By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. Sire of 117 ROM, 10 stakes winners, $5,705,397, including BELLA DE BALL SI 97 ($634,374, NMSF Fut. [RG2]), WHITE LIGHTENIN SI 107 ($356,023, NM Classic Derby [RG2]), JUST EN KING SI 109 ($307,073, NM Classic Cup Champ. [RG1]), VINTAGE BOURDEAUX SI 105 ($291,929, NMSF Derby [RG3]), OVER DA EDGE SI 102 (5 wins, $217,986, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), RC CORONA KING SI 108 ($177,720), HARKEN SI 85 ($157,566, Mountain Top Fut. [RG2]).
1st dam
Maggies Miracle LX SI 103, by Dean Miracle. 2 wins to 3, $30,457, finalist in New Mexico State Fair Senorita Futurity [R] [G3]. Dam of 20 foals of racing age (two 2-year-olds), 19 to race, 11 winners, 14 ROM–
PERCYJONES SI 108 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 8 wins to 5, $369,133, Zia Derby [R] [G2], 2nd Mountain Top Futurity [R] [G3], Jess Burner Mem. H., S. [R], 3rd Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], New Mexico Classic Champ. [R] [G1], By By JJ S. [R], finalist in Bob Moore Mem. S. [G2] twice.
DATONA DOLL SI 98 (f. by Jesse James Jr). 5 wins in 8 starts to 3, $193,941, NM Classic Derby [R] [G2], 2nd Zia Derby [R] [G2], 3rd Heritage Place Derby [G2]. Dam of–
HOLLYN BOOTIE SI 97 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). 4 wins to 3, $252,641, Zia Futurity [R] [G1], 3rd Zia Derby [R] [G2], New Mexico Fillies Champ. [R].
Tricks My Pick SI 112 (g. by Favorite Trick TB). 5 wins to 6, $111,731, 3rd New Mexico Classic Futurity [R] [G2], finalist in New Mexico Classic Derby [R] [G2], Zia Derby [R] [G2], Tommy "Duke" Smith H. [R] [G2].
Hy Ho Harvey SI 95 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 3 wins to 5, $56,178, 3rd Zia Fut. [R] [G1].
First To Moon You SI 102 (g. by First Moonflash). 5 wins to 6, $59,409.
Jhett Eye SI 103 (g. by Eye Am King). 3 wins to 4, 2024, $47,978.
J Gatsby SI 94 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 2 wins to 3, $39,527, finalist in NMHBA S. [R] [G2].
Jess By A Nose SI 101 (g. by Jesse James Jr). 4 wins to 5, $33,560.
Blonde Belle Cartel SI 97 (f. by Big Daddy Cartel). Winner to 5, 2023, $28,691.
Julia James (f. by Jesse James Jr). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of–
FAMOUS JULIA SI 113 (f. by Dash For Famous). 8 wins to 7, $139,146, New Mexico Classic Distaff S. [R], 2nd New Mexico Fillies And Mares Champ. S. [R] [G3].
La Bella Julia SI 104 (f. by Mr Special Cartel). 4 wins to 6, 2024, $99,346.
Jess Call Meh SI 96 (g. by Call Me Corona). 3 wins to 7, 2024, $80,213.
2nd dam
Miss Bunny Bullion SI 99, by Bully Bullion. 5 wins to 6, $30,640, finalist in Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners.
3rd dam
Ritzy Wrangler SI 88, by Rocket Wrangler. Winner at 2. Sister to Montana Del Rey SI 94. Dam of 1 other foal to race–
Sassy Rich SI 88 (Bully Bullion). 2 wins to 3, $6,633.
4th dam
Miss Moon Bunny SI 90, by Top Moon. Winner at 3. Sister to Grand Moon SI 101. Dam of 11 foals to race, 7 winners, 8 ROM–
Montana Del Rey SI 94 (Rocket Wrangler). 3 wins, $37,362, 3rd Sun Country Fut. [G1].
Swayce Brown SI 97 (Pie In The Sky). Placed to 3, $6,949. Dam of–
CAT B QUICK SI 98. 7 wins to 7, $63,779, Universal City H., 2nd Red River H. twice, San Marcos H. twice, 3rd TQHA "550" S. [R] [G3].
KAYLE BROWN SI 100. 6 wins to 6, $35,262, American Quarter Horse Foundation S., 3rd Harris County S. [R], finalist in Rheudasil H. [G3].
ENGAGEMENTS: New Mexico State Fair Fut.
Accredited New Mexico Bred; embryo transfer.
QData 2/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!