Hip No.
Consigned by Ty Moore
Hip No.
Hez On A Hot Streak
April 30, 2023 Chestnut Colt
High Brow Hickory
High Brow Cat
Smart Little Kitty
Metallic Cat
Chers Shadow
Shesa Smarty Lena
Hez On A Hot Streak
Spots Hot
Stylish Play Lena
Sheza Smokin Hot Gal
Smooth As A Cat
Smooth N Smokin
Smokin Pepto
By METALLIC CAT (2005). $637,711: NCHA Horse of the Year. Sire of 2,190 money-earners, $73,010,715, including SUMMER TIME FUN ($523,327: NCHA Open Derby Co-Champion), CATILLAC REYS ($489,812: NCHA Non-Pro Co-World Champion twice), HASHTAGS ($485,293: NCHA World Champion, NCHA Hall of Fame), CALL ME MITCH ($482,367 and 170 AQHA points: Run For A Million RCH Challenge Open Reserve Champion), METALLIC REBEL ($438,315: NCHA Horse of the Year), STEVIE REY VON ($420,903).
1st dam
SHEZA SMOKIN HOT GAL, by Hottish. $64,086: top 10 NCHA Non-Pro Futurity, 4th NCHA Non-Pro Derby, finalist The Ike Open Derby, finalist Breeders Inv. Non-Pro Derby and Brazos Bash Non-Pro Derby, finalist Cotton Stakes Open Derby and West Texas Open Derby, finalist The Ike Open Classic and The Non-Pro Open Derby. Her oldest foal is a 3-year-old.
2nd dam
SMOOTH N SMOKIN, by Smooth As A Cat. $42,917: split 6th NCHA Limited Non-Pro Derby, 3rd NCHA Super Stakes Limited Non-Pro Classic, 6th Tunica Non-Pro Futurity, finalist NCHA Limited Non-Pro Super Stakes, 5th The Non-Pro Cutting Non-Pro Classic, finalist Abilene Spect. Non-Pro Classic and Arbuckle Non-Pro Classic. Dam of 8 money-earners, $307,893, including–
SMOKIN RED HOTT (f. by Hottish). $121,034: NCHA $5,000 Novice Horse Non-Pro World Champion, NCHA Junior Youth Co-World Champion, Holsey Foundation Limited Non-Pro Derby Reserve Champion and 4th Non-Pro, finalist NCHA Eastern Nationals $35,000 Non-Pro, split 5th NCHA Limited Amateur Derby.
I LIKE CASH MONEY (f. by Reyzin The Cash). $70,250: Augusta 4-Year-Old Non-Pro Futurity Reserve Champion, Southern Non-Pro Derby Reserve Champion, Cotton Stakes Non-Pro Derby Reserve Champion, top 10 NCHA Non-Pro Futurity, finalist Brazos Bash Non-Pro Derby and Cattlemens Non-Pro Classic, split 6th Arbuckle Mountain Non-Pro Classic, Arbuckle Mountain Limited Open Derby Co-Champion.
SHEZA SMOKIN HOT GAL (f. by Hottish). Above.
MISSREYMEMBERED (f. by Dual Rey). $20,634 and 59.5 AQHA points: AQHA VRH World All-Around Amateur Reserve Champion, AQHA High Point L2 Amateur Reining Champion, top 10 NRCHA World Bridle Non-Pro, South Dakota RCHA Road To Texas Non-Pro Bridle Spectacular Reserve Champion, Amateur Perf. ROM.
IRREYSISTABLE (f. by Dual Rey). $11,240 barrels: Team Fearless National Finals Barrels 3D Champion, Xtreme Las Vegas Barrels Day 2 3D Champion, The Big Time Barrels Queen Creek Top Gun Day 4 - 4D Champion.
SMOKIN WITH FRIENDS (g. by Meteles Cat). $10,060 to 4, 2024: NCHA Limited Non-Pro Super Stakes Derby Co-Reserve Champion.
3rd dam
SMOKIN PEPTO, by Peptoboonsmal. $143,029: finalist NCHA Open Futurity, finalist Augusta 4-Year-Old Open Futurity. Dam of 11 money-earners, $414,660, including–
DUAL R SMOKIN (Dual Rey). $220,727: NCHA Super Stakes Non-Pro Classic Champion, El Rancho World Series Open Champion, 6th Breeders Inv. Open Derby, 3rd South Point Winter Open Classic and South Point Open Derby, finalist NCHA Open Classic/Challenge, 4th Breeders Inv. $200,000 Non-Pro Classic, NCHA Gold Award.
JUNGLE CAT (High Brow Cat). $57,026 roping and 271 AQHA points: AQHA Reserve High Point Junior Heading Champion, Arizona Sun Circuit ARHFA Heeling Futurity Champion, Cowtown Classic ARHFA Heeling Futurity Reserve Champion, Royal Crown Waco 6-Under Heeling Futurity Reserve Champion, Superior Heading, Superior Heeling.
SMOOTH N SMOKIN (Smooth As A Cat). Above.
QData 3/2025