Hip No.
Consigned by Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent
Hip No.
Jumpn Sassy Pants
January 23, 2023 Gray Mare
Chicks Beduino SI 104
A Classy Chick SI 89
Jumpn Chic SI 96
First Down Dash SI 105
Imjumpn SI 94
Jumping Tac Flash SI 106
Jumpn Sassy Pants
First Down Dash SI 105
Brookstone Bay SI 101
Le Ritz SI 92
K Bar Bay
Corona Cartel SI 97
Fredona SI 104
Fearless Freda SI 113
By JUMPN CHIC SI 96 (2003). 3 wins, $161,420, 2nd El Primero Del Ano Derby [G1], Farnam S., 3rd Los Alamitos Million Juv. [RG3]. Brother to JUMPN BEDUINO SI 96, JUMPN SI 98. Half-brother to HEADTURNER SI 101. Sire of 127 ROM, 9 stakes winners, $3,675,088, including TEE CHIC SI 104 (4 wins, $380,986, Oklahoma Fut. [G2]), A JORDON REED SI 103 (5 wins, $233,535, Valley Junction Fut), WH STREAKIN PIE SI 98 ($168,454, Jaguar Rocket S. [R]), JUMPN STREAK SI 105 ($112,982), MY MOMENT OF FAME SI 105 ($105,144).
1st dam
K Bar Bay, by Brookstone Bay. Unraced. Her first foal arrived in 2023.
2nd dam
Fredona SI 104, by Corona Cartel. 2 wins to 3, $59,178, 2nd West Texas Derby [G3], finalist in Ruidoso Futurity [G1]. Dam of 5 foals to race, 2 winners, 3 ROM–
VGC Fredo SI 97 (c. by Apollitical Jess). 2 wins to 6, $53,124.
3rd dam
FEARLESS FREDA SI 113, by Dash For Cash. AQHA Dam of Distinction, 6 wins at 3, $262,121, Texas Classic Derby [G1], QHBC Champ. Classic [G1], Retama Derby [G2]-NTR, 2nd Vessels Maturity [G1], Bardella H., 3rd All American Derby [G1], Mildred N. Vessels Mem. H. [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], California Challenge Champ. [G2], Las Damas H. [G2].Sister to Such Easy Cash SI 105; half sister to DEELISH SI 102 (Champion 2 years, $603,673 [G1]). Out of SUCH AN EASY EFFORT SI 111 ($496,127 [G1]). Dam of 17 foals to race, 12 ROM–
FREDRICKSBURG SI 109 (Mr Jess Perry), Champion Aged Stallion, 7 wins to 4, $369,304, The Champ. At Sunland Park S. [G1], Refrigerator H. [G1], East Derby Challenge [G3], Heartbeat of America H. [R] [G3], 2nd Firecracker Derby [G2], Harrah's Ent. Derby, 3rd TQHA Classic S. [R] [G3], etc. Sire.
FREDAVILLE SI 112 (Mr Jess Perry), Champion Aged Mare, 11 wins to 6, $324,696, AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1], Decketta S. [G3], Los Alamitos Distaff Challenge [G3], Remington Distaff Challenge twice, City of Hialeah S., Sparkling Tip S.-NTR, 2nd AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1], etcDam of KISS THRU FIRE SI 97 (Champion 2 years, $708,025 [G1]), BEER WAGON SI 99 ($68,404), Kiss My Heineken SI 94 ($140,072 [G2]).
DASHA FREDA SI 99 (Mr Jess Perry). AQHA Dam of Distinction. 4 wins to 3, $111,741, California Derby Challenge [G3], 2nd La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], finalist[G1]. Dam of HEZA DASHA FIRE SI 105 (World Champion, $2,240,112 [G1]), IMA FEARLESS HERO SI 92 (Champion, $1,062,435 [G1]), SWEET DASHA FIRE SI 96 ($190,624 [G2]), DASHA DYNASTY SI 93 ($124,207), JUST A DASHA HERO SI 92 ($41,877), HEZA FEARLESS DASHER SI 91 ($39,320).
Fearless Fritz SI 104 (Shazoom). 4 wins to 5, $100,085, 3rd Dash For Cash Derby [G1], finalist in All American Derby [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1]. Sire.
Fredona SI 104 (Corona Cartel). Stakes placed winner, above.
Harrisburg SI 97 (Azoom). 3 wins to 6, $25,091, 2nd Arapahoe Derby Challenge.
Heartbeat SI 89 (Tres Seis). Winner at 2, $67,275, finalist in Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1]. Dam of IN MY HEART SI 105 ($97,729), Fearless Moon SI 97 (Champion, $400,687 [G1]), Mahomes Magic SI 95 ($122,731 [G3]).
Fearless Chick SI 95 (Chicks Beduino). 2 wins to 3, $15,924. Dam of FUNAWAY SI 100 ($86,681), Political Chick SI 106 ($42,160 [G3]), Airizon SI 93 ($29,088); granddam of Fearless Cat SI 101 ($36,578 [G3]).
Fearona (Corona Cartel). Unraced. Dam of RF Fearless Jet SI 99 ($69,684 [G3]).
Freda Blue SI 91 (Jess Louisiana Blue). Winner at 3, $12,627. Dam of TF Fearless Runaway SI 94 ($46,440).
ENGAGEMENTS: New Mexico State Fair Fut.
Accredited New Mexico Bred.
QData 2/2025