1st dam
Eye On The Candy SI 107, by Mr Eye Opener. 4 wins to 4, $43,477. Dam of 16 foals of racing age, 15 to race, 14 winners, 15 ROM–
THIS CANDYS RED HOT SI 99 (c. by Leaving Memories). 8 wins to 4, $251,502, Speedhorse Futurity [R] [G1], 3rd Texas Classic Derby [G1], finalist in Retama Park Futurity [G1], Dash For Cash Futurity [G1], Dash For Cash Derby [G1].
SEND CANDY POWER SI 103 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 4 wins to 4, $84,039, Fort Erie Derby, 2nd Charlie Claborn Mem. S., 3rd Juno's Request S. [G2]. Dam of–
Jess Candy Power SI 84. Placed in 2 starts at 2, 3rd Futurity Las Americas.
Send Her Candy SI 96 (f. by Apollitical Jess). 4 wins to 4, $47,951.
FOUND A CANDY TREE SI 96 (f. by Oak Tree Special). 3 wins to 5, $72,964, Can Am Nations Cup S.-NTR, 300y in 0:15.380, finalist in Juno's Request S. [G2]. Dam of–
Live To Love Candy SI 104. 2 wins to 3, $38,870, 3rd Arapahoe Derby, finalist [G3].
Dashing Candy Girl SI 95. 2 wins at 2, $10,030, 2nd Oneida County Futurity [R].
PV Eye Desire Candy SI 92 (g. by Desirio). 3 wins to 4, $92,286, 2nd Heritage Place Juvenile Inv., Mystery Derby [R], finalist in Southwest Juvenile Champ. S. [G1].
Stone Eyed Candy SI 99 (f. by SC Chiseled In Stone). 3 wins to 4, $56,972, 3rd Easy Jet S. [R] [G3], finalist in Remington Futurity [G1], Remington Derby [G2]. Dam of–
Peves Candy Chickman SI 96. 7 wins to 5, $68,444, finalist in Easy Jet S. [R] [G3].
All About The Candy SI 103 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 2 wins to 4, $20,072. Dam of–
ALL ABOUT ROGUE SI 96. 5 wins to 3, 2024, $68,820, Mother's Day S.
Jess A Candy Rogue SI 91. Winner to 3, $51,651, finalist in Firecracker Futurity [G2].
Eyema Royal Candy SI 96 (f. by Royal Quick Dash). 2 wins to 3, $16,389. Dam of–
Eyema Candy Tree SI 102. 3 wins to 3, $65,620, 3rd Speedhorse Futurity [G2]. Dam of–
Lamont Lady SI 83. Winner. Dam of Hock Tree Special SI 97 (to 3, 2024, $39,403).
DF Fabulous Jackie SI 104 (f. by One Fabulous Eagle). 5 wins to 5, $122,359.
Cartels Royal Candy SI 96 (f. by Cartels Candy Man). 3 wins to 5, $45,400. Dam of–
TRIXS ARE FOR KIDS SI 99. 4 wins to 3, $108,082, Jaguar Rocket Futurity [R].
Royal Candy Cat SI 87 (f. by Red Storm Cat). Winner at 2, $14,253. Dam of–
DF Royal Tales SI 90. 2 wins to 3, $34,381, 2nd Fair Meadows Juvenile S.
Lechuguilla SI 89. 5 wins in 10 starts to 3, 2024, $21,415, 3rd Cl. Anselmo A. Payan [R].
La Candy Woman SI 95. 2 wins to 3, $22,015. Dam of Oak Tree Candy Wagon SI 91.
Eye This Candy SI 92 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Winner to 3, $16,454. Dam of–
Apollitical Ike SI 98. 4 wins to 3, 2024, $51,055, 2nd Gillespie County Fair Derby.
A Fiery Moon SI 87. Placed to 3, 2024, $11,653, 3rd Hipodromo Juvenile Challenge.
Over The Moonin SI 94 (f. by Moonin The Eagle). 4 wins to 4, 2024, $50,598.
Ima Stone Candy SI 98 (g. by SC Chiseled In Stone). 5 wins to 8, $70,203, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1].
Peves Candy Man Dan SI 90 (g. by Cartels Candy Man). 2 wins to 3, $44,325, finalist in Mystery Futurity [R] [G3].