Hip No.
Consigned by Dunn Ranch
Hip No.
My Temptation
2021 Bay Mare
Dash For Cash SI 114
First Down Dash SI 105
First Prize Rose SI 98
Tempting Dash SI 112
Chicks Beduino SI 104
A Tempting Chick SI 99
Tempt Me Not SI 98
My Temptation
Holland Ease SI 109
Corona Cartel SI 97
Corona Chick SI 113
Really A Corona SI 89
For Really TB
Really A Diva SI 95
Diva Reba SI 84
By TEMPTING DASH SI 112 (2007). Champion 2-Year-Old Colt, $673,970, Texas Classic Fut. [G1]-NTR. Sire of 381 ROM, 34 stakes winners, $13,717,008, including KISS MY HOCKS SI 109 (Champion, $1,199,385, Rainbow Derby [G1]), AINT SHE TEMPTING SI 97 (5 wins, $727,427, Oklahoma Fut. [G2]), HOTSEMPTING SI 99 (7 wins, $682,793, Ruidoso Derby [G1]), LOVETHEWAYYOULIE SI 96 (2 wins, $456,472, Heritage Place Fut. [G1]), FM IM A ZATANAZ TOO SI 96 (7 wins, $330,749, Sam Houston Fut. [G2]).
1st dam
Really A Corona SI 89, by Corona Cartel. 2 wins at 2, $32,323. Dam of 5 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 4 to race, 3 winners–
Really First Down SI 101 (g. by First Down Dash). 3 wins to 4, 2021, $165,439, 2nd Z Wayne Griffin Directors H., Mystery Derby [R], 3rd Champion of Champions S. [G1], finalist in Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Inv. Champ. S. [G1], Oklahoma Bred Derby [R] [G2].
Tip Ofmy Tongue SI 91 (g. by Moonin The Eagle). 3 wins to 3, 2022, $48,768, 3rd El Primero Del Ano Derby [G2].
Really A Dynasty SI 93 (f. by FDD Dynasty). Winner at 2, $20,580.
2nd dam
Really A Diva SI 95, by For Really TB. Winner at 2. Dam of 4 foals to race, 4 winners–
Divas First Down SI 103 (c. by First Down Dash). 2 wins to 4, $58,107, finalist in Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. Sire.
Lebron J SI 102 (g. by Ivory James). 4 wins to 4, $40,726.
3rd dam
Diva Reba SI 84, by Tolltac. Winner at 2, $10,655, finalist in Miss Kindergarten Futurity [G2]. Sister to JUMPING TAC FLASH SI 106, SPLASH BAC SI 93. Dam of 4 winners, 4 ROM–
METALLIC LION SI 101 (Apollo TB). 6 wins to 10, $262,080, Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G1], 2nd Kindergarten Futurity [G1], California Juvenile Challenge [G3], etc. Sire.
4th dam
BEAT YOUR PANTS OFF SI 103, by Six Fols. AQHA Dam of Distinction, 3 wins, $22,440, Utah Fall Fut. Dam of 24 ROM–
JUMPING TAC FLASH SI 106 (Tolltac). Champion 2-Year-Old Filly. 7 wins to 3, $147,065, Miss Kindergarten Fut [G2]. Dam of CARTERS CARTEL SI 103 (Champion, $659,146 [G1]), TAC IT LIKE A MAN SI 98 ($413,563 [G1]), FLASH FIRST SI 105 ($351,719), IMJUMPN SI 94 ($56,495 [G3]), A Tac First SI 97 ($88,793 [G1]). Granddam of HEADTURNER SI 101 ($294,032 [G1]), JUMPN BEDUINO SI 96 ($267,825 [G1]), JUMPN SI 98 ($187,555 [R] [G3]).
SPLASH BAC SI 93 (Tolltac). Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 5 wins at 2, $135,505, Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G1], 2nd Ed Burke Memorial Futurity [G1], etc.
GOINBYE SI 94 (Dashin Bye). 2 wins to 4, $52,471, Firecracker Derby [G2], 3rd Members Plus S. [G3]. Dam of HEZADASHINBYE SI 96 ($150,855 [G2]).
BEATYOU (APHA) SI 91 (Real Easy Cash [P]). APHA Breeding Stock Champion.
BEATYOUREALEZY (APHA) SI 89. Winner, $24,680, Pot O'Gold Futurity [G1].
Lady Nayen SI 106 (f. by Check Him Out). 2 wins to 3, $65,083, 2nd Retama Derby, Evangeline Futurity. Dam of FLOKIE SI 96 ($711,819 [G1]).
Catch This Dash SI 94 (f. by First Down Dash). Dam of FEATURE MR BOJANGLES SI 103 (Champion at 2 & 4, $899,434, Rainbow Futurity [G1]).
ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut., Los Alamitos Two Million Fut., Golden State Million Fut., Ed Burke Million Fut.
Accredited Oklahoma Bred.
QData 2/2025