By ONE FABULOUS EAGLE SI 97 (2013). 5 wins, $664,547, Corona Cartel Inv. Derby [R], 2nd All American Fut. [G1], 3rd Ruidoso Fut. [G1]. Brother to GOLD HEART EAGLE V SI 104, EAGLE ON THE FLY SI 103. Sire of 119 ROM, 9 stakes winners, $3,411,879, including MUY PELIGROSITO SI 101 ($291,507, Southwest Juv. Inv. Champ. [G2]), KOOL AND FABULOUS SI 102 (6 wins, $122,547, Prairie Meadows Gold Derby), MOUND VALLEY EAGLE SI 106 (5 wins, $103,248, Hadley/Giles Fut), DEUTSCH SI 94 ($65,323).
1st dam
Its Good to Be Queen SI 99, by First Down Dash. 2 wins at 3, $22,142, finalist in PCQHRA Breeder's Derby [G2]. Sister to CHECK HER TWICE SI 105, DASH TO CHIVATO SI 96, FIRST FEMME SI 102, Fishers Dash SI 94. Dam of 22 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 11 to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM–
WHOLE LOT OF KARMA SI 97 (g. by Apollo TB). 6 wins to 4, $139,525, PCQHRA Breeders' Derby [G2], Katella H., 2nd Ed Burke Mem. Juvenile, Z Wayne Griffin Director's S., finalist in Golden State Million Futurity [G1], Vessels Maturity [G1].
Gold Diggin Queen SI 104 (f. by Tres Seis). 4 wins to 4, $50,086, 2nd Canterbury Park Distaff Challenge, finalist in AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1].
Our Secret Queen SI 88 (f. by No Secrets Here). Winner to 4, $23,941, 2nd Jens List Mem. Calif Breeders S. [R].
This Chicks A Queen SI 102 (f. by Looking for Chicks). 4 wins to 3, $16,717, 2nd Spring Classic Derby, 3rd Bitterroot Derby [R]. Dam of–
Every Chicks Favorit SI 115. 3 wins to 6, $60,717, qualified to Heritage Place Fut. [G1].
La Jollan Queen SI 83 (f. by Streakin La Jolla). Placed at 2. Dam of–
RDD LAJOLLANFASTDASH SI 102 (g. by Heza Fast Dash). 6 wins at 2, $403,498, LQHBA Sale Futurity [R] [G1], Mardi Gras Fut. [R] [G2], 3rd LQHBA Fut. [R] [G1].
ON POINT SI 108 (g. by Five Bar Cartel). 7 wins to 6, 2022, $139,732, Gentilly Dash S., 3rd Flying Breed S. [R], finalist in Delta Louisiana Bred Derby [R] [G3].
RDD Fishers Favorite SI 91 (f. by Bigtime Favorite). 5 wins to 4, $48,172, finalist [R] [G2].
2nd dam
FISHERS FAVORITE SI 98, by Beduino TB. 7 wins to 4, $210,860, Sophomore H., Miss Princess H., 2nd Dash For Cash Futurity, Chicado V H., etc. Dam of 15 ROM–
CHECK HER TWICE SI 105 (First Down Dash). 5 wins to 3, $215,361, Golden State Futurity [G1], California Sires' Cup Futurity [R] [G3], 2nd All American Derby [G1]. Dam of CHECK HIM OUT SI 98 ($418,528 [G1]), MASTERS CALL SI 102 ($106,757), Duplicate Check SI 92. Granddam of GRACEFUL EAGLE SI 118 ($202,343).
DASH TO CHIVATO SI 96. 4 wins to 3, $150,549, Southern California Derby [G1].
SPIRIT DE CORPS SI 108 (Timeto Thinkrich). 7 wins to 4, $34,272, Solano Derby.
FIRST FEMME SI 102 (First Down Dash). 5 wins to 4, $30,972, Independence Day H. [R] [G3], etc. Dam of OLD HABITS SI 106 (Champion, $680,491 [G1]), ONE MORE HABIT SI 98 ($272,510 [G1]), FIRST WRANGLER SI 105 ($95,805), HABITUAL SI 93 ($41,529). Granddam of HABITS SECRET SI 109 ($330,334).
Fishers Dash SI 94. 3 wins to 3, $123,495, 2nd Governor's Cup Futurity [R] [G1], etc.
Class With Cash SI 91 (Dash For Cash). Winner in 2 starts, $23,952. Dam of HATEFUL HANNA SI 105 (Champion [G1]), granddam of Hardly Hateful SI 103 (Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, $436,979), EL ZAPATISTA SI 99 ($103,579).
Fishers Fantasy SI 84. Dam of FIRST DOWN ILLUSION SI 98 ($500,547 [G1]).
QData 2/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!