By RUNAWAY GHOST (2015). 8 wins, $783,509 [G3]), Sunland Park H., Ft. Bliss S., Curribot H., Golden Nugget S. [NR], etc. Brother to OUR IRIS ROSE. Half-brother to SENOR BUSCADOR. His first foals are 2-year-olds. Son of stakes winner GHOSTZAPPER; sire of 102 stakes winners, 8 champions, including SHAMAN GHOST (Canadian Champion, $3,859,311 [G1]), GOODNIGHT OLIVE (Champion, $2,196,200 [G1]), JUDY THE BEAUTY (Champion, $1,815,922 USA [G1]), MOIRA (Horse of the Year in Canada, $1,413,999).
1st dam
Pay For Play, by Songandaprayer. 2 wins to 5, $50,339. Dam of 7 foals of racing age, 4 to race, 3 winners–
Bear Claw (g. by Laugh Track). 2 wins to 3, $64,450.
Win Ticket (f. by Weather Warning). 4 wins to 5, $29,799.
Unbridled Diva (f. by Laugh Track). Winner to 5, $18,612.
2nd dam
PAGA (ARG), by Montreal Marty. $333,571: Champion Miler in Argentina, 4 wins in 6 starts to 3, ($170,034 USA), in Argentina, Joaquin S., de Anchorena [G1], Polla de Potrancas [G1], Carlos P. Rodriguez [G2], 2nd Mil Guineas [G1]; 2 wins at 4, $163,537, in U.S., Monrovia H. [G3], Osunitas H. [R] (DMR, $48,705), 3rd Violet H. [G3], Las Cienegas H. [G3] (SA, $13,200), Winter Solstice S. [L] (SA, $9,648), Bluff's Dividend S. (CRC, $3,674). Sister to EL REALIZADO (ARG). Dam of 9 foals to race, 9 winners–
Money Order (f. by Attila's Storm). 2 wins to 3, $53,810, 3rd LaSenora S. [R] (SUN, $8,500). Dam of–
Marked Money. 3 wins to 4, 2024, $112,605, 2nd Mountain Top New Mexico Bred Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $30,314), 3rd Road Runner S. [NR]
Collection Plate (f. by Pulpit). Winner to 4, $35,920, 2nd Aspen Cup H., (RUI, $11,000),
Storm Country (g. by Attila's Storm). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $31,938, 3rd Rio Grande Senor Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $22,938).
Agnes Razor (c. by Danzig). 3 wins to 9, ($64,193 USA), in Japan.
Pay As You Go (f. by Attila's Storm). 2 wins to 4, $49,585, 3rd New Mexico State Racing Commission H. [NR]
Pay Back Time (f. by Songandaprayer). Unraced. Dam of–
ROLL ON MATILDA. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, $155,836, New Mexico Classic Cup Lassie Champ. S. [R] (ZIA, $84,000), 2nd Rio Grande Senorita Thoroughbred Futurity [R] (RUI, $27,076), La Senora S. [R] (SUN, $17,000),
3rd dam
La Perruca (ARG), by Kasteel [FR]. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners–
PAGA (ARG) (Montreal Marty). Champion, above.
EL REALIZADO (ARG) (Montreal Marty). 8 wins to 6, ($142,842 USA), in Argentina, Provincia de Buenos Aires [G1], Clausura [G2], Capital [G2], 9 de Julio-Dia de La Independencia [G3], 2nd Joaquin V. Gonzalez [G1], General San Martin [G1], Polla de Potrillos [G2], Peru [G2], Hipodromo de La Plata [G2] twice, etc.
El Duque (ARG) (Distinct Reality). $35,138: 4 wins to 6, ($20,407 USA), in Argentina, 3rd Reconquista [L]; 2 wins at 6, $14,731, in U.S.
ES Paga (ARG) (Missionary). 2 wins to 5, ($18,123 USA), in Argentina, 2nd Ricardo, Ezequiel y Ezequiel Fernandez Guerrico [G2].
Alegorico (ARG) (Brown Arc). 7 wins to 7, $121,218.
4th dam
Miss Nelly Blye, by Crazy Kid. Winner at 3, $12,440, in U.S.
Indian Mister (ARG) (Indian Chief II). Placed to 3, in Argentina, 3rd Premio America Latina [G3]. Sire.
Bey Bley (YDJA [FR]). Unraced. Dam of BEYBI DE LIOS ([G2] in Argentina).
Accredited New Mexico Bred.
QData 2/2025
Check back soon for the complete pedigree!