quixote Quick Stop. $9,685: Utah Cutting Open Futurity Champion, finalist Oregon Cutting Open Futurity, Big Sky Cutting Bonanza Open/World Open Derby Co-Reserve Champion, Utah Non-Pro Cutting Futurity Reserve Champion.
Smokys Gem. $4,479 and 29 AQHA points: finalist Reno Spectacular Open Reining Futurity, 3rd West Coast RHA Spectacular Maturity Open, Open Perf. ROM. 
QData 3/2025