Hip No.
Consigned by Mountain States Equine
Hip No.
April 2, 2023 Sorrel Gelding
Streakin La Jolla SI 99
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
Scoopie Fein SI 99
Eye Am King
Corona Cartel SI 97
Eye For Corona SI 99
Eye For The Sixes SI 99
Special Effort SI 104
Special Leader SI 103
Miss Eye Opener SI 98
Katies Wildn Special SI 90
The Signature SI 107
Shes Wild SI 80
Walk N Wild SI 101
By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. Sire of 117 ROM, 10 stakes winners, $5,705,397, including BELLA DE BALL SI 97 ($634,374, NMSF Fut. [RG2]), WHITE LIGHTENIN SI 107 ($356,023, NM Classic Derby [RG2]), JUST EN KING SI 109 ($307,073, NM Classic Cup Champ. [RG1]), VINTAGE BOURDEAUX SI 105 ($291,929, NMSF Derby [RG3]), OVER DA EDGE SI 102 (5 wins, $217,986, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), RC CORONA KING SI 108 ($177,720), HARKEN SI 85 ($157,566, Mountain Top Fut. [RG2]).
1st dam
Katies Wildn Special SI 90, by Special Leader. Winner at 2, $14,661. Dam of 12 foals of racing age (one 2-year-old), 5 to race, 3 winners, 5 ROM–
Watch N Weep SI 86 (g. by First Class Sign). Winner to 7, $9,032, 3rd Rocky Mountain Spring Classic Futurity.
Katies Ransom SI 101 (f. by Golden Ransom TB). Winner to 5, $10,080.
Dragon Rider SI 83 (g. by Champ Three). Winner to 4, $7,231.
2nd dam
Shes Wild SI 80, by The Signature. Placed at 2. Dam of 13 foals to race, 10 winners, 11 ROM–
RONNIE JACE SI 101 (g. by Fishers Dash). 7 wins to 4, $216,986, AQHA Juvenile Challenge Champ. [G1], California Juvenile Champ. Challenge [G3], Malibu H., finalist in Ed Burke Mem. Futurity [G1], PCQHRA Breeders Futurity [G1].
Wild Tat Too SI 101 (f. by Stoli). 3 wins to 3, $8,174, 3rd White Glove Delivery Futurity. Dam of–
Got Inked SI 104. 3 wins to 5, $25,476, 2nd Elko County Fair Derby.
Fooses Tat SI 110. 3 wins to 3, $24,253, 2nd Hadley/Giles Futurity, South Valley Fut.
No Tramp Stamp SI 104. 2 wins to 4, $13,022, 2nd Intermountain Futurity. Set NTR 400y in 0:19.880.
Tat Team USA SI 92. Winner to 3, $7,305, 3rd Ed Giles Mem. Futurity. Dam of–
JG Corona Virus SI 108. 2 wins to 4, 2024, $28,812, 2nd Elko Intermountain Futurity. Set NTR 330y in 0:16.806.
Prime Time Fame SI 90 (g. by Dash Ta Fame). Winner to 3, $3,759, 2nd Jerome County Fair Futurity [R].
Wild N Famous SI 94 (f. by Dash Ta Fame). 7 wins to 4, $28,935. Dam of–
Wild N Single SI 96. Winner at 2. Dam of–
WILD Beach SI 101. 4 wins in 6 starts at 2, $14,205, Far West Futurity.
Wild N Sexy SI 113. 7 wins to 7, $25,799.
Wild Bac Rub SI 95 (g. by Splash Bac). 9 wins to 10, $73,355, finalist in New Mexico Distance Challenge [G3].
Chiseled Like Stone SI 88 (f. by SC Chiseled In Stone). Winner to 4, $18,846.
Eragon SI 93 (g. by Brimmerton). Winner to 7, $8,905.
3rd dam
WALK N WILD SI 101, by Three Oh's Wild. 9 wins to 3, $48,061, Hualapai Downs Futurity R-NTR, 350y in 0:18.140, 2nd Prescott Downs Futurity [G3], Santa Cruz County Derby, 3rd Kevin Burns Mem. Futurity. Dam of 6 foals to race, 4 winners, 5 ROM–
Walk N Calyx SI 94 (Calyx). 5 wins to 6, $18,020.
Walk N The Cash SI 96 (Takin On The Cash). 2 wins to 3, $14,024, finalist in West Texas Derby [R] [G3].
Walk N Moon SI 96 (Moon Lark). Winner to 4, $11,595.
Runaway Easter Angel SI 96 (Runaway Winner). 3 wins to 4, $8,701.
4th dam
Walking Mabel TB, by Walker's. Winner at 2. Dam of 2 foals to race, 2 winners–
WALK N WILD SI 101 (Three Oh's Wild). Stakes winner, above.
Accredited New Mexico Bred.
QData 2/2025