1st dam
MISS JESS ROGUE SI 98, by Mr Jess Perry. 4 wins to 4, $125,159, Zia Juvenile Inv. [R], 2nd Mesilla Valley Speed H. [R] [G2], 3rd New Mexico Fillies Champ. [R], finalist in Lou Wooten H. [R] [G1]. Half sister to HUG A ROGUE SI 95. Out of EASILY A ROGUE SI 109 ($302,968 [G1]). Dam of 33 foals of racing age, 25 to race, 18 winners, 22 ROM–
JET BLACK ROGUE SI 103 (f. by Jet Black Patriot). 6 wins to 4, $453,101, LQHBA Derby [R], Flashy Hemp S. [R], 2nd LQHBA Futurity [R] [G1], 3rd Delta Louisiana Bred Derby [R] [G3]. Dam of Rouge Eagle SI 108 ($46,890, 3rd Louisiana Juvenile).
HEZA FAST ROGUE SI 101 (c. by Heza Fast Dash). 8 wins to 4, $323,950, Mardi Gras Derby S. [R], Billy Montgomery S. [R], Amelia Belle S. [R], 2nd Louisiana Classic [R] [G2], John Alleman S. [R] [G3], Opelousas S. [R], 3rd LQHBA Sale Fut. [R] [G1], etc. Sire.
JESS A ROGUE SI 102 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). Stakes winner, below.
ROGUES LAST GAME SI 94. 5 wins to 4, $73,821, Horseshoe Derby Challenge S., etc.
ZOOMIN JR SI 100 (f. by Jess Zoomin). Winner to 5, ($19,919 USA), in Mexico, Clasico Chirina Glorys, 3rd Hipodromo Champ. Challenge.
GAME GONE ROGUE SI 85 (f. by Game Patriot). Winner in 2 starts at 2, ($8,654 USA), in Mexico, Jesus Nuchi Jimenez Sanchez S.
Jess A Fast Rogue SI 105 (g. by Heza Fast Dash). 2 wins to 4, $104,987, 3rd Lee Berwick Futurity [R] [G1], finalist in Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile S. [R] [G2].
Rogue One SI 99 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). 2 wins to 3, $85,479, 2nd LQHBA Lassie Futurity [R] [G2], 3rd Audubon S. [R], finalist in Delta Louisiana Bred Derby [R] [G3].
Jess Like Stoli SI 102 (g. by Stoli). 3 wins to 8, $84,479, 3rd Four Corners Futurity [G3].
Jesiacountrychick SI 108 (f. by Country Chicks Man). 3 wins to 4, $43,814, 3rd Arapahoe Distaff Challenge, finalist in Sunland Winter Derby [G2]. Set NTR 300y.
Sistahrogue SI 93 (f. by Teller Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $26,092, 2nd De Saix S., finalist [G2].
Rogue To Riches SI 84 (f. by Oak Tree Special). Winner to 3, $11,300. Dam of–
Everythingyouneed SI 103. 3 wins to 3, $118,169, 3rd LQHBA Sale Fut. [R] [G1], etc.
Rogue Fast Dash SI 88 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). 3 wins to 3, 2024, $102,935, finalist in Louisiana Million Futurity [R] [G1], Lee Berwick Futurity [R] [G1].