Hip No.
Consigned by Double LL Farms, Agent for Taft Farms LLC
Hip No.
Patriots World
January 15, 2023 Brown Gelding
Chicks Beduino SI 104
Game Patriot SI 109
Fire And Nice SI 102
Jet Black Patriot SI 110
First Down Jewel SI 98
First Down Hemp SI 89
Joes Hemp Jet SI 96
Patriots World
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
High Rate Of Return SI 97
Dividends Declared SI 94
Juicee K SI 81
Corona Cartel SI 97
This Is Mi World SI 82
Chicks Episode SI 97
By JET BLACK PATRIOT SI 110 (2006). 7 wins, $876,921, LQHBA Fut. [RG1]. Sire of 518 ROM, 31 stakes winners, $20,095,205, including SAN LORENZO JET SI 102 ($1,005,939 [RG1]), JET BLACK GRACE SI 103 ($774,627 [G1]), YOU DRIVE I FLY SI 98 ($590,134 [RG1]), JET BLACK ROGUE SI 103 ($453,101), JETBLACK GOLD MOMENT SI 109 ($277,670 [G3]), COOL YA JETS SI 91 ($271,938), LOUISIANA JAMBALAYA SI 99 ($266,346 [RG1]), TELAROSA SI 98 ($240,393 [RG1]), MAGIC BLACK JACK SI 118 ($226,896 [RG2]).
1st dam
Juicee K SI 81, by High Rate Of Return. Winner at 4, $7,350. Dam of 1 foal of racing age–
Patriots Return SI 86 (c. by Jet Black Patriot). Placed at 2, 2024, $6,607.
2nd dam
This Is Mi World SI 82, by Corona Cartel. Placed at 2 and 3. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, 3 ROM–
Little Man Keith SI 93 (g. by Tres Seis). Winner to 4, $26,147, 2nd Oklahoma Horsemen's Assoc. Derby [R].
Look At Me World SI 97 (g. by Mr Eye Opener). 2 wins to 6, $40,596.
Erickas Mighty World (f. by Mighty Invictus). Unraced. Dam of–
We Are The World SI 84. Placed to 6, $4,574.
3rd dam
Chicks Episode SI 97, by Bold Episode. 2 wins to 4, $11,798. Dam of 3 other foals to race.
4th dam
Drifting Chick SI 99, by No Drift TB. 2 wins at 2, $30,671, 2nd Black Gold 440 Futurity [R], finalist in Blue Ribbon Futurity [G2]. Half sister to CHICK CALLED HAPPY SI 99 ($206,593), BIG SMASH SI 93 ($66,213), Little Royal Chick SI 97 ($123,959), Say Chick SI 113 ($37,928). Dam of 1 other foal to race.

ENGAGEMENTS: New Mexico State Fair Fut.
Accredited New Mexico Bred.
QData 2/2025