SALE: 2023 Los Alamitos Equine Sale
LOCATION: Los Alamitos Race Course
SALE DATE: 9/30/2023 through 10/1/2023
SALE CONTACT: Marlene Sanchez
(To sort by column, click on the column header)
Dam's Sire
1 3/24/2022 C Fly Thru The Fire Sadie Says Go Favorite Cartel Edward C. Allred
2 1/9/2022 F Fly Thru The Fire Sadie Sis Kiddy Up Edward C. Allred
3 2/18/2022 Bay F One Famous Eagle Send The Candy Wagon PYC Paint Your Wagon Burns Ranch, Agent
4 3/22/2022 Bay C Mr Ease Cartel Separate Royaltrip Separatist Adan Paredes
5 2/26/2022 Bay F Favorite Cartel Seperate Flight Separatist Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
6 1/30/2022 Bay F Seperate Interest Sex On Fire Walk Thru Fire Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
7 2/18/2022 Sorrel C Mr Ease Cartel Shes First Down First Down Dash E. J. & Mark C. Thompson Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
8 3/11/2022 Sorrel F Tell Cartel Shiftin Gol Fales Ranch
9 1/9/2022 Sorrel F Jess Good Candy Significant Heart Corona Cartel Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Estate Of Abigail Kawananakoa
10 3/3/2022 Sorrel F One Sweet Jess Silver N Six Sixarun Jaime Gomez, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
11 1/4/2022 Sorrel C A Mere Felix Silver R Diva Tres Seis EG High Desert Farms
12 3/11/2022 Sorrel F One Dashing Eagle Snow Rock This Snow Is Royal Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
13 1/25/2022 C Fly Thru The Fire Special And Proud Strawfly Special Edward C. Allred
14 2/19/2022 Chestnut F Corona Czech Special Ela Special Leader EG High Desert Farms
15 2/19/2022 Black C Flying Cowboy 123 Splendiferous Diva Separatist Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Veronica Gail Kawananakoa
16 1/14/2022 Black F A Mere Felix SS Calendar Girl Finding Nemo EG High Desert Farms
17 3/24/2022 Sorrel F Mr Jess Perry Star In The East Corona Cartel Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
18 3/17/2022 Bay C Fly Thru The Fire Start To Finish (TB) Good Journey (TB) Burns Ranch, Agent for Jorge Antonio Silva Verduzco
19 4/14/2022 Sorrel F Fly Thru The Fire Stel A Gambler Stel Corona Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
20 3/10/2022 C Kiddy Up Study Hall Pierce TR Dasher Edward C. Allred
21 3/2/2022 Bay F Corona Czech Sweet Aguila One Sweet Jess EG High Desert Farms
22 2/11/2022 F Kiddy Up Sweet Tr TR Dasher Edward C. Allred
23 1/4/2022 Sorrel F Fly Thru The Fire Sweetest Illusion Mr Jess Perry Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
24 3/17/2022 Sorrel F Fly Thru The Fire Tac Out Check Him Out Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
25 3/18/2022 Bay C Seperate Interest The Devine Miss Em Corona Cartel E. J. & Mark C. Thompson
26 3/23/2022 Black C FDD Dynasty The One The Only One Corona Cartel Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Veronica Gail Kawananakoa
27 2/15/2022 C Kiddy Up The Partys On Fire Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
28 4/1/2022 F Kiddy Up The Partys On Fire Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
29 4/3/2022 Bay F Fly Thru The Fire The Rose Princess Corona Cartel Jaime Gomez, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
30 2/6/2022 Sorrel F Kiddy Up Thinking Out Loud Check Him Out Edward C. Allred
31 1/7/2022 Sorrel C Tell Cartel Thrice Wise Tres Seis Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for George Seward Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
32 2/16/2022 Sorrel F Favorite Cartel Time To Leave Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
33 3/3/2022 Sorrel C Fly Thru The Fire Tough Broad TR Dasher Edward C. Allred
35 2/27/2022 Sorrel F Jess Good Candy Trippys Royal Dash First Down Dash Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Estate Of Abigail Kawananakoa
36 1/27/2022 Bay F Fly Thru The Fire Truly A Delightful Teller Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
37 1/17/2022 Bay F Favorite Cartel Walk Thru Crystal Walk Thru Fire EG High Desert Farms
38 3/3/2022 Bay C Kiddy Up Walking Pritzi Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
39 1/22/2022 Bay C Seperate Interest West Coast Cash Takin On The Cash Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
40 2/15/2022 Sorrel F Kiddy Up What A Hit A Regal Choice Edward C. Allred
41 3/9/2022 Sorrel F Kiddy Up Who Is Sylvia TR Dasher Edward C. Allred
42 3/20/2022 Gray F Mr Ease Cartel Wicked Royal Cash Royal Miracle Dip Adan Paredes
43 1/27/2022 Bay F Walk Thru Fire Wildandsassy Corona Cartel Ralph & Carolyn Fales, Agent for R. R. Rasner, DVM
44 2/23/2022 Brown F Favorite Cartel Without Fault TR Dasher Edward C. Allred
45 3/18/2022 Sorrel C Kiddy Up Womanish TR Dasher Edward C. Allred
46 2/20/2022 Sorrel C Fly Thru The Fire Working Girl A Regal Choice Edward C. Allred
47 2/10/2022 Bay F Favorite Cartel Working Girl Blues Corona Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
48 1/3/2022 Sorrel F Apollitical Jess Wrap You Up Walk Thru Fire Hector Magallanes Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
49 3/27/2022 Gray F Favorite Cartel Ynot Bar Chicks Beduino Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
50 1/11/2022 Sorrel C Fly Thru The Fire Ynot Pout Favorite Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
51 2/13/2022 Bay F Favorite Cartel You Can Fly Walk Thru Fire Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
52 2/16/2022 Brown F Seperate Interest You Can Fly Walk Thru Fire Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
53 3/17/2022 Gray F Jess Good Candy Zigfield Follies One Famous Eagle Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Veronica Gail Kawananakoa
54 4/23/2022 Bay C Seperate Interest A Better Reason Good Reason Sa Burns Ranch, Agent
55 3/24/2022 Sorrel C One Famous Eagle A Goddess Thru Fire Walk Thru Fire Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Estate Of Abigail Kawananakoa
56 1/26/2022 Sorrel F Fly Thru The Fire A Regal Classic A Regal Choice Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
57 3/5/2022 Gray F Seperate Interest A Regal Classic A Regal Choice Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
58 5/2/2022 Sorrel F Apollitical Blood Ali Bout Courage Captain Courage Jaime Gomez, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
59 2/5/2022 F Fly Thru The Fire Always Trying Foose Edward C. Allred
60 2/22/2018 Brown M Seperate Interest Escape The Fire Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
61 1/14/2013 Bay M Carters Cartel First Prize Pearl Mr Jess Perry Edward C. Allred Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
62 1/2/2006 Brown M Hawkinson Halfpast Aheartbreak Corona Cartel Fales Ranch, Agent for Wells Racing, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
63 2/27/2018 Brown M Seperate Interest Hope To Cope Hawkinson Fales Ranch, Agent for Wells Racing, LLC
64 4/29/2007 Bay M Teller Cartel Just Wanna Be Me Dash To Chivato Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Juan Hernandez
65 3/11/2018 Sorrel M Favorite Cartel Look Her Over Check Him Out Edward C. Allred
66 4/13/2018 Sorrel M Favorite Cartel Look Her Over Check Him Out Edward C. Allred
67 4/2/2005 Brown M Hawkinson Magic And Rhythm Red Hot Rhythm EG High Desert Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
68 1/5/2020 Brown M Favorite Cartel Moonlight Corona Corona Cartel Edward C. Allred
69 2/16/2016 Sorrel M Walk Thru Fire Moonlight Corona Corona Cartel Edward C. Allred
70 4/4/2007 Bay M Coronas Prospect Royal Double Dash Calyx Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Juan Hernandez Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
71 3/9/2021 Brown F Parsons Rock Strawfinders Stela Stel Corona Jaime Gomez, Agent
72 1/31/2021 Brown F Parsons Rock Strawfinder Strawflyin Buds Jaime Gomez, Agent
74 2/18/2022 Gray C Seperate Interest Attack The Cartel Corona Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
75 2/16/2022 Gray C Corona Cartel Zigfield Follies One Famous Eagle Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Veronica Gail Kawananakoa
76 2/23/2022 Bay C Kiddy Up Aviatrix Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
77 2/5/2022 Bay F Seperate Interest Babe On Fire Walk Thru Fire Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
78 4/24/2022 Sorrel C Favorite Cartel Babe On The Fly Strawfly Special Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
79 1/30/2022 Bay C Seperate Interest Baccarat Bar Hawkinson Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
80 3/4/2022 Sorrel C Favorite Cartel Bartiromo Walk Thru Fire Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
81 2/14/2022 Brown F Docs Best Card Bella Terra Dominyun Jaime Gomez, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
82 2/20/2022 C Favorite Cartel Bemused Separatist Edward C. Allred
83 2/18/2022 C Kiddy Up Better Be Good TR Dasher Edward C. Allred
84 1/9/2022 C Fly Thru The Fire Better Than Ever Kiddy Up Edward C. Allred
85 2/23/2022 Bay C Valiant Hero Bling It One Famous Eagle Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Mike Perez
86 3/18/2022 Sorrel C Fly Thru The Fire Burnin Bye Separatist Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
87 2/2/2022 Brown C Favorite Cartel California Blossom Desirio Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for George Seward
88 1/14/2022 F Favorite Cartel California Wildfire Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
89 3/28/2022 Bay F Fly Thru The Fire Cartel Jess Rockin Favorite Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
90 2/9/2022 Brown F FDD Dynasty Chalala Jess Apollitical Jess Burns Ranch, Agent
91 3/9/2022 Bay C Fast Prize Cartel Chavela Magic Hawkinson EG High Desert Farms
92 2/15/2022 Black F Kiddy Up Chickafirst First Down Dash Edward C. Allred
93 3/16/2022 Chestnut C A Mere Felix City Image Special Effort EG High Desert Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
94 3/19/2022 Sorrel C Fly Thru The Fire Classic Sassy Chic A Classic Dash Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
95 2/21/2022 Bay F Foose Classic Sassy Chic A Classic Dash Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
96 3/3/2022 Sorrel C Favorite Cartel Comely TR Dasher Edward C. Allred
97 2/27/2022 Brown F Jess Being Valiant Corona Mas Fina Corona Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
98 2/16/2022 Sorrel F First Moonflash Coronas Eagle One Famous Eagle Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
99 3/30/2022 Brown F Apollitical Blood Cozie Fire Walk Thru Fire Fales Ranch, Agent for Wells Racing, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
100 1/2/2022 Brown C One Fabulous Eagle Craizin Corona Cartel Fales Ranch, Agent for Wells Racing, LLC
101 2/2/2022 Gray F Seperate Interest Crooked Path Favorite Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
102 3/11/2022 Bay C Corona Czech Dash To The End Red Hot Rhythm EG High Desert Farms
103 1/21/2022 Gray F Moonin The Eagle Dashing Jessee Mr Jess Perry Elena Andrade
104 1/23/2022 Sorrel F Fast Prize Cartel Dashways Eg Special Ways EG High Desert Farms
105 4/11/2022 Gray F Chicks Dig Cash Dds Corona Prospect Coronas Prospect Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Juan Hernandez
107 1/21/2022 Bay C Favorite Cartel Deceptive Foose Edward C. Allred
108 1/25/2022 C Favorite Cartel Departing Raise A Secret Edward C. Allred
109 5/26/2022 Gray F Separatist Df AJ Green Leaves Apollitical Jess Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Darling Farms
110 1/29/2022 Sorrel C Favorite Cartel Dont Pass Bar A Regal Choice Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
111 3/11/2022 Brown C Favorite Cartel Eagle On The Fly One Famous Eagle Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
112 3/23/2022 Gray C Chicks Dig Cash Effortless Class Class Jump Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Juan Hernandez
113 2/5/2022 Bay C Favorite Cartel Enjoy The Walk Walk Thru Fire Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
114 2/21/2022 Brown F Seperate Interest Enjoy The Walk Walk Thru Fire Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
115 4/21/2022 Bay C Fly Thru The Fire Eyesa Painted Bug Eyesa Special Burns Ranch, Agent
116 4/5/2022 Chestnut C Fly Thru The Fire Failed To Notice Foose Burns Ranch, Agent for Jorge Antonio Silva Verduzco
117 4/7/2022 Bay C A Mere Felix Fast Amanda Rose Fast Prize Cartel EG High Desert Farms
118 1/17/2022 Sorrel C Fly Thru The Fire Fast Fresnan Favorite Cartel Edward C. Allred
119 2/28/2022 Gray F Seperate Interest Favorite Bye Favorite Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
120 2/7/2022 Brown C Texas Icon Favorite Chicklet Favorite Cartel Fales Ranch, Agent for Wells Racing, LLC
121 2/17/2022 Bay F Freighttrain B Fergilicious Volcom Hector Magallanes, Agent for Michael Mckay
122 3/22/2022 Brown F PYC Paint Your Wagon Fiesty Dash First Down Dash Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
123 3/25/2022 Sorrel F Fly Thru The Fire Fire Soul Mr Jess Perry Jaime Gomez, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
124 4/10/2022 Chestnut C A Mere Felix First Magical Dash Red Hot Rhythm EG High Desert Farms
125 4/20/2022 Sorrel C Mr Jess Perry Flaming Chula Walk Thru Fire Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
126 2/11/2022 F Kiddy Up Flickering Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
127 1/31/2022 C Favorite Cartel Fly The Heights Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
128 1/22/2022 Sorrel F Fly Thru The Fire Flying Regal A Regal Choice Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
129 2/12/2022 Sorrel C Favorite Cartel Fool The Boys Hawkinson Edward C. Allred
130 3/7/2022 F Fly Thru The Fire For Pee Jay Foose Edward C. Allred
131 3/29/2022 F Kiddy Up Forgive Him Hawkinson Edward C. Allred
132 2/23/2022 F Fly Thru The Fire Full Moon Favorite Cartel Edward C. Allred
133 1/15/2022 C Kiddy Up Getting Better TR Dasher Edward C. Allred
134 1/7/2022 Sorrel C A Mere Felix Gimme Back Mybullets Mr Jess Perry EG High Desert Farms
135 2/2/2022 F Foose Girl Secrets Raise A Secret Edward C. Allred
136 4/4/2022 C Favorite Cartel Girls Can Fly Foose Edward C. Allred
137 4/9/2022 Sorrel C Tell Cartel Go Girl Gone Shazoom Hector Magallanes, Agent for Michael Mckay
138 3/31/2022 Bay F Big Lew Gotta Corona Habit Corona Cartel Larry Stewart
139 3/24/2022 Bay F Favorite Cartel Hardly Hateful Fishers Dash Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
140 3/20/2022 Brown C Fly Thru The Fire Hardly Hateful Fishers Dash Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
141 3/31/2022 Sorrel F Favorite Cartel Hawk Kue Pie Hawkinson Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
142 1/6/2022 Sorrel F A Mere Felix High Plains Sky One Famous Eagle EG High Desert Farms
143 3/29/2022 Brown F Tell Cartel Hope For America Separatist Fales Ranch, Agent for Wells Racing, LLC
144 3/24/2022 C Kiddy Up Hot To Hit Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
145 1/15/2022 Chestnut C Tell Cartel If I Called Valiant Hero Fales Ranch, Agent for Wells Racing, LLC/Fales Ranch
146 4/20/2022 Sorrel C Favorite Cartel In The Open Mr Eye Opener Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Haras Portofino
147 4/13/2022 Brown F Favorite Cartel Indeed A Delight Wave Carver Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
148 4/9/2022 Bay F Fly Thru The Fire Jess Mas One Sweet Jess Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
149 3/25/2022 Sorrel C First Down Dash Jess Racy Eyes Mr Jess Perry Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
150 1/17/2022 Sorrel C A Mere Felix Jess Ravin Corona Cartel EG High Desert Farms
151 3/27/2022 Chestnut F A Mere Felix Jessadeluxe One Famous Eagle EG High Desert Farms
152 4/17/2022 Bay C Mr Ease Cartel Jet Takeoff Mr Jess Perry Adan Paredes
153 3/18/2022 Sorrel C Kiddy Up Just Peeking Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
154 3/23/2022 Brown F Seperate Interest Just Walk By Walk Thru Fire Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
155 3/11/2022 Gray C Seperate Interest Just Walk By Walk Thru Fire Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
156 1/22/2022 Bay F Favorite Cartel Katie Katella Separatist Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
157 2/19/2022 Brown C Walk Thru Fire Katie Katella Separatist Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
158 1/14/2022 F Favorite Cartel Kingman Kin Raise A Secret Edward C. Allred
159 4/1/2022 Chestnut C PYC Fun N Fancy Kipannie Proudest Effort Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Thurston Quarter Horses Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
160 2/13/2022 Sorrel F Favorite Cartel Knocking On The Door Foose Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
161 3/10/2022 Gray F Seperate Interest Knocking On The Door Foose Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
162 2/3/2022 Sorrel C A Mere Felix La Conqueta Dash Hawkinson EG High Desert Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
163 2/25/2022 F Favorite Cartel La Sierran Stel Corona Edward C. Allred
164 3/30/2022 Sorrel F One Sweet Promise Lett Her Zoom Shazoom Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Darling Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
165 3/30/2022 Bay F Corona Czech Letty Bail Regis Out Bail Me Out Baby EG High Desert Farms
166 2/18/2022 Sorrel F Kiss My Hocks Little Talks Favorite Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent
167 5/3/2022 Brown C Seperate Interest Little Talks Favorite Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
168 2/10/2022 Chestnut F Foose Lola Empanada Favorite Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent for Francisco Larios Mejia
169 2/21/2022 Brown F Corona Cartel Look At Her Walk Thru Fire Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Veronica Gail Kawananakoa
170 3/11/2022 Sorrel C One Famous Eagle Maggie Durant One Sweet Jess Burns Ranch, Agent for Rancho El Cabresto, Inc.
172 3/17/2022 F Favorite Cartel Make Over Separatist Edward C. Allred
173 4/14/2022 Bay C A Mere Felix Maya Cartel Fast Prize Cartel EG High Desert Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
174 5/11/2022 Brown C Fast Prize Cartel Maya Red Hot Red Hot Rhythm EG High Desert Farms
175 2/9/2022 Brown F Five Bar Cartel MC Firewalker Walk Thru Fire Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
176 1/22/2022 Sorrel F One Famous Eagle Mesa Moonlight FDD Dynasty Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Estate Of Abigail Kawananakoa
177 3/19/2022 Brown F Seperate Interest Miss Kittys Bar Bet Sum Fun To Bet Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
178 4/15/2022 Gray F Seperate Interest Miss Kittys Bar Bet Sum Fun To Bet Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
179 1/30/2022 C Kiddy Up Moody Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
180 3/9/2017 Brown M Favorite Cartel Sadie Sis Kiddy Up Edward C. Allred
181 2/22/2020 Brown M Seperate Interest Up For It Kiddy Up Edward C. Allred
182 4/2/2018 Gray M Seperate Interest Up For It Kiddy Up Edward C. Allred
183 2/19/2018 Sorrel M Jet Black Patriot Abbagail Kate Copper Buff Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Juan Hernandez
184 1/16/2015 Sorrel M Foose Annas Babe A Regal Choice Edward C. Allred
185 4/21/2013 Black M Foose Chickafirst First Down Dash Edward C. Allred
186 3/14/2015 Sorrel M Stel Corona Chickafirst First Down Dash Edward C. Allred
187 4/17/2017 Bay M First Down Dash Corona Mas Fina Corona Cartel Elena Andrade Was not bred for a 2024 foal.
188 1/15/2016 Bay M Valiant Hero Coronation Roses Corona Cartel Fales Ranch, Agent for Wells Racing, LLC/Fales Ranch Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
189 2/14/2018 Gray M Seperate Interest Dash Till Dawn A Classic Dash Burns Ranch, Agent
190 4/11/2018 Bay M Favorite Cartel Departing Raise A Secret Edward C. Allred
191 2/7/2018 Gray M Favorite Cartel Elans Last Separatist Edward C. Allred
192 2/25/2016 Sorrel M Walk Thru Fire Elans Last Separatist Edward C. Allred
193 1/23/2012 Gray M Walk Thru Fire Elans Last Separatist Edward C. Allred
194 2/5/2022 Bay F Favorite Cartel Look At Her Walk Thru Fire Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Veronica Gail Kawananakoa
195 3/24/2022 Bay C Fly Thru The Fire Ocean Memories Leaving Memories Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
196 2/25/2022 Gray C Seperate Interest Ocean Memories Leaving Memories Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
198 3/7/2022 Sorrel F Fly Thru The Fire Old Blast (TB) Old Topper (TB) Burns Ranch, Agent for Jim Stuckenberg
199 2/19/2022 Gray F Seperate Interest On Our Way One Sweet Jess Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
200 2/18/2022 Sorrel F Fly Thru The Fire One Sweet Winner One Sweet Jess Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
201 3/10/2022 Sorrel C One Famous Eagle Perrier Cartel Corona Cartel Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Estate Of Abigail Kawananakoa
202 3/16/2022 Sorrel C Flying Cowboy 123 Pretty Lethal First Down Dash Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Veronica Gail Kawananakoa
203 4/17/2022 Brown F Favorite Trick (TB) No Tools Required Jody O Toole Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
204 3/25/2022 F Fly Thru The Fire Prize Pearl Carters Cartel Edward C. Allred
205 4/2/2022 Chestnut F A Mere Felix Queen K Fast Prize Cartel EG High Desert Farms
206 1/31/2022 F Fly Thru The Fire Quirkiness Stel Corona Edward C. Allred
207 2/18/2022 Sorrel F Favorite Cartel Quirky Stel Corona Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
208 3/15/2022 Sorrel C J B Perry Raise U A Dollar (TB) Raise Suzuran (TB) Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Juan Hernandez
209 2/17/2022 Gray F Favorite Cartel Remember Me Love Seperate Interest Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
210 4/8/2022 Bay F Favorite Cartel Remember Me Rose Corona Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
211 3/11/2022 Chestnut F A Mere Felix Remember To Dash First Down Dash EG High Desert Farms
212 2/15/2022 Sorrel F Kiddy Up Remembering Florence TR Dasher Burns Ranch, Agent for Tom Peterson Accredited Utah bred.
213 3/3/2022 Bay F Good Reason Sa Rieda Hay Worth Corona Cartel Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
214 3/31/2022 Brown C Moonin The Eagle Runaway Brooke Brookstone Bay Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Roy Rich
215 3/6/2022 Bay C Fly Thru The Fire Ruths Chris Separatist Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
216 2/13/2022 F Kiddy Up Moon Walking Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
217 1/25/2022 C Favorite Cartel Moonlight Corona Corona Cartel Edward C. Allred
218 3/19/2022 Sorrel F Tell Cartel Ms Jess Knockout Apollitical Jess Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for George Seward Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
219 1/3/2022 Bay C A Mere Felix Ms Southern Perry Mr Jess Perry EG High Desert Farms
220 1/30/2022 Brown C Seperate Interest My Lady First First Down Dash Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
221 2/25/2022 Bay F Seperate Interest Need You Now TR Dasher Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
222 3/26/2022 Bay C Fly Thru The Fire No Arizona Foose Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
223 1/14/2022 Bay F Fly Thru The Fire No Arizona Foose Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
224 4/25/2022 Sorrel C Walk Thru Fire No Tools Required Jody O Toole Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
225 4/10/2022 Chestnut C Flying Cowboy 123 Notoolson Fire Walk Thru Fire Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
226 3/16/2022 Sorrel C Foose Aqua Hawk Hawkinson Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
227 3/30/2022 C Fly Thru The Fire Now Listen Here Favorite Cartel Edward C. Allred
228 1/31/2022 F Favorite Cartel Nymph Foose Edward C. Allred
229 3/16/2022 Sorrel F Fly Thru The Fire Ocean Express Fishers Dash Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
230 4/10/2022 Sorrel C Favorite Cartel Amore La Blue Mr Jess Perry Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
231 2/11/2022 Brown C Favorite Cartel Attack The Cartel Corona Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
232 2/21/2022 Sorrel C Fast Prize Cartel Anas Image Hawkinson EG High Desert Farms
233 3/2/2022 Sorrel C Fly Thru The Fire Annas Babe Foose Foose Edward C. Allred & Tom Seibly
234 3/8/2022 C Kiddy Up Another Big Chance Walk Thru Fire Edward C. Allred
235 3/3/2022 Bay C Good Reason Sa Apollitical Legacy Apollitical Jess Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
236 3/23/2022 Sorrel C Favorite Cartel Apollo Snowbound Snowbound (TB) Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
237 1/21/2022 Sorrel C Fly Thru The Fire Aqua Hawk Hawkinson Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
238 2/22/2022 Bay C Seperate Interest Aqua Hawk Hawkinson Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation.
239 2/10/2022 Sorrel F Fly Thru The Fire Are Those Real One Sweet Jess Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
240 2/16/2022 Sorrel C Fast Prize Cartel Artesias First Dash First Down Dash EG High Desert Farms
241 2/12/2022 Sorrel C Fly Thru The Fire Ashada Hawkinson Adan Paredes
242 4/9/2022 Bay F Fly Thru The Fire Attack The Cartel Corona Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California Accreditation. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.