Hip No.
Consigned by Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
Hip No.
2021 Brown Filly
Holland Ease SI 109
Corona Cartel SI 97
Corona Chick SI 113
Big Lew SI 99
Executive Menace SI 105
Executive Looks SI 113
Sticky N Picky SI 108
Streakin La Jolla SI 99
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
Scoopie Fein SI 99
Perrys Dreamgirl SI 91
Corona Cartel SI 97
Bodacious Dream SI 97
Dashing Phoebe SI 104
By BIG LEW SI 99 (2013). 8 wins, $638,878, Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1], 2nd Oklahoma Fut. [G2], 3rd Champion of Champions S. [G1]. Brother to KVN CORONA SI 95 (Champion), MARNEY JO SI 107. His first foals are 3-year-olds. Sire of 14 ROM, including BUBBA LEW SI 89 (winner, $16,870, AQRA Turf Paradise Juv. S.), Itsjustamatteroftime SI 103 (2 wins, $36,983, 2nd Arizona Downs Derby Chlg), Ill Be Gone SI 98 (2 wins, $28,649, 3rd Ruidoso Juv. Chlg. [G3]), Lew Lew Belle SI 101 (2 wins, $30,076), Razen Cane SI 85 (winner, $22,158).
1st dam
Perrys Dreamgirl SI 91, by Mr Jess Perry. 2 wins to 3, $15,572. Dam of 3 foals of racing age, 1 to race–
Jess Gimme a Kiss SI 106 (f. by Kiss My Hocks). 2 wins to 4, 2022, $33,251.
2nd dam
Bodacious Dream SI 97, by Corona Cartel. 2 wins at 3, $26,078, finalist in Hobbs America Derby [G2], Sunland Winter Derby [G2]. Sister to FURYOFTHEWIND SI 96. Dam of 38 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 35 to race, 23 winners, 27 ROM–
BODACIOUS EAGLE SI 104 (g. by One Famous Eagle), World Champion, Champion Aged Horse, Champion Aged Gelding, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, 14 wins to 6, $1,293,444, Champion of Champions S. [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], All American Gold Cup S. [G1], Leo S. [G1], Eastex S. [G2], Dash For Cash Derby [G3], Higheasterjet H. [G3], Z Wayne Griffin Directors Inv. - Div 1, etc.
Emnent SI 93 (g. by Dominyun). 2 wins to 3, $76,081, 2nd Firecracker Futurity [G2], finalist in Harrah's Ent. Futurity [G3].
Tango In Cash SI 89 (c. by FDD Dynasty). 2 wins to 4, $43,291, 2nd A Ransom H., Cypress H., finalist in El Primero Del Ano Derby [G3].
San Lorenzo Eagle SI 95 (f. by One Famous Eagle). Winner to 3, $3,944. Dam of–
San Lorenzo Dash SI 97. 3 wins to 3, 2022, $66,914, 3rd Mardi Gras Derby [R].
Monaco SI 99 (g. by Dominyun). 3 wins to 4, $50,615.
FM Future Dreams (f. by Feature Mr Jess). Unplaced. Granddam of RELENTLESS DREAM SI 86 (to 3, 2022, $18,173, South Dakota Bred Futurity [R]).
3rd dam
DASHING PHOEBE SI 104, by Dash For Cash. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, AQHA Dam of Distinction, 11 wins in 20 starts to 4, $609,553, Kansas Futurity [G1], Kansas Derby [G1], Sun Country Futurity [G1].Dam of 16 ROM–
HEARTSWIDEOPEN SI 104 (f. by Feature Mr Jess), Champion 2-Year-Old, Champion 3-Year-Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly,  Champion 3-Year-Old Filly,  11 wins in 13 starts, $1,885,283, All American Futurity [G1], Ruidoso Futurity [G1], etc.
SPECIAL PHOEBE SI 104 (f. by Special Effort). Champion Aged Mare, 12 wins to 4, $139,963, [G3], Real Wind H., 2nd All American Gold Cup [G2], etc. Dam of A SPECIAL SNO FLO SI 96 ($117,171 [G3]), granddam of DUELING JUAN SI 121 ($475,001 [G3]).
FURYOFTHEWIND SI 96 (Corona Cartel). 3 wins, $70,554, Calif. Derby Chlg.[G3].
DASHINGFORDESTINY SI 97 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $56,691, TQHA Sires' Cup Derby [R] [G3]; finalist Ed Burke Million Fut. [G1]. Dam of FM IM A ZATANAZ TOO SI 96 ($330,749 [G2]), TEMPTING DESTINY SI 95 ($302,699 [G3]).
Allamericandreamgirl. Dam of AMERICAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (Champion, $686,355).
This Dreams Flying SI 91. Dam of HES RELENTLESS SI 108 (Champion, $616,380).
PJ Flying Phoebe SI 94 (Strawfly Special). Winner at 3, $15,250. Dam of PHOEBES DYNASTY SI 87 ($186,020 [R] [G2]), AZSHECANFLY SI 95 ($107,654).
QData 2/2025