Hip No.
Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine
Hip No.
March 11, 2023 Sorrel Filly
Streakin La Jolla SI 99
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
Scoopie Fein SI 99
Eye Am King
Corona Cartel SI 97
Eye For Corona SI 99
Eye For The Sixes SI 99
Chicks Beduino SI 104
Separatist SI 101
Seperate Ways SI 92
Dixie Park SI 87
Mark My Dial SI 96
Lacys On Speed Dial
WCR Lacy Lu SI 107
By EYE AM KING (2015). Brother to DR JESS SI 95. Half-brother to ULTIMATE WAVE SI 101. Sire of 117 ROM, 10 stakes winners, $5,705,397, including BELLA DE BALL SI 97 ($634,374, NMSF Fut. [RG2]), WHITE LIGHTENIN SI 107 ($356,023, NM Classic Derby [RG2]), JUST EN KING SI 109 ($307,073, NM Classic Cup Champ. [RG1]), VINTAGE BOURDEAUX SI 105 ($291,929, NMSF Derby [RG3]), OVER DA EDGE SI 102 (5 wins, $217,986, Shue Fly S. [RG2]), RC CORONA KING SI 108 ($177,720), HARKEN SI 85 ($157,566, Mountain Top Fut. [RG2]).
1st dam
Dixie Park SI 87, by Separatist. Placed at 2. Her first foal arrived in 2023.
2nd dam
Lacys On Speed Dial, by Mark My Dial. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race, above.
3rd dam
WCR LACY LU SI 107, by Steppin For The Moon. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $36,672, Wyoming Downs Futurity, finalist in AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1]. Dam of 1 foal to race.
4th dam
That Royal Touch SI 88, by Streakin Six. Winner at 2, $6,753, 2nd QHBC Far West Classics Futurity [R] [G3]. Half sister to Cherokee Rogue SI 92. Dam of 8 foals to race, 5 winners, 6 ROM–
WCR LACY LU SI 107 (Steppin For The Moon). Stakes winner, above.
Broadband SI 92 (Floyd De Great). 2 wins to 5, $14,215, qualified to Idaho Cup Futurity [R] [G3].
WCR Chickaboom SI 97 (Chicks Beduino). 4 wins to 7, $9,441, finalist in Idaho Cup Derby [R] [G3]
Biddy Biddy Bum Ba SI 85 (A Cash Request). Winner to 4, $7,187. Dam of–
WCR Touch Of Fame SI 80 (Dash Ta Fame). Winner at 2.
WCR Twaynas Touch (Twaynas Dash). Placed at 2. Dam of–
Scarfly Special SI 102. 9 wins to 6, $20,072. Set NTR at Eastern Oregon Livestock Show, 300y in 0:15.240.
Ridin The Rocket SI 83 (First Down Dash). Unplaced. Dam of–
The Blazin Rocket SI 88. Winner to 3.

ENGAGEMENTS: New Mexico State Fair Fut.
Accredited New Mexico Bred.
QData 2/2025