By PAINTED TURNPIKE (APHA) SI 98 (2013 b/o). APHA Solid World Champion 3 times, 26 wins, $462,299, Speedhorse Fut. [G1], etc. Sire of 45 ROM, 12 stakes winners, $1,787,585, including SMITHWORKS SI 88 (APHA World Champion, $224,487, Speedhorse Graham Fut. [G1]), POWER FADE (APHA Champion, $114,138, Speedhorse Graham Fut. [G1]), WF TURNPIKE CANDY SI 93 (APHA Solid World Champion, $111,148, PSBA Fut. [G1]), MIGHTY MOCHA SI 100 (APHA Champion, $68,375), PAINTED TO BE QUICK SI 84 ($80,426 [G1]).
1st dam
Onefastheifer SI 88 (b/t), by CRM Livewire. Winner to 3, $15,312, 3rd PSBA Derby [G1]. Dam of 1 foal of racing age–
Fast N Loose SI 87 (f. by Painted Turnpike [P]). Stakes placed winner, below.
2nd dam
By The Second SI 99, by Meter Me Gone. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $26,571. Sister to Who Said Go SI 101. Dam of 11 foals of racing age (2 APHA), 10 to race, 6 winners, 6 ROM–
Onefastheifer (APHA) (f. by CRM Livewire [P]). Stakes placed winner, above.
I Know How Now SI 114 (g. by Now I Know). 6 wins to10, $52,858.
Moore Swissle SI 95 (g. by Swissle Stick TB). 2 winsto 8, $45,525.
Iridescent Gray SI 95 (f. by Striking Distance). 2wins to 5, $25,913.
Blowin Dust SI 96 (f. by Furyofthewind). Winner to 3, $15,573, finalist in NMSF Senorita Futurity [R] [G3].
Jess A Hippy Chick (f. by Jess Lips). Winner at 2, $6,965.
3rd dam
Nother Mis Sabre SI 98, by Nother Kinda Man. 4 wins to3, $7,027. Sister to HONORARY MAN SI 94, One More Citation SI 83. Dam of 9 foals to race, 8 winners, 8 ROM–
Who Said Go SI 101 (f. by Meter Me Gone). 6 wins to 6, $61,057, 3rd Cherry Creek Futurity [R] [G3].
Im Ornery Too SI 96 (g. by Super de Kas). 3 wins to 3, $11,027, 3rd Colorado Stallion Breeders' Derby [R], finalist in Colorado Stallion Breeders' Futurity [R] [G3].
A Head Ahead SI 94 (f. by Go Concord). 4 wins to 3, $9,124, 3rd Colorado Stallion Breeders' Derby [R], finalist in ColoradoStallion Breeders' Futurity [R] [G3].
De Super Sabre SI 99 (g. by Super de Kas). 6 wins to 4, $12,704.
I Said Go SI 85 (g. by Dash To Chivato). Winner to 4, $11,588.
Picketwire Patty (Dash To Chivato). Winner to 3, $6,164.
Nother Miss Duncan SI 97 (Sir Austin Duncan). Winner to 3, $4,172.
4th dam
Mis Sabre Citation SI 96, by Sabre Charge. 2 wins at 2. Sister to Sabre Citation SI 91. Dam of 13 foals to race, 8 winners, 12 ROM–
HONORARY MAN SI 94 (Nother Kinda Man). 2 wins to 3, $15,537, Colorado Stallion Breeders Sale Fut. [R], finalist in Colorado Stallion Breeders Fut. [R] [G3].
One More Citation SI 83 (Nother Kinda Man). 2 wins to 3, 3rd Western Slope Colorado-Bred Futurity.
Im Honorary Too SI 90 (Nother Kinda Man). 2 wins to 4, $8,659.
Sabres Kinda Man SI 98 (Nother Kinda Man). 5 wins to 6, $8,355.
Honorary Miss SI 93 (Nother Kinda Man). Winner to 4, $7,496.
Southmoor Citation SI 86 (Rocket Wrangler). Placed at 2. Dam of–
JLA Struttin Solo SI 90. 3 wins to 4, $39,185.
JLA Tookooltofool SI 100. 3 wins to 5, $22,851.
Vals Citation. Winner to 4, $6,107.
JLA Final Citation SI 80. Winner at 2.
RACE RECORD: At 2, 2024, one win, once 3rd; finalist Gillespie Juv. [G3]. EARNED $13,234.
ENGAGEMENTS: Eligible for the Future Fortunes.
Accredited Oklahoma Bred.
QData 12/2024
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