SALE: 2024 Heritage Place Winter Mixed Sale
LOCATION: Heritage Place
SALE DATE: 1/18/2024 through 1/20/2024
(To sort by column, click on the column header)
Dam's Sire
1 2/27/2021 Gray F Chicks Regard Luna Santee Shake Em Open Double LL Farms, Agent
2 2/21/2017 Bay M Freighttrain B Six Gun Teri Fishers Dash Phillip D. Tillman, Jr.
3 3/1/2020 Sorrel G Game Patriot Miss Jess Rogue Mr Jess Perry Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Jf Racing Stables, LLC
4 1/30/2020 M FDD Dynasty Higher Noon First Moonflash Roger Daly, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
5 1/4/2023 Gray F Gold Heart Eagle V Good Candy Curves Jess Good Candy Bielau Oaks, Agent
6 4/18/2021 Brown C Docs Best Card Boogie Special Strawfly Special Dunn Ranch, Agent
7 2/17/2023 Sorrel C Valiant Hero Lethal Perry Mr Jess Perry Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
8 2/16/2022 Sorrel F FDD Dynasty Oh Cherokee Rose Stoli Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent for Jose Cervantes
9 3/19/2019 Sorrel G One Sweet Jess Rumpled Britches Royaltys Choice Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
10 2/9/2023 Sorrel F Teller Cartel Rite On Time Favorite Cartel Lp Ranch, Agent for Haras Portofino
11 2/5/2020 Bay G Apollitical Jess Fly Miss Corona Corona Cartel Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
12 4/5/2010 Sorrel M One Famous Eagle Nonanon First Down Dash Bielau Oaks, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
13 2/26/2014 Sorrel M One Dashing Eagle Fearless Freda Dash For Cash Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
14 1/2/2021 Sorrel F FDD Dynasty Big Bizooms Shazoom Dreams Come True Ranch Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
15 1/8/2018 Chestnut G I See Visions Acorn In The Grove Oak Tree Special Bielau Oaks, Agent
17 3/1/2021 Sorrel F Apollitical Blood Mountain Straw Panther Mountain Marty Powers, Agent
18 3/3/2021 Sorrel G Tf Im That Guy Ms Maggies First First Down Jewel S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Horse Power Management
19 1/24/2020 Sorrel M Eye Am King Jr Rock Star Fantastic Corona Jr Jordan Wiggins, Agent for MJ Farms
20 2/11/2023 Bay F Flying Cowboy 123 Diva Eleanor Bigtime Favorite Granada Farms, Agent
21 1/23/2020 Sorrel S Valiant Hero My Famous Lady One Famous Eagle Red River Equine, Agent
22 1/20/2023 Brown C Docs Best Card Apollitical News Apollitical Jess Craig Lauger
23 1/30/2021 Bay F KVN Corona Lethal Class Tres Seis Marty Powers, Agent
24 1/24/2021 Bay G FDD Dynasty Time For Jess Apollitical Jess Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
25 1/18/2021 Bay G Docs Best Card Maddies Special Turf Strawfly Special Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
26 1/1/2024 A Revenant Straw Flying Lady Strawfly Special Rick Beck, DVM Donor mare enrolled in AQHA Embryo Transfer Program for life.
27 2/21/2023 Brown C Dulce Sin Tacha Dee Favorite Girl Favorite Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for The Mixer Ranch
28 2/12/2014 Bay M Valiant Hero FM Future Dreams Feature Mr Jess Shamrock Ranch (Tom Maher)
29 5/6/2010 Bay M Jess Louisiana Blue Corona Cash First Down Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Seven frozen embryos retained by seller: 2 by Corona Cartel; 1 by Favorite Cartel; 2 by KVN Corona; 1 by One Famous Eagle; 1 by PYC Paint Your Wagon.
30 3/21/2016 Gray M One Sweet Jess Miss Racy Eyes Mr Eye Opener Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
31 2/9/2009 Sorrel M Teller Cartel Dashing Folly First Down Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Bird Ranch & Oil, Lp Embryo[s] flushed in 2023 (detail not furnished).
32 1/24/2020 Brown G FDD Dynasty Jess Sass Me Mr Jess Perry Marty Powers, Agent
33 3/30/2022 Sorrel F One Famous Eagle Fancy First Prize Desirio Granada Farms, Agent for Dylan Burns
34 2/23/2021 Sorrel G One Fabulous Eagle Royalclassic Express A Classic Dash Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Barron Racing, LLC
35 5/9/2010 Brown M No Secrets Here Beat Your Pants Off Six Fols Marty Powers, Agent
36 1/23/2021 Sorrel G Down N Dash Im Jess Quick Mr Jess Perry Granada Farms, Agent for Pete A. Scarmardo Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
37 3/6/2020 Bay G Five Bar Cartel Dash Home Deb Strawfly Special Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
38 2/4/2021 Gray F KVN Corona Trendi Stoli Red River Equine, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
39 2/21/2020 Black M Valiant Hero Spring Bling Hawkinson Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent for Jeremy Newton & Jerry Blackmon
40 3/31/2015 Sorrel M Stel Corona The Partys On Fire Walk Thru Fire Marty Powers, Agent for R & D Stables
41 2/1/2012 Sorrel M First Moonflash Neons Miracle Yawls Rabbit Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
42 1/19/2017 Bay M Corona Caliente Holy Ground Especially Rare Linda Vanbebber
43 3/14/2019 Bay G Im A Fancy PYC First Ginlark My First Moon Bruce A. Munoz
44 1/12/2021 Sorrel G Tarzanito Dashin For Dreams Heza Fast Dash Lori Harris
45 3/7/2021 Brown F Freighttrain B Cp The Flirt Strawflyin Buds Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent
46 1/25/2018 Gray G Sir Runaway Dash Gt Toasted Date Toast To Dash Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
47 1/27/2011 Bay M Carters Cartel Check Her Twice First Down Dash Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
48 3/17/2006 Sorrel M Toast To Dash Itsmybag (TB) Bag (TB) K & K Farms
49 3/15/2021 Sorrel F Open Me A Corona Flamboyant Chick Toast To Dash Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Eddie & Stephanie Harrison
50 2/15/2023 Brown C Capo De Capi Reddi Set Go Mr Eye Opener Marty Powers, Agent
51 1/29/2019 Chestnut M Cartels Candy Man Molly Bawn One Sweet Jess Vaqueros Racing, LLC
52 3/10/2021 Sorrel G Apollitical Jess Jess Walking Thru Walk Thru Fire Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
53 2/4/2017 Brown M PYC Paint Your Wagon Signs Zoomer Shazoom Dunn Ranch, Agent for Double Diamond Quarter Horses Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
54 5/11/2022 Bay C Imperial Hint (TB) Estelline Carters Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
55 1/23/2020 Brown M One Famous Eagle PYC Oh Whatta Rose PYC Paint Your Wagon Ufo Racing Stables
56 2/25/2019 Brown S Separatist Velvette First Down Dash Rodriguez Farm Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
57 1/20/2018 Sorrel G Feature Mr Bojangles In His Dreams Apollo (TB) Scarlett Hill Farm, Inc., Agent
58 4/8/2017 Bay M New Year's Day (TB) Blitzing (TB) Montbrook (TB) Dunn Ranch, Agent
59 3/6/2019 Bay G Carters Cartel Scoopie Coochie Mr Jess Perry Spring Hill Farms
60 3/14/2004 Chestnut M Maria's Mon (TB) Calling Dixie (TB) Dixieland Band Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
61 3/25/2011 Bay M Ivory James Passem Up Perry Mr Jess Perry Remount Ranch, Agent for P & J Racing, Ltd. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
62 4/5/2019 Bay S Tres Seis Ja Jess Elegance Mr Jess Perry Jason Olmstead, Agent for Angelica Aleman-Rodriguez
63 3/20/2018 Sorrel M Separatist Ask The Question Teller Cartel Marty Powers, Agent
64 3/19/2021 Sorrel F One Sweet Jess Symbol Of Faith Tac It Like A Man Marty Powers, Agent for Elizabeth Logan Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
65 3/9/2020 Gray G First Moonflash Sochi Special Ivory James Bielau Oaks, Agent
66 1/22/2021 Sorrel F Apollitical Jess Brown Eye Suze Mr Eye Opener Marty Powers, Agent
67 1/28/2020 Sorrel G Southern Corona Down To Separating First Down Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Bronco Rider
68 3/13/2020 Sorrel M Dealagame Betrutous Brimmerton Jh Performance Horses, Agent for Triple R Farms
69 3/10/2007 Bay M Southern Cartel Centers Takin Cash Takin On The Cash B. F. M./Mcclain Speed Horse, Inc.
70 3/15/2017 Brown M Good Reason Sa Quik Jolla Streakin La Jolla Tom Scheckel
71 2/13/2014 Sorrel G Mr Jess Perry Speeding Shazoom Alvaro Lopez Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
72 4/5/2021 Gray G Parsons Rock Forgotten Dynasty FDD Dynasty Dunn Ranch
73 1/28/2019 Bay M One Sweet Jess Never Neutral Mr Eye Opener S & E Sales Prepping, Agent
74 4/12/2023 Sorrel C Ryder Rite Betty Jess B Mr Jess Perry Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC
75 1/14/2021 Brown G Freighttrain B Newport Lily Stoli Dunn Ranch, Agent
76 4/20/2007 Gray M Sweet First Down Ej Im No Gamble Cashagamble Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
77 2/5/2021 Sorrel F Tempting Dash Shazooms Pop Pop Shazoom S & E Sales Prepping, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
78 3/19/2022 Sorrel C First Valentime Shegivesmethewillies Willie Wicked Marty Powers, Agent Eligible for Indiana accredition.
79 3/6/2019 Sorrel S Coronado Cartel Lucky Call Me Jess Louisiana Blue Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Guadalupe Garcia
80 1/22/2020 Brown G First Moonflash Src Gold PYC Paint Your Wagon Marty Powers, Agent for Grant R. Cox Revocable Trust
81 4/12/2023 Chestnut/Spots C A Sweet Jess Cha Ching (Ap) Brisco County Jr Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent for Garner Mattingly
82 2/19/2021 Sorrel G One Dashing Eagle Heavenly Six Tres Seis Dunn Ranch, Agent
83 1/8/2019 Bay M Docs Best Card Takin On Smashingly Takin On The Cash Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent for Vicksburg Enterprises, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
84 5/2/2022 Bay Roan F Wrights Mr Rojohydel Sparkling Cow Wizard Cow Wizard Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
85 4/24/2011 Black M Oak Tree Special Caseys Alex Toast To Dash S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Dewey S. Kendrick Iii Louisiana Breeders Program.
86 1/31/2012 Sorrel M Tac It Like A Man Jess Because I Could Feature Mr Jess Andy Knight, Agent
87 2/27/2021 Gray G Valiant Hero Major Kia Major Rime Mike Logan
88 3/1/2019 Bay M Corona Cartel Look At Her Walk Thru Fire Granada Farms, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
89 3/3/2023 Brown C Hawkeye Runaway Ivory Ivory James Bobby D. Cox Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
90 2/19/2004 Gray M Runaway Winner Cashin Memories Dash For Cash Bielau Oaks, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
91 2/4/2020 Sorrel M Good Reason Sa Political Nonsense Apollitical Jess Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
92 4/13/2021 Sorrel G Coronado Cartel Stoli Angel Stoli Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Garlyn O. Shelton
93 3/24/2023 Bay F Jess Good Candy Samba Corona Mv Corona Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
94 3/8/2022 Sorrel C Moonin The Eagle Jessie Lite Gold Medal Jess Marty Powers, Agent for Coke L. Gage
95 3/19/2020 Brown G A Revenant PYC Prize Doll PYC Paint Your Wagon Dunn Ranch
96 3/25/2023 Sorrel C Freighttrain B Corazonas One Famous Eagle Bobby D. Cox
97 1/13/2005 Sorrel M Feature Mr Jess Six Times Ten Six Fortunes Marty Powers, Agent
98 1/22/2009 Bay M Tale Of The Cat (TB) Fearless Chick Chicks Beduino P. Parrish, Agent
99 3/7/2019 Chestnut G First Down Dash Ms Pilot Point Splash Bac Grant Farms, LLC
100 3/1/2021 Brown G Apollitical Blood Dashformoomoo Fast Prize Dash Dunn Ranch, Agent for Brian Gunder
101 4/14/2021 Chestnut F Apollitical Spirit Paint Her Wild PYC Paint Your Wagon Guillermo Licano
102 2/1/2021 Bay C Kiss My Hocks Where Eagles Soar One Famous Eagle Marty Powers, Agent
103 2/26/2020 Sorrel M Tempting Dash Overeasy Annie Holland Ease Santa Rita Ranch
104 3/5/2016 Bay M FDD Dynasty Fabulously Fast Mr Jess Perry Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
105 2/1/2020 Bay M Dash Master Jess Lady Ellabella Tres Seis Dunn Ranch, Agent for Pattie Marshall
106 2/22/2018 Gray G Tres Seis Apolitical Pac Apollitical Jess Dunn Ranch, Agent
107 2/6/2021 Sorrel G Eye Am King The Diamond Cartel Valiant Hero 4Mw Farms & Racing, LLC
108 1/26/2014 Sorrel M Jess Zoomin Racing Streak Streakin Sixes Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Valley Farm
109 3/5/2022 Bay C One Fabulous Eagle J Fire Up Kiddy Up Bobby D. Cox
110 2/21/2021 Brown G Heza Fast Dash Nymeria Bigtime Favorite Bobby D. Cox Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
111 1/2/2021 Bay G Apollitical Jess Hot Charge Hotdoggin Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
112 4/15/2022 Sorrel C Chilitos Epic Ivory Ivory James Bielau Oaks, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
113 2/13/2020 Sorrel S Tres Seis Elicity Apollitical Jess Ron & Melany Shalz
114 4/9/2018 Bay M PYC Paint Your Wagon Fearless And First First Down Dash P. Parrish, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
115 2/26/2007 Bay M Greenwood Lake (TB) Miss Vesuvio (TB) Thirty Six Red (TB) Tom Scheckel
116 3/7/2012 Brown M Pool DD Pass Em Cameronian Spring Hill Farms Frozen embryo by San Lorenzo conceived October 19, 2023 sells with mare.
117 4/26/2021 Bay G Favorite Cartel First Place Cartel Corona Cartel Mike Logan
118 4/2/2012 Gray M Red Storm Cat Chelsie Lu Corona Cartel Andy Knight, Agent for Bella Vista Farms
119 4/5/2012 Bay M Strawflyin Buds Ladies N Jens Dash For Cash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Double Bar S Ranch, LLC
120 4/8/2010 Sorrel M First Timber Sallys Gone Streakin Me Go Bye Bye Vaqueros Racing, LLC
121 2/7/2022 Sorrel F Apollitical Blood Dare To Ask Mr Jess Perry Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for Ted Soileau
122 3/27/2020 Sorrel G Freighttrain B Histori Dominyun Marty Powers, Agent
123 4/7/2022 Bay G One Dashing Eagle Df I Aint Jo Wagon PYC Paint Your Wagon J Lazy Six Ranch Eligible for Arizona state accreditation.
124 1/3/2021 Gray F Big Daddy Cartel Double Moon Baby First Moonflash Marty Powers, Agent
125 1/8/2021 Sorrel G Apollitical Blood Iona Ec Louisiana Senator Bielau Oaks, Agent
126 4/14/2020 Brown S Freighttrain B Pamper Me Special Special Effort Bielau Oaks, Agent
127 1/1/2024 Mr Jess Perry Sandy June Bug Blushing Bug Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farms & Dr. Richard Beck
128 1/16/2005 Brown M Corona Cartel Frisco Fling Dash For Cash Dunn Ranch
129 1/26/2023 Sorrel C Dulce Sin Tacha Jennas Pretty Cash Dashing Val Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Ken Ferguson Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
130 3/14/2023 Sorrel F Cyber Monday Helens First Choice First Down Dash Marty Powers, Agent
131 3/13/2021 Sorrel C One Famous Diamond Sheza Lady O Toole Jody O Toole Equestix, Inc., Agent
132 3/30/2023 Bay F One Fabulous Eagle Shutupandancewithme Chicks Regard Marty Powers, Agent for Belinda Shaw
133 3/23/2004 Bay M Dixieland Heat (TB) Wildess (TB) Wild Zone (TB) Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
134 1/30/2020 Brown M One Dashing Eagle Jess Shantastic Fantastic Corona Jr Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
135 3/10/2019 Bay G Coronado Cartel Ity Bitty Rarity Rare Form La Despedido Racing, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
136 3/20/2011 Gray M Separatist The Way You Want Me Mr Eye Opener Stephen & Lisa Ralston Breeding status not furnished.
137 5/1/2022 Bay C PYC Paint Your Wagon One Time In Cowtown One Time Pepto Cooper Smith, Agent for Neal Wanless
138 4/17/2020 Sorrel S Favorite Cartel Goddess Artemis Mr Jess Perry Bielau Oaks, Agent
139 4/5/2019 Sorrel M Kiss My Hocks One Corona At A Time One Famous Eagle Marty Powers, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
140 1/23/2023 Brown F Carters Cartel Shes So Valiant Valiant Hero P. Parrish, Agent
141 3/7/2021 Bay G Jess Lips Dynasty First Class FDD Dynasty Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
142 3/13/2021 Bay F Apollitical Jess First Fancy Prize PYC Paint Your Wagon Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
143 2/8/2018 Gray G Capo De Capi Satisfeyen Mr Eye Opener Rancho La Cobra Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
144 5/30/2023 Sorrel C Hes Relentless Teller Shez Home Teller Cartel Toh Ranch, Agent
145 1/2/2021 Sorrel F Eagle Deluxe Full Moon Dasher Dash Ta Fame Marty Powers, Agent
146 2/9/2013 Bay M One Famous Eagle First Moon Risen First Down Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
147 4/18/2011 Sorrel M Winners Version Designers Splash Splash Bac Marty Powers, Agent for James E. Lynn
148 3/31/2021 Bay F Tempting Dash Really A Corona Corona Cartel Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
149 3/30/2021 Bay F One Dashing Eagle Tres Diamantess Tres Seis Tate Farms
150 3/12/2023 Sorrel F American Runaway Jess Dee Dee Mr Jess Perry Bobby D. Cox
152 2/24/2020 Sorrel M Apollitical Jess Me Chickie Major Rime Dunn Ranch, Agent for Greg Cullum
153 1/12/2007 Bay M Corona Cartel Elaines Fantasy Leaving Memories Marty Powers, Agent
154 5/8/2021 Red Roan F Iba Cartel Gone Babie Gone Jess Zoomin Super Sport Farms
155 1/25/2019 Gray G Walk Thru Fire Ynot Bar Chicks Beduino Royal Dream Ranch
156 3/3/2019 Brown/Solid M CRM Livewire (P) No Pokey Okey Okey Dokey Dale Rjt Quarter Horses
157 4/8/2020 Sorrel M Kiss My Hocks Between The Line Azoom Aa Farms, LLC
158 3/17/2020 Bay G The Marfa Lights Ann Jemima Country Chicks Man 4Mw Farms & Racing, LLC
159 2/5/2020 Brown G A Revenant Dash Through Fire Walk Thru Fire Dunn Ranch
160 4/15/2019 Sorrel G First Moonflash Chicks Chamisa Chicks A Blazin Red River Equine, Agent for Los, LLC
161 1/1/2024 Hes Relentless Lynnder 16 Apollitical Jess Shamrock Ranch (Tom Maher) donor mare enrolled in AQHA Embryo Transfer Program for life.
162 1/29/2021 Bay G Apollitical Jess First Painted Sign PYC Paint Your Wagon Rancho El Cabresto, Inc. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
163 4/13/2017 Bay M Palace Malice (TB) Cativating (TB) Tale Of The Cat (TB) Ellen Caines, Agent
164 2/13/2020 Bay G Coronado Cartel Dianas Tres Seis Tres Seis J. And S. Debord/L. Timmerman
165 3/30/2020 Gray M Big Daddy Cartel Golly Zee Gol Dunn Ranch, Agent
166 2/8/2021 Bay F Favorite Cartel Lady Tenaya Sixarun Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
167 3/20/2013 Sorrel M Red Storm Cat This Candys Okay Okey Dokey Dale Lea Stodart, Agent for Shari Burger
168 3/5/2022 F Mo Town (TB) Conquesta (TB) Empire Maker (TB) Ellen Caines, Agent
169 2/16/2023 Bay C Coronado Cartel Menifee Miss Hawkinson Dunn Ranch, Agent
170 3/26/2018 Bay M Seperate Interest Blowin Kisses One Dashing Eagle Marty Powers, Agent for Royce Rogers
171 1/1/2024 Teller Cartel Rite On Time Favorite Cartel Lp Ranch, Agent for Haras Portofino
172 4/26/2020 Chestnut M Saturday Nite Romeo Queen Lavita Dean Miracle Lonnie Vaughn
173 2/27/2021 Sorrel F Flying Cowboy 123 Jess Brimmin To Go Brimmerton Vaqueros Racing, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
174 4/11/2010 Bay M One Famous Eagle Classy Cashy Dash For Cash Marty Powers, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
175 1/29/2017 Brown M Valiant Hero First Painted Sign PYC Paint Your Wagon Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farms
176 2/1/2022 Brown F Corona Cartel Southern Belle BP First Down Dash Jordan Wiggins, Agent
177 3/13/2019 Bay M Big Daddy Cartel Penny Snatchin Gone To The Mountain Marty Powers, Agent
178 1/15/2017 Gray M Hes Relentless Tres Seis Folszookie Tres Seis Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farms
179 1/29/2020 Bay G Apollitical Jess Xquizit Ivory James John & Kathy Lee
180 2/27/2018 Sorrel M Zulu Dragon Sweet Sweet Jane Red Storm Cat Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent for R. Wilson/Cavenaugh
181 3/7/2023 Sorrel C Flying Cowboy 123 BV Mexican Queen Walk Thru Fire Bella A. Valenzuela
182 3/20/2020 Sorrel G First Moonflash Lotta Love For Robyn First Down Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
183 1/27/2021 Brown F Favorite Cartel Tell Brenda Teller Cartel Lea Stodart, Agent for Bryton Dewald
184 1/1/2024 Docs Best Card One Apollitical Apollitical Jess Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farms & Dr. Richard Beck
185 1/14/2023 Bay C PYC Fun N Fancy She Takes It All This Snow Is Royal Dunn Ranch
186 4/30/2010 Sorrel M Stel Corona Madonna Effort Special Effort Burns Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
187 3/23/2023 Brown F One Valiant Hero The Fiscal Sign PYC Paint Your Wagon Dunn Ranch, Agent for Double Diamond Quarter Horses
188 1/22/2021 Bay G Mr Piloto Tdz Fast Dasher Heza Fast Dash Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent
189 3/1/2017 Gray G American Runaway Coronas Concerto Corona Cartel Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
190 1/29/2015 Chestnut M Giant's Causeway (TB) Bella Felicita (TB) El Prado Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
191 2/12/2020 Sorrel G Duponte Lett Her Zoom Shazoom Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent for MJr Investments, Ltd.
192 3/7/2020 Sorrel M Big Daddy Cartel Champagne Perry Mr Jess Perry Scott Mcdaniel
193 2/15/2021 Brown F Sixes Royal Lilly Cartel Corona Cartel Royal Dream Ranch
194 1/26/2023 Sorrel C Jess Good Candy Pieology Favorite Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
195 1/12/2011 Bay M Inseperable Flyin To Holland Holland Ease Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
196 3/2/2020 Gray M A Revenant Specialscountrychick Country Chicks Man Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
197 1/24/2014 Bay M Corona Cartel Runaway Wave Runaway Winner Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Four frozen embryos retained by seller: 2 by Favorite Cartel and 2 by Tempting Dash.
198 2/8/2016 Sorrel M Coronado Cartel String Bikini FDD Dynasty Granada Farms, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
199 1/2/2020 Brown G Freighttrain B One More Card Carters Cartel Bielau Oaks, Agent
200 3/22/2013 Sorrel M First Down Dash Love Ya Miss Jess Mr Jess Perry Andy Knight, Agent
201 2/20/2020 Sorrel M One Valiant Hero Echoes Of Love One Famous Eagle Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent for Blind Hog Racing Partners
202 3/31/2021 Bay F Rip Tide Toast To Mallard Toast To Dash Tate Farms, Agent for Ok La Connections
203 4/20/2012 Sorrel M Hard Hitting Poise N Pepper Truley First Class Yesenia's Racing, LLC pasture bred, exposed April 18-21.
204 5/2/2020 Gray M One Fabulous Eagle Jess Mairi Jess Louisiana Blue Malon L. Cowgill Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
205 4/25/2019 Bay G Tres Seis Snow Regard Chicks Regard Bielau Oaks, Agent
206 3/3/2021 Brown F Favorite Cartel BP Mariahs JP Mr Jess Perry Dunn Ranch, Agent for Dennis Dreier
207 4/1/2019 Brown S Favorite Cartel Eagle On The Fly One Famous Eagle Burns Ranch, Agent eligible for California accreditation.
208 3/9/2004 Sorrel M Streakin La Jolla Fast N Fun Tiny's Gay Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Eddie & Stephanie Harrison sells with a 2024 rebreed to San Lorenzo.
209 3/31/2010 Bay M FDD Dynasty Jump Jive An Wail Holland Ease Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Jeff Locklear
210 3/30/2009 Sorrel M Separatist Hooray Baby Dash For Cash Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Barron Racing, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
211 1/24/2018 Sorrel S Mr Jess Perry Famous Cartel Lady Corona Cartel Granada Farms, Agent for Johnny Trotter Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
212 2/15/2021 Bay G Apollitical Jess Send Me This Wagon PYC Paint Your Wagon Marty Powers, Agent for Priscilla Arredonda Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
213 3/4/2014 Brown M Valiant Hero Jess Sass Me Mr Jess Perry Jordan Wiggins, Agent
214 3/1/2023 Sorrel C Jess Good Candy Two Wines Jesse James Jr Jordan Wiggins, Agent Eligible for Oklahoma accreditation.
215 3/14/2019 Bay G Jess Louisiana Blue Paint Your Face Corona Cartel Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
216 3/9/2019 Sorrel M Jess Louisiana Blue Fly By You Apollitical Jess P. Parrish, Agent
217 2/4/2020 Gray S Separatist Samba Corona Mv Corona Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
218 3/18/2020 Sorrel S First Moonflash Coronas Fast Honey Corona Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
219 3/25/2012 Bay S Corona Cartel Ms Tres Seis Tres Seis Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent seller retains 2 annual lifetime breedings.
220 3/12/2019 Sorrel Tobiano M CRM Livewire (P) Sheza Royal Secret (P) Royal Quick Flash (P) Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
221 3/13/2002 Bay M Sizzle Six Victory Kita Jet Brads Jet Bar Marty Powers, Agent Finished barrel horse; was not bred for a 2024 foal.
222 2/10/2018 Sorrel M Euroears (TB) Tyrika Mr Eye Opener Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
223 3/21/2020 Sorrel M Heza Fast Dash Anna Delovely Furyofthewind Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Eddie & Stephanie Harrison
224 1/2/2019 Bay M The Louisiana Cartel So Into You Oak Tree Special Jh Performance Horses, Agent for Triple R Farms Was not bred for a 2024 foal.
225 1/22/2016 Sorrel M Heza Fast Dash Sassy Corona Corona Cartel J Lazy Six Ranch
226 2/28/2023 Bay C Apollitical Blood Coronados Quiksilver Coronado Cartel Rancho El Cabresto, Inc.
227 3/14/2020 Sorrel M Jess A Chicks Meadow Maker (TB) Meadowlake (TB) Bielau Oaks, Agent
228 2/9/2023 Gray F Hawkeye Bodacious Seis Tres Seis Bobby D. Cox
230 3/15/2010 Sorrel M Country Chicks Man Fast Prize Doll Mr Jess Perry Vaqueros Racing, LLC
231 3/7/2021 Bay G Stoli Viva La Jeans Mr Jess Perry Jerry Windham Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
232 2/22/2020 Sorrel G Tempting Dash BV Queen Of Hearts Azoom Andy Knight, Agent for Bella Vista Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
233 3/26/2017 Sorrel M Mr Piloto Famous Corona Lady Corona Cartel Grant Farms, LLC Louisiana Breeders Program. Foal in utero eligible for Louisiana accreditation (see state rules).
234 1/23/2021 Sorrel F Apollitical Jess Fast Prize Zoom Shazoom Lea Stodart, Agent for Bryton Dewald
235 4/10/2005 Sorrel M First To Shine Running Substance Sixarun B. F. M./Mcclain Speed Horse, Inc.
236 2/8/2020 Sorrel G Apollitical Jess Foxy Moonflash First Moonflash Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
237 2/27/2010 Sorrel M Heza Fast Dash Most Women Will Dashin Bye Spring Hill Farms
238 3/3/2020 Bay G Dash Master Jess Mi Angela Jet Black Patriot Dunn Ranch, Agent
239 3/1/2020 Gray S Jess A Chicks A Major Chamisa Major Rime Marty Powers, Agent for Gary Kloppenburg
240 3/20/2023 Sorrel F Phq Apollitical Jess G I Jane Express BV Travelin Soldier Agustin Gonzalez Eligible for APHA registration.
241 3/18/2023 Sorrel C Coronas Leaving You Fly By You Apollitical Jess P. Parrish, Agent
242 1/26/2019 Brown G Freighttrain B Jess Tres Tres Seis Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent
243 2/18/2020 Brown G First Moonflash Seis Star Glitter Tres Seis Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Barron Racing, LLC
244 1/29/2015 Sorrel M Mr Jess Perry Lett Her Zoom Shazoom Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
245 2/6/2023 Brown F Dulce Sin Tacha Our Girl Magic (TB) Belong To Me (TB) Marty Powers, Agent
246 3/28/2019 Sorrel M Capo De Capi Ritas Quick Flash SF Royal Quick Flash Dunn Ranch, Agent Double registered AQHA/APHA.
247 3/11/2008 Bay M Tres Seis Barbs Beduino 123 Chicks Beduino S & E Sales Prepping, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
248 2/18/2020 Bay G The Marfa Lights Roll On Candy Wagon PYC Paint Your Wagon South Fork Equine, LLC, Agent for Stacy R. Barr & Carol A. Addison
249 2/21/2021 Bay F Mcm Imahoss BV Miss Automatic Stoli Dunn Ranch, Agent
250 2/22/2019 Bay M Tres Seis First Down N Sassy First Down Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
251 3/23/2020 Sorrel M FDD Dynasty Shes Got Fire Corona Cartel Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for Simmons Racing
252 2/10/2021 Brown G One Valiant Hero The Fiscal Sign PYC Paint Your Wagon Dunn Ranch, Agent for Double Diamond Quarter Horses
253 1/25/2021 Bay Tobiano F CRM Livewire (P) Cartel Chicken (P) Cartel Success Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent for Jim & Shirley Wheeler
254 3/12/2021 Bay G Corona Cartel One Sweet Racy One Sweet Jess Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
255 2/2/2021 Gray G Big Daddy Cartel Ima China Rush Rushago Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent
256 3/4/2009 Chestnut M Van Nistelrooy (TB) Homefortheholidays (TB) Came Home Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
257 3/4/2020 Sorrel G Open Me A Corona Flamboyant Chick Toast To Dash Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Eddie & Stephanie Harrison
258 1/11/2021 Sorrel G Mr Piloto Famous Corona Lady Corona Cartel Grant Farms, LLC
259 3/11/2006 Sorrel M Corona For Me My First Twist First Down Dash Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Barron Racing, LLC
260 1/30/2010 Brown S Dean Miracle Cp The Flirt Strawflyin Buds Marina Nino
261 2/12/2021 Sorrel C Acoolest Touchdown HR Sheza Secret Kid I Gotta Cool Secret Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Sire Acoolest Touchdown is 5-panel N/N. Dam HR Sheza Secret Kid is HYPP N/H (N/N on all other panel testing);
262 3/18/2023 Bay C Moonin The Eagle Moonie Blues Freighttrain B Bobby D. Cox Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
263 1/30/2006 Sorrel M Corona Cartel Jess Satin Mr Jess Perry Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Lifetime AQHA Embryo Transfer enrollment; Seller retains 16 frozen embryos; (1) by Apollitical Jess, (4) by Favorite Trick, (2) by Jess Good Candy, (3) by Mental Error, (1) by Strawfly Special, (1) by The Goodbye Lane, (4) by Tres Seis.
264 1/13/2006 Sorrel M Game Patriot Bugs Groovy Streakin La Jolla Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
265 1/9/2020 Sorrel M Corona Surfer Flash Em The Jewels First Moonflash Dunn Ranch, Agent
266 3/26/2021 Sorrel G Kiss My Hocks Kirklyns Dynasty FDD Dynasty Dunn Ranch, Agent
267 2/7/2022 Bay F FDD Dynasty Ms Dashing Anchini Mr Piloto J Lazy Six Ranch eligible for Arizona state accreditation.
268 2/15/2014 Brown M Inseperable Queens Magnolia Jess Louisiana Blue Shamrock Ranch (Tom Maher)
269 4/25/2020 Brown M Ec Jet One Symphonic Stoli Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
270 3/29/2022 Brown C Coronas Leaving You Gabbanelli Ivory James S & E Sales Prepping, Agent
271 3/12/2008 Sorrel M Wave Carver Ocean Memories Leaving Memories Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent sells open for 2024.
272 2/4/2023 Gray F Ryder Rite This Candy Says Bye PYC Paint Your Wagon Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
273 3/7/2016 Sorrel G One Sweet Jess Seperate Secrets Separatist Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
274 2/10/2020 Gray M BV Travelin Soldier Eyema Texas Lady Mr Eye Opener Marty Powers, Agent
275 4/13/2019 Brown G Lil Kool Wagon Talkin Dirty Mark My Dial Dlt Ranch
276 1/23/2021 Sorrel F Moonin The Eagle Heartswideopen Feature Mr Jess Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Gene & Tod Bradley Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
277 1/5/2021 Bay F FDD Dynasty My Special Phoebe Special Effort Jerry D. Chapman
278 1/28/2023 Brown C Corona Cartel Jess Lyndes Reason Good Reason Sa Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
279 2/12/2021 Chestnut F Tres Seis Heroes Heart Valiant Hero Marty Powers, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
280 4/2/2022 Palomino Solid F Pikee (Ap) Rte Fiesty Blonde Genuine 007 Villafranco Racing Stable, LLP
281 1/27/2021 Bay F Jess Good Candy Ms Valiant Sign Valiant Hero Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for John Stinebaugh
282 1/2/2021 Brown F Big Lew Taken Her Time Takin On The Cash Sunflower Stables, LLC
283 3/9/2018 Brown M Second Painted Sign Ramblin Kisses Azoom Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
284 1/21/2020 Gray G KVN Corona Aquafina First Down Dash Tom Scheckel
285 1/1/2024 Cyber Monday Fancy Pants Heidi First Moonflash Craig Lauger
286 1/27/2019 Chestnut M PYC First Fancy Lee Arctic Winter (TB) Storm Boot (TB) Marty Powers, Agent
287 1/24/2021 Bay G Kiss My Hocks Braggin N Dashin Dashin Bye Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
288 3/28/2020 Brown G Favorite Cartel Remember The Cartel Corona Cartel Mike Logan
289 2/6/2020 Bay M Volcom Lethal Perry Mr Jess Perry Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
290 2/13/2021 Gray G Duponte Apolitical Xpression Freighttrain B Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
291 4/8/2018 Brown G Docs Best Card Copauino Diva Walk Thru Fire Dlt Ranch Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
292 3/18/2007 Chestnut M Thunder Gulch (TB) Test The Waters (TB) Chequer (TB) Mike Logan Breeding status not furnished.
293 2/26/2014 Sorrel G FDD Dynasty Tresor 123 Tres Seis Scarlett Hill Farm, Inc., Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
294 2/4/2019 Gray G Tres Seis Eyesa First Eyesa Special Andy Knight, Agent for Bella Vista Farms
295 1/20/2022 Black F Gold Heart Eagle V Bb Secrets Game Game Patriot Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
296 1/31/2023 Sorrel F Good Candy P Notreadytoplaynice First Down Dash Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
298 3/6/2018 Sorrel M Dominyun The Sixy Side The Down Side Scarlett Hill Farm, Inc., Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
299 4/9/2006 Sorrel M Toast To Dash Our Lucky Angel Raise A Secret S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Dsk, Ltd. Louisiana Breeders Program.
300 3/3/2020 Bay G Valiant Hero Fast Prize Doll Mr Jess Perry Ryan Martinez
301 3/27/2007 Bay M Mr Eye Opener La Fantastica Corona Cartel Dunn Ranch
302 2/10/2021 Gray F Moonin The Eagle Miss Feet Down First Dominyun Granada Farms, Agent for Johnny Trotter Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
303 2/1/2019 Sorrel M Duponte Duck Mea Running Tour De Kas Maria Del Socorro Rivera Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
304 3/2/2021 Sorrel G One Valiant Hero Marys Southernpolicy Shazoom Dunn Ranch
305 3/30/2023 Sorrel C One Valiant Hero Fantastic Six Mr Eye Opener Dunn Ranch
306 2/19/2019 Sorrel G Walk Thru Fire Feature Jess Rockin Feature Mr Jess Marty Powers, Agent
307 3/9/2019 Brown G First Moonflash Special Dark Ivory Ivory James Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
308 1/3/2020 Sorrel M Favorite Cartel Dont Pass Bar A Regal Choice Red River Equine, Agent
309 3/23/2020 Bay G Five Bar Cartel Dash Home Deb Strawfly Special Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
310 2/22/2021 Brown F Mister Fulton Menacing Looks Executive Menace Dunn Ranch, Agent
311 1/1/2024 First Down Dash One Apollitical Apollitical Jess Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farms
312 3/4/2008 Sorrel M Walk Thru Fire Queen Mother Raise A Secret Rancho El Cabresto, Inc. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
313 1/1/2024 Flying Cowboy 123 Memphis D Nasty FDD Dynasty Marty Powers, Agent Eligible for Oklahoma and Texas accreditation (see state rules).
314 4/16/2018 Sorrel M Hez Our Secret This Dreams Flying Strawfly Special Royal Dream Ranch
315 3/19/2015 Brown M Krash Cartel Haleys Comet Ride Relagate (TB) Jbd Ranch & Duane Jones
316 1/1/2021 Bay F Corona Cartel Lady Rizzi (TB) Rizzi (TB) Charette-Hill Racing, Inc., Agent for Michael & Gail Ahern
317 1/9/2012 Gray M Separatist Ligigation Dash For Cash Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
318 3/27/2021 Brown G Martis Speed Racer Im A Lil Witch Game Patriot Dunn Ranch, Agent for Bfd Farms
319 1/6/2020 Sorrel M Eye Am King Miss Woody Dee Woodbridge Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Doug May
320 1/16/2018 Brown S PYC Paint Your Wagon Vikes Dashing First Down Dash Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent for MJr Investments, Ltd. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
321 1/12/2014 Brown M Valiant Hero Tylers Feature Feature Mr Jess Dunn Ranch
322 3/29/2004 Gray M Mr Eye Opener Shirleys Strawfly Strawfly Special Dlt Ranch Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
323 2/25/2019 Sorrel G Jess Good Candy Check This Disco Check Him Out Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for VWP Jr., Inc.
324 1/29/2020 Sorrel G Jess A Chicks Miss Call Me First First Moonflash Double LL Farms, Agent
325 4/1/2011 Brown M DMNV Mountable Fast First Prize Heza Fast Man Marty Powers, Agent Enrolled in the AQHA Embryo Transfer Program for life.
326 6/7/2010 Gray M Stoli Runaway Wave Runaway Winner Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
327 3/26/2022 Sorrel F Tempting Dash Jess Una Mas Corona Corona Cartel Granada Farms, Agent for Curtis Crenwelge Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
328 1/12/2021 Gray G Big Lew One Famous Shaker One Famous Eagle Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Garlyn O. Shelton
329 2/4/2023 Gray F Dulce Sin Tacha Illegal Feature Feature Mr Jess Marty Powers, Agent
330 3/23/2018 Sorrel M Im A Fancy PYC First Ginlark My First Moon Dustin Cox was not bred for a 2024 foal.
331 2/15/2019 Bay G Jess Louisiana Blue Airizon Tale Of The Cat (TB) P. Parrish, Agent
332 4/28/2023 Sorrel C Favorite Cartel Jess Dee Dee Mr Jess Perry Bobby D. Cox
333 4/28/2021 Gray F Seperate Interest Hidden Dragon Dean Miracle Dunn Ranch, Agent
334 4/29/2022 Sorrel C Chilitos Lovin The Drama Stel Corona Bielau Oaks, Agent
335 4/6/2023 Brown F Dulce Sin Tacha Caldonia Rose First Down Dash Roger Daly, Agent for Mary Evans
336 1/25/2020 Sorrel G One Famous Eagle Jenuine Joy Genuine Strawfly Mike Logan
337 3/18/2013 Sorrel M Country Chicks Man Eyesa Candy Maker Eyesa Special Stacy S. Charette-Hill Breeding status not furnished.
338 3/13/2021 Sorrel G Favorite Cartel Royal Politician Apollitical Jess Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent
339 2/15/2019 Gray G Apollitical Jess Tres Seis Folszookie Tres Seis Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC
340 1/17/2019 Bay G FDD Dynasty Higher Fling Mr Jess Perry Santa Rita Ranch
341 1/13/2021 Sorrel F Tempting Dash Alinas War Princess The Louisiana Cartel Terrazas Family
342 2/28/2021 Gray G Moonin The Eagle Happy Five Five Bar Cartel C. & K. Moore And S. Crow
343 3/5/2020 Sorrel G Walk Thru Fire Runaway Preslee Corona Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
344 1/20/2020 Sorrel M Chicks Regard Riverside Babe First Moonflash Double LL Farms, Agent
345 4/15/2020 Gray G Apollitical Jess Veva Jean Runaway Winner Jerry Windham
346 4/25/2010 Bay M Carters Cartel Petite Azure Band Of Azure Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
348 3/9/2014 Sorrel M Tac It Like A Man Transaxle Mr Jess Perry Marty Powers, Agent
349 2/25/2012 Bay M Liquor Cabinet (Ire) (TB) Nanny's Lil Lassie (TB) Presto Lad (TB) Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
350 1/7/2021 Sorrel F Reagal Eagle Chicksicle Takin On The Cash Richard Joneson
351 3/3/2013 Bay M Gold Medal Jess Southern Price Corona Cartel Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent for Circle K Livestock
352 1/4/2023 Sorrel F Flying Cowboy 123 Srirracha Walk Thru Fire Granada Farms, Agent for Mark E. Rigby, DVM
353 1/29/2006 Bay M Streakin La Jolla Planatac Tolltac Spring Hill Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
354 4/13/2022 Brown C Favorite Cartel Jess Paint Your Lips Jess Louisiana Blue Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
355 1/16/2023 Sorrel F Tres Seis Jess Linda Tee Mr Jess Perry Rancho El Cabresto, Inc.
356 1/22/2020 Bay G First Moonflash Prairie War Princess Dashin Is Easy Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
357 1/1/2024 Eagles Fly Higher Df Zookie Cookie Hes Relentless Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farms Donor mare enrolled in the AQHA Embryo Transfer Program for life.
358 3/13/2013 Gray M Mighty Corona Jarons Jet Easy Winning Jet Marty Powers, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
359 3/25/2022 Sorrel F Five Bar Cartel Fly By You Apollitical Jess P. Parrish, Agent
360 4/22/2008 Bay Overo M Panther Mountain Azure Treasure (P) Treasured (P) Red River Equine, Agent
361 3/18/2020 Bay G KVN Corona Budder Think Twice First Down Dash Red River Equine, Agent
362 4/7/2021 Buckskin F Aint Seen Nothin Yet All About Gold (TB) Gold Case (TB) Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC Eligible for Oklahoma accreditation.
363 4/7/2021 Sorrel G Tempting Dash Wanna Fly Strawfly Special Granada Farms, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
364 2/6/2020 Gray G Big Daddy Cartel Devons Wish Devon Lane (TB) Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC
365 1/25/2019 Sorrel M Jesse James Jr Put A Shine On It Mighty B Valiant Jh Performance Horses, Agent for Triple R Farms Was not bred for a 2024 foal. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
366 1/1/2024 Cyber Monday Lethal Perry Mr Jess Perry Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent eligible for Oklahoma accreditation (see state rules). Donor mare is enrolled in AQHA Embryo Transfer Program for life.
367 1/14/2021 Sorrel G Tempting Dash Kinda Spicey Tres Seis Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
368 4/24/2019 Bay G Favorite Cartel Eagle On The Fly One Famous Eagle Royal Dream Ranch
369 3/6/2020 Sorrel M Capo De Capi Down At The Lux The Down Side Ufo Racing Stables Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
370 1/12/2020 Sorrel M Kiss My Hocks Essencia Jesse James Jr Bielau Oaks, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
371 4/25/2015 Palomino M Frenchmans Guy Sherrys Swift Colors Hot Colours S & E Sales Prepping, Agent
372 1/28/2016 Bay G Louisiana Senator Docs Dynasty 123 FDD Dynasty Vaqueros Racing, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
373 3/3/2020 Sorrel M One Famous Eagle Sera Fina Corona Cartel Marty Powers, Agent
374 2/22/2021 Brown F Freighttrain B Ms Shaken Cartel Carters Cartel Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent
375 5/10/2003 Bay M Heza Fast Man Ja Codas Pride First Down Dash Dunn Ranch
376 3/6/2023 Black C KVN Corona Miss Senator Cuervo Louisiana Senator Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
377 4/11/2022 Sorrel C Apollitical Jess Desperate Love Walk Thru Fire Marty Powers, Agent
378 3/11/2021 Sorrel G Flying Cowboy 123 Ajewelindisguise This Snow Is Royal Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
379 4/12/2021 Bay G KVN Corona Perry Sweetheart Mr Jess Perry Marty Powers, Agent for Edward B. Melzer Revocable Trust
380 1/8/2020 Bay M Apollitical Jess First Fancy Racy Carters Cartel Shamrock Ranch (Tom Maher)
381 4/20/2023 Bay C One Valiant Hero Seaduction Foose Dunn Ranch
382 3/29/2018 Sorrel G Zoomin For Bux Lanty Bug Blushing Bug Malon L. Cowgill Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
383 3/4/2020 Sorrel G Ajs Fast Dash Ribbons Prize Mr Jess Perry Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
384 4/10/2018 Sorrel M Apollitical Jess Vukovar (TB) Forest Wildcat (TB) Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent sells open for 2024.
385 2/25/2021 Sorrel G Favorite Cartel You Can Fly Walk Thru Fire Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent eligible for California accreditation;
386 2/11/2019 Bay M One Famous Eagle Shaded In Speed Corona Cartel Charette-Hill Racing, Inc., Agent for Stephan & Lisa Ralston has had surgery for chips in both knees; was not bred for a 2024 foal.
387 5/11/2021 Chestnut F Tempting Dash Jody Pops Little Sis Jody O Toole Marty Powers, Agent Eligible for Oklahoma Accreditation.
388 1/16/2020 Sorrel M Jess Good Candy Jess Paint Your Lips Jess Louisiana Blue Stephen & Lisa Ralston Accredited Oklahoma Breeding Stock
389 3/23/2023 Bay C One Fabulous Eagle Ima Fearless Fire Tres Seis Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent for Jill Cook
390 1/22/2021 Bay G Carters Cartel Bo Glory Bodacious Dash La Despedido Racing, LLC
391 4/24/2021 Bay G Moonin The Eagle Dashnunder Afullmoon Heza Fast Dash Spring Hill Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
392 3/13/2019 Brown M Duponte Ima Gator Fan City Place (TB) Vaqueros Racing, LLC
393 3/10/2011 Brown M Ok Jodys Dasher Day Licious (TB) Dayjur (TB) Tom Scheckel
394 5/3/2022 Bay C Home Of The Brave (TB) Chills And Fever (TB) Constitution (TB) Ellen Caines, Agent Eligible for Oklahoma accreditation.
395 1/29/2020 Sorrel M Freighttrain B Daze Of Summer Strawfly Special Bielau Oaks, Agent
396 1/4/2017 Bay M Valiant Hero Preslee The First Corona Cartel P. Parrish, Agent
397 3/20/2008 Black M Furyofthewind Flame Ta Fame Dash Ta Fame Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
398 1/21/2021 Bay G Mr Piloto Shinningperrydash First To Shine Marty Powers, Agent
399 2/23/2016 Sorrel Overo M Royal Quick Flash Imachickenkicker (P) Dos Poruno (P) Vaqueros Racing, LLC
400 1/17/2021 Sorrel F Apollitical Blood JLS Sweet Pea PYC Paint Your Wagon Grant Farms, LLC
401 2/8/2019 Sorrel M Favorite Cartel Hawk Kue Pie Hawkinson Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
402 4/23/2019 Gray G Majestic Cartel Fly Misty Fly Devon Lane (TB) Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
403 1/17/2014 Bay M Fast Prize Dash Princelydancersjewel First Down Jewel S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Running Broke Ranch Louisiana Breeders Program.
404 3/6/2021 Bay F Eagle Deluxe Miss Bocephus (TB) Cartwright (TB) Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Eddie & Stephanie Harrison
405 2/20/2021 Bay F Docs Best Card SS Rojo Shazoom Agustin Gonzalez Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
406 2/11/2020 Sorrel M Favorite Cartel Seperate Flight Separatist Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California accreditation.
407 2/18/2023 Sorrel C Tf Im That Guy Ezzielikemagic Righteous Brother Marty Powers, Agent Eligible for Indiana accreditation.
408 1/2/2016 Brown M One Famous Eagle One Famous Cookie Separatist Klay Hinck
409 2/4/2013 Gray M Chicks A Blazin First Dawn Dash First Down Dash Vaqueros Racing, LLC
410 1/29/2020 Sorrel G Apollitical Jess Alice K White First Down Dash Jordan Wiggins, Agent for MJ Farms
411 2/21/2015 Gray M First Moonflash Bev's Fast Lane (TB) Devon Lane (TB) Double LL Farms, Agent
412 2/14/2009 Gray M PYC Paint Your Wagon Eyesa First Eyesa Special Andy Knight, Agent for Bella Vista Farms
413 1/23/2019 Sorrel G Corona Cartel Separate Fire Walk Thru Fire Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent for MJr Investments, Ltd. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
414 3/23/2016 Sorrel M Mr Jess Perry Black Magic Mountain Panther Mountain Grant Farms, LLC
415 1/30/2021 Gray F Rip Tide Eyema Royal Candy Royal Quick Dash Tate Farms, Agent for Ok La Connections
416 1/15/2020 Black M Seperate Interest Good Job Honey Freighttrain B Royal Dream Ranch
417 1/26/2023 Sorrel F Jess Good Candy Apollitical To Know Apollitical Jess Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
418 1/14/2023 Sorrel C Freighttrain B Jess An Xpression Mr Jess Perry Bobby D. Cox Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
419 2/7/2023 Bay F Feel The Sting Star Zone (TB) Wild Zone (TB) Red River Equine, Agent for Ryann Pedone
420 2/9/2020 Bay G Corona Cartel Famous Little Reba One Famous Eagle Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Rod Lowe
421 1/28/2021 Bay F One Fabulous Eagle Montage First Down Dash Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
422 1/18/2013 Sorrel M Tres Seis Precious Debutante Heza Fast Man Dunn Ranch, Agent for Pattie Marshall
423 3/25/2021 Brown G Good Reason Sa Jess Racy Eyes Mr Jess Perry 4Mw Farms & Racing, LLC
424 2/7/2022 Sorrel C Tempting Dash Poppin Bottles (TB) New Year's Day (TB) Dunn Ranch, Agent for Levings Racing, LLC
425 2/27/2017 Black M First Moonflash Fantastic Follies PYC Paint Your Wagon John & Kathy Lee Was not bred for a 2024 foal.
426 2/7/2019 Sorrel M Apollitical Jess Runaway Preslee Corona Cartel Lori Harris, Agent for Kim Melton Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
427 2/11/2020 Sorrel G Ajs Fast Dash Ms Wandas Prize Mr Jess Perry Scarlett Hill Farm, Inc., Agent
428 3/4/2021 Gray G KVN Corona Jess Doin Time Apollitical Jess Tom Scheckel
429 2/9/2020 Bay G Apollitical Jess Belle Helene Valiant Hero Marty Powers, Agent
430 1/25/2021 Bay F Apollitical Jess Trendi Stoli Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent for MJr Investments, Ltd.
431 2/2/2021 Sorrel F Kiss My Hocks Whos Kissin Carter Carters Cartel Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
432 3/15/2018 Brown M First Moonflash Little Bunny Blue Jess Louisiana Blue Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC Lifetime AQHA Embryo Transfer enrollment. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
433 1/25/2018 Sorrel M Apollitical Jess Executive Looks Executive Menace Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Four frozen embryos by Favorite Cartel retained by seller.
434 2/21/2022 F Home Of The Brave (TB) Halo Hit (TB) Sahm (TB) Ellen Caines, Agent
435 4/19/2021 Sorrel G Flying Cowboy 123 Saving Shirley Hawkinson Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
436 1/26/2019 Brown G Hez Our Secret First Prize Shaunda PYC Paint Your Wagon Rancho La Cobra Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
437 3/2/2018 Sorrel G One Famous Eagle Higher Fire Walk Thru Fire Dlt Ranch Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
438 4/9/2021 Sorrel F Apollitical Jess Pithia PYC Paint Your Wagon Josh Owens Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
439 1/1/2024 Special Effort Divot Doll (TB) Dance Brightly (TB) Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farns
440 4/8/2021 Bay G Dash Master Jess BP Tres Seis Policy Tres Seis Dunn Ranch, Agent
441 2/26/2023 Chestnut F Flying Cowboy 123 BV Mexican Queen Walk Thru Fire Bella A. Valenzuela
442 1/12/2008 Sorrel M Corona Cartel Ladys Is First First Down Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Bollenbach Farms, Lp Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
443 4/4/2023 Bay F Dash Master Jess Water Front Wave Carver Dunn Ranch
444 4/21/2021 Bay F Apollitical Jess Corona Mas Fina Dunn Ranch, Agent .
445 2/19/2023 Sorrel F One Valiant Hero Significant Perry V Mr Jess Perry Dunn Ranch, Agent for Double Diamond Quarter Horses
446 2/27/2022 Brown C Evinceble CF Elusive Secret Heza Secret Agent Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Sire Evinceble is HYPP N/H. Dam CF Elusive Secret is 5-Panel N/N.
447 2/3/2005 Sorrel M Corona Cartel A Special Episode Special Effort Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Was not bred for a 2024 foal.
448 3/1/2020 Sorrel S Apollitical Jess Ms Tres Seis Tres Seis Andy Knight, Agent for Bella Vista Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
449 4/19/2018 Bay S One Famous Eagle Sarah Must Jet Cartel Dunn Ranch Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
450 3/2/2012 Dark Bay or Brown M Latent Heat (TB) Miss Special Salsa (TB) Mr. Greeley Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
451 3/3/2014 Sorrel M Stel Corona Seis Star Glitter Tres Seis Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Barron Racing, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
452 2/3/2012 Sorrel M Valiant Hero Brenda Beautiful Feature Mr Jess S & E Sales Prepping, Agent Was not bred for a 2024 foal.
453 2/8/2020 Gray M One Famous Eagle In The Open Mr Eye Opener Marty Powers, Agent
454 2/3/2023 Bay F KVN Corona Desired Effect Desirio Marty Powers, Agent for Kelly Yother Equine, LLC
455 1/26/2016 Sorrel M Separatist Jetblack Gold Moment Jet Black Patriot Dunn Ranch, Agent
456 2/1/2018 Sorrel G Freighttrain B Jess Dynamic FDD Dynasty Fontenot Racing, Agent for Rob Redding
457 5/9/2003 Bay M Rizzi (TB) What'salltheruckas (TB) Bold Ruckus (TB) Charette-Hill Racing, Inc., Agent for Michael & Gail Ahern Embryo flushed in 2024; recipient mare died.
458 3/2/2021 Sorrel C Apollitical Jess Adolph Tres Knockout Tres Seis Rancho El Cabresto, Inc.
459 2/10/2019 Sorrel M Duponte Shes Dashin First First Down Dash Equestix, Inc., Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
460 1/28/2021 Gray F Power Jam (TB) Leaving In Your Eyes Stoli James Hvabovsky & Leann Nalls
461 4/20/2021 Chestnut F Southern Tres Lady Telia First Down Dash Guillermo Licano Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
462 2/9/2023 Bay F Ivory James Jess An Xpression Mr Jess Perry Bobby D. Cox
463 4/28/2016 Brown M Furrtreeous Change My Halo (TB) Sunny's Halo (TB) Richard Ater
464 1/21/2013 Sorrel M Valiant Hero Fast Prize Zoom Shazoom Jordan Wiggins, Agent for Meghan Simpson Lifetime AQHA Embryo Transfer enrollment.
465 2/6/2023 Brown F A Sweet Jess Blue Dakota Moon First Moonflash Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC
466 4/18/2022 Gray F Epic Leader Wood B A Babe Woodbridge Cooper Smith
467 3/18/2023 Brown F Good Candy P Blue Dakota Moon First Moonflash Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC
468 3/30/2022 Dark Bay or Brown C American Anthem (TB) Curvy Kitten (TB) Ministers Wild Cat (TB) Granada Farms, Agent for Dylan Burns
469 1/20/2019 Brown G Jet Black Patriot Whos Got The Look Corona Cartel Dunn Ranch, Agent
470 3/29/2023 Gray F FDD Dynasty Apollititaka Apollitical Jess Rancho El Cabresto, Inc.
471 4/16/2021 Bay C Panama Wes Candy Corona Corona Cartel Dunn Ranch, Agent for Luis David Muniz Briones
472 2/14/2004 Bay M Check Him Out Lika Fast Calyx B. F. M./Mcclain Speed Horse, Inc. Eligible for Indiana accreditation.
473 3/4/2023 Sorrel C Flying Cowboy 123 Rf Runaway Duck Sir Runaway Dash Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for Rogers Farm/Tim & Jennie Rogers
474 1/1/2020 Brown M FDD Dynasty Cartel Rosie Carters Cartel Dunn Ranch
475 1/2/2021 Sorrel G Tres Seis Corinthianne First Down Dash Marty Powers, Agent
476 2/16/2006 Brown M Oak Tree Special Private Venture First Down Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Dsk, Ltd.
477 1/4/2017 Chestnut M Congaree (TB) Funny Tune (TB) Dove Hunt (TB) Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Was not bred for a 2024 foal.
478 3/24/2020 Sorrel S FDD Dynasty Ms Highmaitenance Favorite Cartel Scarlett Hill Farm, Inc., Agent
479 3/10/2015 Sorrel M Freighttrain B One Famous Eaglette One Famous Eagle Andy Knight, Agent
480 3/3/2021 Gray C Favorite Cartel Ynot Bar Chicks Beduino Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
481 2/13/2017 Sorrel M Apollitical Jess Queen Of Appeals First Down Dash Marty Powers, Agent
482 2/9/2010 Sorrel M Ocean Runaway Blues Girl Too Corona Cartel Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Lifetime AQHA Embryo Transfer enrollment. One frozen embryo by Mental Error retained by seller.
483 3/2/2016 Sorrel M Mr Jess Perry Shesa First Ratify First Down Dash Austin Watterson
484 3/26/2021 Brown F Freighttrain B Swinging Panther Panther Mountain Bielau Oaks, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
485 3/24/2020 Bay G Seperate Interest Volcoms Delight Volcom Dunn Ranch, Agent
486 3/18/2017 Sorrel G Struttin To Beduino Kelforpete Hail Corona Bielau Oaks, Agent
487 1/12/2021 Bay G FDD Dynasty Trashy Tres Tres Seis Jerry Windham Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
488 1/6/2019 Brown G Freighttrain B Strawflying Dina Strawfly Special Harvey Baeza, Agent for Justin B. Lewis Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
489 1/10/2019 Brown M Heza Fast Dash Jen And Vodka One Sweet Jess Bielau Oaks, Agent
490 1/1/2024 Teller Cartel Dashing Executive First Down Dash Lp Ranch, Agent for Haras Portofino
491 3/6/2021 Sorrel/Solid G Mr Apollitical Dash Imachickenkicker (P) Dos Poruno (P) Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent for Jim & Shirley Wheeler
492 3/8/2019 Brown G Hes Relentless Valiant Dreams V Valiant Hero Bernardo Martinez Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
493 1/5/2023 Brown C One Fabulous Eagle Number Won Carters Cartel Marty Powers, Agent
494 2/3/2020 Bay G Eye Am King Start Somethin Bad Pappasito Royal Dream Ranch
495 1/15/2020 Sorrel M The Notradamus India Runaway Indy Speed Meter Alvaro Lopez
496 4/28/2002 Sorrel M Streakin La Jolla Dela Creme Dash Dash For Cash Yesenia's Racing, LLC Pasture bred, exposed May 12-15.
497 1/31/2021 Sorrel G Flying Cowboy 123 Corona Carmelita Corona Cartel Dunn Ranch, Agent
498 2/5/2004 Dark Bay or Brown M Unusual Heat (TB) Craven Cottage (TB) Smokester (TB) Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent Was not bred for a 2024 foal.
499 3/26/2017 Bay M Feature Mr Bojangles Too Tiny To Quit Corona Cartel Filimon Saucedo
500 1/13/2020 Sorrel M Mr Jess Perry Foxy Moonflash First Moonflash Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
501 3/15/2019 Sorrel M Five Bar Cartel Blues Cartel Jess Louisiana Blue Dunn Ranch, Agent
502 2/7/2021 Gray G Carters Cartel Splendifferous Mr Jess Perry Bobby D. Cox Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
503 3/21/2010 Brown M Dashin Bye Diamonds For Toni Vital Sign J Lazy Six Ranch Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
504 2/23/2016 Chestnut M Heza Fast Dash Real Or Imagined Dash For Cash Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
505 1/24/2020 Bay G Tres Seis Lethal Perry Mr Jess Perry Red River Equine, Agent for Los, LLC
506 1/31/2021 Sorrel F Apollitical Jess BP Shes Southern Southern Cartel Dunn Ranch, Agent for Bill Price
507 1/18/2021 Sorrel G Valiant Hero Clareet One Dashing Eagle Dunn Ranch, Agent
508 1/23/2021 Bay F Jess A Chicks Special Dark Ivory Ivory James Jh Performance Horses, Agent for Triple R Farms
509 3/5/2017 Bay G Tac It Like A Man Princess Lil Bit Coronas Leaving You Scarlett Hill Farm, Inc., Agent
510 1/20/2021 Sorrel F Walk Thru Fire Runaway Preslee Corona Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Norman Hathorn
511 2/8/2021 Brown G Heza Fast Dash Havanah Goodtime Ivory James Bobby D. Cox Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
512 3/11/2016 Sorrel G Apollitical Jess Seis Star Glitter Tres Seis Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Barron Racing, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
513 4/23/2020 Bay M Valiant Hero Financial Leverage Mr Jess Perry S & E Sales Prepping, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
514 3/30/2008 Bay M Dashing Val Ubet The Cash The Signature Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Ken Ferguson
515 2/23/2017 Bay M Walk Thru Fire Rspecial Chick Strawfly Special Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
516 3/1/2022 Brown F Uncle D Ms Fast Prize Corona Spit Curl Jess Toh Ranch, Agent for Jim Barnes
517 1/1/2024 Eagles Fly Higher Quartertimereaction Apollo (TB) Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farms & Dr. Richard Beck
518 2/8/2018 Sorrel M Walk Thru Fire Thatsa Blazin Chick Chicks A Blazin S & E Sales Prepping, Agent Breeding status not furnished.
519 3/11/2021 Bay F KVN Corona Foo Who Foose Zynda Racing Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
521 1/4/2022 Bay F Gold Heart Eagle V Hello Follie Corona Cartel Tate Farms
522 2/25/2021 Brown G Freighttrain B Kitty Kat Galore B FDD Dynasty Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
523 2/9/2023 Sorrel C One Valiant Hero She Takes It All This Snow Is Royal Dunn Ranch
524 3/6/2012 Sorrel M Walk Thru Fire Streakit Special Special Effort Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for George Mitchell
525 3/26/2019 Bay M Fast Prize Jordan Miss Bocephus (TB) Cartwright Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Eddie & Stephanie Harrison Was not bred for a 2024 foal.
526 3/20/2014 Brown M Valiant Hero Rustys Lil Lady Fredricksburg Shamrock Ranch (Tom Maher) Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
527 2/27/2021 Bay F Tres Seis BP Mariahs Heroine Valiant Hero Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent for Larry Morehead & Xcel Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
528 2/4/2023 Sorrel F Ryder Rite Double Candy Doll Jess Good Candy Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
529 3/15/2021 Bay G PYC Paint Your Wagon Made To Dash Tac It Like A Man Randy J. Davis Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
530 3/1/2018 Bay M Apollitical Blood Red Temptress Rolls Of Romance Craig Lauger
531 3/30/2019 Chestnut S Jess Louisiana Blue In His Dreams Apollo (TB) Alvaro Lopez
532 1/31/2020 Sorrel M One Famous Eagle Fast Prize Corona Corona Cartel Lea Stodart, Agent for Bryton Dewald
533 1/4/2021 Sorrel G Tempting Dash Shazooms Pop Pop Shazoom Dunn Ranch, Agent
534 2/26/2018 Chestnut G Coronado Cartel Mighty Shazoom Shazoom Dlt Ranch Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
535 1/28/2011 Brown M Valiant Hero Race Valentine Strawfly Special Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Jeff Locklear
536 2/19/2013 Sorrel M Foose Katie Katella Separatist Burns Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
537 4/14/2021 Bay Tobiano F CRM Livewire (P) Sweet First Leader Sweet First Down Jon & Brant Barley
538 2/18/2022 Gray C One Dashing Eagle Shesa Diamond Diva Struttin To Beduino Granada Farms, Agent for Dylan Burns
539 4/13/2022 Gray or Roan C Vulcan's Forge (TB) Egress (TB) Exchange Rate (TB) Ellen Caines, Agent
540 4/19/2021 Gray G PYC Fun N Fancy Snow Clouds This Snow Is Royal Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
541 3/27/2015 Sorrel M Mr Jess Perry Your First Moon First Down Dash Dunn Ranch, Agent for Double Diamond Quarter Horses Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
542 3/16/2022 Sorrel F Bolt Of Fire The Kiss Of Zoom Shazoom Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
543 1/20/2022 Black F The Louisiana Cartel Remember Me Jessie Mr Jess Perry Grant Farms, LLC
544 1/9/2020 Sorrel G FDD Going Grand JP Straight Shot Mr Jess Perry J Lazy Six Ranch
545 3/3/2020 Brown S Jess Twice Cash Viva Mexico Feature Mr Jess Ty Remington
546 5/2/2022 Palomino C Check On Chic La Gaviota Dancer Zedevil Aa Farms, LLC, Agent
547 2/26/2020 Sorrel S Moonin The Eagle Corona Deluxe Corona Cartel Lazy Oak Ranch, LLC
548 2/27/2021 Red Roan/Solid F CRM Livewire (P) Baileys N Sunsets (P) Real Easy Cash (P) Dunn Ranch
549 3/31/2021 Brown G Tarzanito Rusty Rose Ii PYC Paint Your Wagon South Fork Equine, LLC, Agent for Last Chance Racing, LLC
550 1/29/2021 Brown G Favorite Cartel Elicity Apollitical Jess Mike Logan
551 3/29/2013 Gray M One Sweet Jess Priscilla Ione Mr Eye Opener Dlt Ranch
552 1/5/2020 Sorrel G Dealagame Corona Blast Corona Cartel Granada Farms, Agent for Pete A. Scarmardo Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
553 2/7/2018 Sorrel M One Famous Eagle This Dreams Flying Strawfly Special Jordan Wiggins, Agent for Tykhe Racing, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
554 3/20/2018 Gray M Good Reason Sa Sixy Chamisa Sixes Royal Dunn Ranch
555 2/25/2021 Brown G First Down Dash Fast Prize Curl Spit Curl Jess Marty Powers, Agent
556 1/14/2019 Bay M FDD Dynasty Famous Little Reba One Famous Eagle Marty Powers, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
557 2/20/2020 Bay G Heza Fast Rogue Kinky Boots Agouti Rancho Herradura, LLC, Agent for Jose H. Rodriguez
558 2/6/2020 Sorrel G Tempting Dash Mary Me Anna Game Patriot Bielau Oaks, Agent
559 1/12/2011 Gray M Champ Three Dlt Runaway Spanish Boot Dlt Ranch
560 2/6/2019 Sorrel M Tempting Dash Six Pack Senorita Corona Cartel Marty Powers, Agent Breeding prospect only.
561 2/22/2021 Sorrel F First Moonflash Jess Fire Chick Jess A Chicks Double LL Farms, Agent
562 2/26/2020 Bay G First Moonflash First Prize Chicks Spit Curl Jess Dunn Ranch, Agent for Five Livestock Co./Steve Wright Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
563 1/15/2020 Brown G Ivory James Shes Dashin First First Down Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
564 4/2/2005 Sorrel M Mr Jess Perry First Prize Dash Dash For Cash Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for Simmons Racing
565 1/25/2022 Bay F Freighttrain B Airizon Tale Of The Cat (TB) P. Parrish, Agent
566 4/18/2015 Dark Bay or Brown M Shanghai Bobby (TB) Starlight Lady (TB) Elusive Quality (TB) Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent sells open for 2024.
567 4/20/2020 Black Tobiano F CRM Livewire (P) Noumenon No Brakes Now Jordan Wiggins, Agent
568 5/27/2012 Sorrel M This Snow Is Royal Dashing Mariah First Down Dash Dunn Ranch
569 2/9/2020 Sorrel M Jess Lips Perrys First First Moonflash S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Patrick Richardson
570 2/26/2020 Brown G KVN Corona Dropping Fire Volcom H Bar O, LLC, Agent for Christian A. Dominguez-Olivas Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
571 1/4/2021 Brown F Favorite Cartel Wave Her Down First Down Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
572 3/30/2021 Brown G Louisiana Senator Teller Im Scootan Teller Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
573 1/14/2015 Brown M Favorite Cartel Eyema Blues Girl Mr Eye Opener Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for The Mixer Ranch
574 3/4/2021 Bay F Favorite Cartel Indie Anna Jess Zoomin Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Valley Farm Breeding prospect only; was not bred for a 2024 foal.
575 3/12/2020 Brown M BF Farm Boss Pretty Rose Cartel First Down Dash Lori Harris
576 4/17/2017 Brown M Hes Relentless Valdarama Country Quick Dash Rodriguez Farm
577 3/20/2021 Bay G Jet Black Patriot Streak Of Sixes Sixes Royal Royal Dream Ranch
578 1/1/2024 Hes Relentless Volcoms Delight Volcom Bielau Oaks, Agent
579 4/19/2021 Bay G Flare For Ivory Corona For You Corona For Me Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Barron Racing, LLC
580 4/17/2015 Black M Mighty Invictus Sheza Fast Jewel Heza Fast Man Lea Stodart, Agent for Shari Burger
581 2/16/2015 Sorrel M Corona Cartel Separate Fire Walk Thru Fire Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
582 3/16/2022 Bay F Chickamunga Strawberry Jess First Down Mr Jess Bielau Oaks, Agent
583 2/15/2020 Buckskin G First Prize Doc Jettin And Struttin Struttin To Beduino S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Dewey S. Kendrick Iii
584 4/21/2013 Bay M PYC Paint Your Wagon First Prize Leesa Mr Jess Perry S & E Sales Prepping, Agent
585 3/28/2019 Sorrel S One Sweet Jess Fodice First Down Dash J & J Stone Co., Inc. (Jaime Torres)
586 4/24/2021 Bay G Apollitical Jess Sin Tachas Grace PYC Paint Your Wagon Paul Treadwell Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
587 1/24/2020 Sorrel G Duponte Shesa First Ratify First Down Dash Dunn Ranch, Agent
588 2/26/2011 Bay M Wave Carver Caddo Ridge Tres Seis Dunn Ranch
589 3/19/2019 Sorrel M Highest Fire My Shining Rose First To Shine Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Mcgehee Horse And Cattle Louisiana Breeders Program. Was not bred for a 2024 foal.
590 1/28/2021 Sorrel F Flying Cowboy 123 Famous Cartel Lady Corona Cartel Granada Farms, Agent for Johnny Trotter Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
591 4/15/2022 Sorrel C Igotyourtac Fast Women Can Heza Fast Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
592 2/6/2019 Bay M Favorite Cartel Starlite Delight Separatist Mane Attraction Racing
593 5/3/2015 Bay M Toccet (TB) Miss Natalie (TB) Fistfite (TB) Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
594 3/1/2023 Sorrel F Tempting Dash Tinalicious Shazoom Dunn Ranch, Agent for Greg Cullum
595 4/14/2021 Bay G Fast N Famous Jeans TS Theregoesmycash (TB) Hold Me Back (TB) Tom Scheckel
596 1/30/2021 Brown C PYC Paint Your Wagon Fire Burning Valiant Hero Rancho La Cobra Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
597 3/24/2020 Bay G Capo De Capi Gold Ounce Apollitical Jess Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent
598 3/18/2020 Bay M Apollitical Blood Seis Passes Tres Seis Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
599 1/29/2020 Black G Favorite Cartel Tac Out Check Him Out Marty Powers, Agent for Shaun Hubbard
600 2/10/2013 Brown M Ivory James Rock N Zoom Shazoom Red River Equine, Agent
601 1/9/2023 Brown F Freighttrain B Aerotropolis One Famous Eagle Bobby D. Cox Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
602 2/2/2021 Bay G PYC Paint Your Wagon Cautionsly Mighty Invictus Ryan Martinez Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
603 3/13/2021 Brown G KVN Corona Ms Fast Prize Tracy Captain Courage Marty Powers, Agent
604 2/7/2020 Bay G Jess Good Candy PYC First Prize Mia PYC Paint Your Wagon Aa Farms, LLC
605 4/27/2014 Sorrel M One Famous Eagle Queen Of The Castle Six To Five Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent Sells open for 2024.
606 3/16/2021 Gray F Separatist Ashleys Gold Digger Heza Fast Man Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Gene & Tod Bradley
607 4/20/2023 Sorrel C Tempting Dash Poppin Bottles (TB) New Year's Day (TB) Dunn Ranch, Agent
608 1/19/2020 Gray G Moonin The Eagle Lett Her Zoom Shazoom Roger Daly, Agent
609 3/18/2006 Sorrel M Brimmerton Special Moon Beam Special Effort Spring Hill Farms
610 4/23/2023 Sorrel F Kiss My Hocks JP Dale Rio Okey Dokey Dale Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Namgis Quarter Horses
611 1/30/2021 Bay G Apollitical Blood Tres Seis Game Chick Tres Seis Royal Dream Ranch
612 1/26/2020 Brown G Favorite Cartel Eye Betta Kim Mr Eye Opener Bielau Oaks, Agent
613 5/13/2023 Gray C Valiant Hero Built For Fun Separatist Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
614 4/12/2016 Sorrel M Teller Cartel Cold Stone Sissy Brookstone Bay Bielau Oaks, Agent AQHA Challenge.
615 2/9/2023 Bay C Tempting Dash Tres N Seis Tres Seis Bielau Oaks, Agent
616 2/10/2009 Gray M Dashin Is Easy Jody Pops Little Sis Jody O Toole Terrazas Family
617 2/6/2023 Sorrel C Mr Piloto Run Away Cache Sir Runaway Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Krazy B Racing
619 3/24/2021 Bay G Capo De Capi Koolnfabulous Apollitical Jess Andy Knight, Agent for Bella Vista Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
620 3/3/2020 Bay M Rc Me Leaving You Volcom Bay Volcom Bielau Oaks, Agent
621 3/27/2021 Black F Valiant Hero Separate Flirt Inseperable Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent
622 4/30/2006 Brown M Shazoom Bizarre Magic Dozen Dreams Come True Ranch Lifetime AQHA Embryo Transfer enrollment
623 1/29/2021 Gray G Foose Tres Sea Tres Seis Dunn Ranch
624 1/6/2013 Bay M PYC Paint Your Wagon First Prize Fancy Mr Jess Perry Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Lifetime AQHA Embryo Transfer enrollment.
625 1/4/2020 Brown G Corona Cartel Jess Sass Me Mr Jess Perry Marty Powers, Agent for Horton Racing, LLC
626 4/25/2014 Bay M One Famous Eagle A Delightful Legacy First Down Dash S & E Sales Prepping, Agent
627 2/21/2020 Bay G FDD Dynasty Jess Faith In Candy Spit Curl Jess Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
628 1/27/2020 Sorrel M Mr Jess Perry Viva La Blue Ocean Runaway Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
629 2/8/2018 Bay M Kiss My Hocks Perrys Dreamgirl Mr Jess Perry Rodriguez Farm
630 2/11/2020 Gray M Seperate Interest Little Talks Favorite Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent
631 1/16/2023 Black F Teller Cartel Dashing Executive First Down Dash Lp Ranch, Agent for Haras Portofino
632 4/5/2017 Sorrel M Jet Black Patriot Rare Tex Etta Rare Form S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Melinda Schexnaider
633 3/21/2021 Black G One Valiant Hero Rock Candy Sa Good Reason Sa Dunn Ranch, Agent for Dennis Dreier
634 1/22/2019 Black G Jet Black Patriot Thrill And Grace Mr Jess Perry Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
635 3/18/2022 Sorrel F Jess Good Candy Shescheckinumout Check Him Out Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent
636 4/12/2020 Sorrel M One Famous Eagle Dashing Executive First Down Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
637 2/28/2023 Brown C Favorite Cartel Famous Crazyface One Famous Eagle Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
639 1/1/2024 Tres Seis Jessie At The Bar Mr Jess Perry Rick Beck, DVM Donor mare enrolled in AQHA Embryo Transfer Program for life.
640 4/16/2012 Bay M Volcom Miss Lethal Chicks Beduino Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
641 4/7/2022 Sorrel F Corona Cartel Looks Political Apollitical Jess Dunn Ranch, Agent
642 4/1/2011 Bay M DMNV Mountable Fast First Prize Heza Fast Man Marty Powers, Agent Was not bred for a 2024 foal; Accredited New Mexico Breeding Stock. Enrolled in the AQHA Embryo Transfer Program for life.
643 1/1/2024 FDD Dynasty Famous Crazyface One Famous Eagle Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent donor mare has Lifetime AQHA Embryo Transfer enrollment.
644 4/1/2021 Sorrel G The Marfa Lights Stel Crazy Stel Corona 13 Racing, Agent for Mark W. Cassel Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
645 4/10/2021 Bay G Duponte Go You Must Meter Me Gone Jerry D. Chapman
646 3/30/2020 Brown G Mr Jess Perry Mi Angela Jet Black Patriot Dunn Ranch
647 1/15/2021 Brown F One Famous Eagle Lake View Dreams Granite Lake Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
648 1/20/2020 Bay C Corona Cartel Ferarri Fast Prize Mr Jess Perry Bielau Oaks, Agent
649 4/18/2022 Sorrel C Five Bar Cartel Glitteratti Stoli Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
650 4/27/2020 Sorrel S Southern Corona Buck The Rules Mr Jess Perry Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
651 4/12/2018 Dark Bay or Brown M Fed Biz (TB) Irish Drop (TB) Way West Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
652 2/12/2020 Bay G Corona Cartel Reloaded And Ready Shazoom Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC
653 4/4/2020 Brown G Lota PYC I No Shes A Hot Mess Louisiana Senator Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
654 3/4/2021 Bay G Kiss My Hocks Glory Rider Valiant Hero Bobby D. Cox Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
655 4/28/2015 Sorrel M Valiant Hero Jess Send Me Feature Mr Jess Jh Performance Horses, Agent for Triple R Farms Was not bred for a 2024 foal. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
656 1/28/2019 Brown G Freighttrain B Cp The Flirt Strawflyin Buds Equestix, Inc., Agent
657 3/3/2023 Bay C Mr Apollitical Dash Seperate Kiss Seperate Interest Marty Powers, Agent for Royce Rogers Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
658 2/20/2019 Chestnut M Lota PYC Ms Victorita Mighty Invictus South Fork Equine, LLC, Agent for Walter Harrison
659 1/27/2011 Brown M Walk Thru Fire Flo Jo Lady Rare Bar Spring Hill Farms
660 3/20/2023 Brown F Apollitical Blood Dash And Sass Valiant Hero Jordan Wiggins, Agent
661 3/13/2021 Brown G Reagal Eagle Cherry Chick Furrtreeous Richard Joneson
662 2/21/2020 Bay F Favorite Trick (TB) Leesa Gone Wild Corona Cartel P. Parrish, Agent
663 3/6/2023 Sorrel F Separatist Risen Eagle One Famous Eagle Bielau Oaks, Agent
664 2/25/2011 Sorrel M Righteous Brother Ms Beau Rockett Rocket's Magic B. F. M./Mcclain Speed Horse, Inc.
665 3/21/2019 Sorrel M Kiss My Hocks Just Another Natural Furyofthewind S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Dewey S. Kendrick Iii
667 5/4/2019 Bay M PYC Paint Your Wagon The Regal Streak A Regal Choice S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Juan Galicia
668 3/15/2021 Sorrel C One Sweet Jess Miss Barton County Barton County Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent
669 2/12/2016 Bay S One Famous Eagle Cruzin The Wagon PYC Paint Your Wagon Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent for MJr Investments, Ltd. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
670 1/27/2021 Bay F Tres Seis Shes Got Fire Corona Cartel Jordan Wiggins, Agent
671 1/30/2017 Bay G PYC Paint Your Wagon Vikes Dashing First Down Dash Royal Dream Ranch
672 1/1/2024 The Fiscal Cliff Tiffani Kiss My Hocks Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent
674 2/28/2020 Bay M Hez Our Secret Molly Bawn One Sweet Jess Vaqueros Racing, LLC
675 3/19/2014 Bay M Corona Cartel Azoom Babe Azoom Andy Knight, Agent for Bella Vista Farms
676 4/10/2022 Sorrel F Firewater Canyon Grc Quick And Famous Dash Ta Fame S & E Sales Prepping, Agent
677 3/30/2020 Sorrel M One Famous Eagle Viva La Blue Ocean Runaway Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
678 4/17/2021 Sorrel G One Valiant Hero Send Me This Wagon PYC Paint Your Wagon Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent for Vicksburg Enterprises, LLC
679 1/24/2009 Sorrel M Walk Thru Fire Septacular Separatist Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Four frozen embryos retained by seller: 3 by KVN Corona, 1 by One Famous Eagle.
680 4/30/2020 Bay M Docs Best Card Bo Dash Back Bodacious Dash Lea Stodart, Agent for Bryton Dewald
681 2/4/2021 Bay G Favorite Cartel Fredaville Mr Jess Perry Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent for Gentry Farms
682 3/7/2021 Sorrel G Favorite Cartel All About Ease First Down Dash Dunn Ranch, Agent
683 3/22/2004 Bay M Special Leader Streakin Dot Dash Streakin Dash S & E Sales Prepping, Agent
684 2/14/2019 Brown G One Fabulous Eagle Strictly Taboo Corona Cartel Dunn Ranch, Agent
685 3/12/2020 Chestnut M Majestic Cartel Shiney Magic Girl First To Shine Alvaro Lopez
686 3/30/2011 Sorrel M Winners Award Gone First First Down Dash Granada Farms, Agent for James Deatherage Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
687 3/18/2023 Sorrel C One Fabulous Eagle Bodacious Dream Corona Cartel Bobby D. Cox
688 4/11/2021 Brown G Reagal Eagle Chick Chick Here Country Quick Dash Richard Joneson
689 1/26/2016 Bay M Corona Cartel I Go Out Walkin Walk Thru Fire Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
690 3/19/2020 Gray G Big Daddy Cartel Astica Jesse James Jr Marty Powers, Agent
691 1/29/2019 Bay M Favorite Trick (TB) Queen Of Appeals First Down Dash Andy Knight, Agent
692 3/11/2020 Gray G Jess Good Candy Paloma Blanca B Prospect To The Top Marty Powers, Agent
693 1/13/2020 Gray M Tempting Dash CR Sugar N Spice Fly Jess Fly Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent
694 1/1/2024 Dash Ta Fame Bullions N Garters Bully Bullion Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farms
695 1/8/2020 Sorrel G Apollitical Jess Tres Seis Folszookie Tres Seis Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC
696 1/25/2021 Sorrel G Open Me A Corona Dashnunder Afullmoon Heza Fast Dash Spring Hill Farms
697 1/13/2023 Sorrel F Apollitical Jess BV Mexican Queen Walk Thru Fire Bella A. Valenzuela
698 1/21/2021 Bay G Apollitical Jess My Dashin Corona Corona Cartel Bielau Oaks, Agent
699 4/13/2020 Bay M Hes Relentless PYC Diamond PYC Paint Your Wagon Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent
700 3/7/2019 Bay G Jet Black Patriot Flamboyant Chick Toast To Dash Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Eddie & Stephanie Harrison
701 3/5/2010 Bay M Chicks A Blazin Ms Perry Mason Mr Jess Perry Vaqueros Racing, LLC
702 3/18/2020 Sorrel S Jess Good Candy Tres Seis Folszookie Tres Seis Royal Dream Ranch, Agent
703 3/27/2012 Bay M Red Storm Cat Salt Lake Spitty Salt Lake (TB) Marty Powers, Agent
704 1/1/2024 Flying Cowboy 123 Renika Big Daddy Cartel Jh Performance Horses, Agent for Triple R Farms
705 1/17/2023 Gray F KVN Corona Helens First Choice First Down Dash Marty Powers, Agent
706 5/20/2022 F Enticed (TB) Brilliant Autumn (TB) Yes It's True (TB) Ellen Caines, Agent
707 4/11/2021 Bay C Telasecret Heavanly Ptma Star Kid Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Sire Telasecret is MYHM N/My (N/N on all other panel tests); dam Heavanly is HYPP N/H.
708 3/10/2018 Brown M Apollitical Blood Volcom Bay Volcom Bielau Oaks, Agent
709 1/29/2023 Brown C BF Farm Boss Chiseled In Class SC Chiseled In Stone Craig Lauger
710 4/10/2020 Sorrel M Favorite Cartel Knocking On The Door Foose Burns Ranch, Agent Eligible for California accreditation.
711 1/31/2019 Sorrel G Dealagame Jess Marcy Mr Jess Perry Granada Farms, Agent for Pete A. Scarmardo Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
712 1/19/2014 Black M Oak Tree Special Real Or Imagined Dash For Cash Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
713 5/9/2006 Sorrel M Sweet First Down Solid Gold Bullion Bully Bullion Vaqueros Racing, LLC
714 2/3/2019 Gray G Duponte Check N Fetch Check Him Out Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Barron Racing, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
715 1/29/2014 Bay G One Sweet Jess Magic And Rhythm Red Hot Rhythm Dlt Ranch Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
716 2/17/2007 Sorrel M First To Shine Rosewoods Request Easy Request Grant Farms, LLC
717 3/8/2023 Sorrel F A Sweet Jess Teller Im Alive First Down Dash Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC
718 1/22/2020 Gray G Moonin The Eagle Azoomin With Jessie Azoom Bobby D. Cox
719 1/23/2015 Chestnut M Tres Seis Sparklin Royal Sixes Royal Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
720 3/4/2011 Brown M Ocean Runaway Bosanova Baby Corona Cartel Dunn Ranch, Agent for Clay Seal Lifetime AQHA Embryo Transfer enrollment.
721 1/15/2023 Brown F Carters Cartel Airizon Tale Of The Cat (TB) P. Parrish, Agent
722 3/24/2014 Sorrel M One Famous Eagle The Fashion Wagon PYC Paint Your Wagon Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Valley Farm
723 3/3/2021 Sorrel G Apollitical Jess Knew Generation FDD Dynasty Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
724 2/15/2021 Sorrel F Mr Jess Perry Send The Candy Wagon PYC Paint Your Wagon Scott Mcdaniel
725 3/12/2022 Chestnut C Kentucky Wildcat (TB) Tilla Cat (TB) Attila's Storm (TB) Granada Farms, Agent for Dylan Burns
726 3/4/2015 Sorrel M Jess Elie Miss Shining Lajolla First To Shine Dlt Ranch
727 1/18/2023 Sorrel F The Marfa Lights Desired Effect Desirio Marty Powers, Agent for Kelly Yother Equine, LLC
728 5/15/2021 Brown F Valiant Hero Thewayouwantmetoo Mr Eye Opener Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Double Bar S Ranch, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
729 4/28/2023 Brown C Tempting Dash Vain Eagle One Famous Eagle Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
730 3/7/2018 Sorrel G Walk Thru Fire Making Up Master Hand (TB) Santa Rita Ranch
731 3/24/2023 Gray C Jess Good Candy Built For Fun Separatist Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
732 1/12/2021 Sorrel F Majestic Cartel Brees Bayou Special Crown Royal S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Horse Power Management
733 4/14/2023 Chestnut C Eagle (TB) Sage In Bloom (TB) Congaree (TB) Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
734 4/28/2018 Sorrel M Escondido Beach Select Express Brimmerton Rodriguez Farm
735 4/7/2011 Gray M PYC Paint Your Wagon Eye On This Candy Mr Eye Opener Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC Lifetime AQHA Embryo Transfer enrollment.
736 3/8/2020 Sorrel G One Sweet Jess Tf Ms Special Perry Special Leader S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Dewey S. Kendrick Iii
737 1/1/2024 Walk Thru Fire Brimmies Alli Bi B Brimmerton Rick Beck, DVM Donor mare enrolled in AQHA Embryo Transfer Program for life.
738 3/15/2023 Sorrel F One Valiant Hero Ja Fast Lady Heza Fast Man Dunn Ranch
739 1/25/2021 Brown F Ivory James Pat B Stylin Streakin La Jolla Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent for David N. Clonts
740 2/11/2014 Sorrel S One Famous Eagle Special Queen Sa Strawfly Special H Bar O, LLC, Agent for Mario Domnguez
741 3/24/2022 Sorrel F Mr Jess Perry Star In The East Corona Cartel Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
744 4/9/2020 Brown M Number One Jaimie Izonia Mr Eye Opener Guillermo Licano
745 2/20/2021 Sorrel/Solid F Royal Quick Flash (P) Texas Chili (P) Texas Six (P) Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent for Jim & Shirley Wheeler
746 2/10/2021 Bay F Ec Jet One Truly Favorite Favorite Cartel Dunn Ranch, Agent
747 1/1/2024 Apollitical Jess First Fancy Prize PYC Paint Your Wagon Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Donor mare enrolled in AQHA Embryo Transfer Program for life.
748 3/5/2022 Gray C Apollitical Jess A Perfect Cocktail Corona Cocktail Dunn Ranch
749 2/14/2020 Sorrel G Open Me A Corona Game Too Strong Game Patriot Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Miriam & Monte Bird
750 3/31/2019 Bay G Tres Seis Dasha Easy A Regal Choice Marty Powers, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
751 3/6/2007 Sorrel M Takin On The Cash Sixy Hemp Sixarun Sunflower Stables, LLC Iowa Breeding Program
752 3/7/2021 Sorrel G Apollitical Jess Spit Curl Diva Spit Curl Jess Dunn Ranch
753 4/1/2017 Brown M Walk Thru Fire Shaded In Speed Corona Cartel Charette-Hill Racing, Inc., Agent for Stephan & Lisa Ralston was not bred for a 2024 foal (hind pastern fused).
754 4/7/2021 Sorrel F Chicks Beduino Dash Ta Moon Dash Ta Fame Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
755 3/6/2017 Bay G Fast Prize Jordan De Bell Perry Toast To Dash Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Eddie & Stephanie Harrison
756 2/16/2021 Sorrel G Big Drama (TB) Bolt Belladona Corona Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
757 2/16/2013 Sorrel M Favorite Cartel Holland Class Holland Ease Brad Sharp & Brant Barley Foal in utero eligible for $100,000 Hart Farm Incentive.
758 2/25/2019 Sorrel M Kiss My Hocks Walk With Memories Walk Thru Fire Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Namgis Quarter Horses
759 4/7/2015 Brown M First Moonflash Three Past Six Tres Seis Remount Ranch, Agent for P & J Racing, Ltd.
760 1/29/2021 Brown G Hes Relentless Naughty Jess Swingin Jess Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent for Nick Reynolds Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
761 2/17/2010 Bay M Valiant Hero High Kickin Gal Strawfly Special Vaqueros Racing, LLC
762 5/5/2022 Bay C Runaway Ghost (TB) Grand Consequence (TB) Grand Slam (TB) Granada Farms, Agent for Dylan Burns
763 4/8/2013 Bay M Ivory James Teller Yep Rare Form Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent for C. & K. Moore And S. Crow Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
764 3/12/2023 Sorrel C Guys Payday Toast To Bag Toast To Dash K & K Farms
765 3/25/2021 Brown F Duponte PYC Oh Whatta Rose PYC Paint Your Wagon S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Dewey S. Kendrick Iii
766 4/5/2021 Sorrel F One Valiant Hero Mi Angela Jet Black Patriot Dunn Ranch, Agent for Double Diamond Quarter Horses Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
768 1/9/2021 Bay G Chicks Regard Cartier Panther Carters Cartel Double LL Farms, Agent
769 2/1/2022 Brown F Ivory James All About Perri Mr Jess Perry Bobby D. Cox Breeding prospect only.
770 1/21/2021 Sorrel G Eye Am King Ima China Rush Rushago Lance Powers, Agent
771 4/1/2010 Bay M Cavvy (TB) D Fine Okie (TB) Burbank Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
772 4/7/2019 Dark Bay or Brown F Mucho Macho Man (TB) A. P. Andrea (TB) Notional (TB) Red Earth Training Center/Westwin Farms
773 3/19/2014 Gray M First Down Dash Hold Me Now Separatist Bella A. Valenzuela
774 1/24/2022 Bay F Proceed (TB) Scammony (TB) Tiz Wonderful (TB) Granada Farms, Agent for Dylan Burns
775 3/26/2015 Sorrel M Mr Jess Perry Rustys Quickid Royal Quick Dash Granada Farms, Agent for Pete A. Scarmardo
776 3/27/2020 Sorrel G Hes Relentless Speed Squad Mighty B Valiant Marty Powers, Agent for Elizabeth Logan
777 1/27/2020 Gray G Apollitical Jess Senorita Tres Tres Seis Mike Logan
778 2/1/2018 Bay M Apollitical Blood Jessy Jane Mr Jess Perry Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for Simmons Racing Louisiana Breeders Program.
779 1/23/2023 Sorrel C One Valiant Hero One Corona Episode One Famous Eagle Dunn Ranch
780 3/9/2023 Bay F Jess Good Candy Designateddriver Corona Cartel Marty Powers, Agent
781 2/28/2020 Brown G Favorite Cartel Shirleys Strawfly Strawfly Special Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
782 2/20/2019 Bay M Carters Cartel Miss Fast Crystal Heza Fast Dash Spring Hill Farms Was not bred for a 2024 foal.
783 1/1/2023 Brown C Freighttrain B Eagles Dream One Famous Eagle Bobby D. Cox Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
784 4/13/2014 Bay M First Moonflash Sheza Snow Jewel This Snow Is Royal Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Lifetime AQHA Embryo Transfer enrollment. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
785 3/18/2020 Sorrel G Valiant Hero Heavens Assured Streak And Dash Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent
786 3/6/2020 Sorrel G Corona Cartel Eyesa Lil Cuervo Lil Bit Cuervo Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
787 3/3/2021 Sorrel G Apollitical Jess Havanah Goodtime Ivory James Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
788 3/22/2013 Sorrel M First Down Dash Jess Sass Me Mr Jess Perry Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
789 3/30/2019 Sorrel M Escondido Beach Princess Royal Blew Royal Blue Chew Chew Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
790 5/7/2020 Sorrel G First Moonflash Lovely Lily Rose Mr Jess Perry Mike Logan
791 1/12/2021 Bay G Carters Cartel A Friend In The Sky Walk Thru Fire Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
792 1/27/2022 Gray F Tempting Dash Runin Sixes Sixes Royal Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent for Simmons Racing Breeding prospect only; Accredited Texas Breeding Stock.
793 2/14/2022 Gray F Moonin The Eagle Blew Bayou Blues The Louisiana Cartel S & E Sales Prepping, Agent
794 2/12/2018 Brown M Ivory James Perks Routine Dash For Perks Dunn Ranch, Agent
795 3/9/2014 Bay M One Famous Eagle Designateddriver Corona Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
796 2/11/2018 Bay M Big Daddy Cartel Take Off Babe Take Off Jess Scarlett Hill Farm, Inc., Agent
797 3/15/2016 Bay M Brace For Bernal Hiclass Kensie Hiclass La Jolla IVan & Santos Carrera Was not bred for a 2024 foal.
798 3/1/2021 Bay F Flying Cowboy 123 Dinastia Toll BRZ Tolltac Dunn Ranch
799 1/25/2021 Sorrel G Jess Lips A Valiant Passion Valiant Hero Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent
800 3/8/2022 Black C Captain Courage Deprivation Carters Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
801 3/1/2023 Gray F The Marfa Lights Dying Inside Separatist Dunn Ranch
802 2/10/2019 Bay S Lethal Corona Miss Fast Jeans Ivory James Ufo Racing Stables Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
803 3/13/2010 Bay M Okey Dokey Fantasy First Heart First Down Dash Austin Watterson
804 1/1/2024 The Fiscal Cliff Jess A Sweetie Apollitical Jess Jordan Wiggins, Agent eligible for Oklahoma accreditation (see state rules). Donor mare enrolled in AQHA Embryo Transfer Program for life.
805 1/1/2024 Golden Boi Cmon Jesses Girl Jesse James Jr Craig Lauger
806 2/7/2021 Gray G KVN Corona She Travels Fishers Dash Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
807 1/26/2021 Brown G Walk Thru Fire Jess Sass Me Mr Jess Perry Rancho El Cabresto, Inc. Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
808 3/3/2021 Sorrel G Duponte Apollitical Regard Apollitical Jess Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
809 3/11/2018 Brown G Valiant Hero First Painted Sign PYC Paint Your Wagon Equestix, Inc., Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
810 3/1/2011 Sorrel M First Prize Perry Linda Te Chick Chicks Beduino Grant Farms, LLC Louisiana Breeders Program. Foal in utero eligible for Louisiana accreditation (see state rules).
811 4/15/2015 Sorrel M Valiant Hero Strawfly Lady Strawfly Special Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
812 3/6/2021 Sorrel F The Marfa Lights Little Lazajane Lazbuddie Tom Scheckel
813 3/20/2021 Bay G FDD Dynasty Significant Runner Foose Mike Logan
814 2/23/2020 Bay M Apollitical Jess Saving Shirley Hawkinson Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
815 2/12/2015 Sorrel M FDD Dynasty Watch Linda Ballet Mr Jess Perry S & E Sales Prepping, Agent
817 2/21/2022 Black F The Transmission Oakette Oak Tree Special Marty Powers, Agent Eligible for Indiana accreditation.
818 2/15/2011 Sorrel M Mr Jess Perry Gentle Autumn Rain First Down Dash Filimon Saucedo
819 3/19/2016 Bay M DMNV Mountable Posies First Thought First Thoughts Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
820 1/31/2020 Brown G Volcom Lethal Perry Mr Jess Perry Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Gene & Tod Bradley
821 3/12/2020 Brown M Tres Seis Serious Intensions First Down Dash J Lazy Six Ranch
822 1/10/2023 Sorrel C Eagles Fly Higher La Candidata Foose Toh Ranch, Agent
823 3/5/2020 Brown G Capo De Capi Eyema Blues Girl Mr Eye Opener Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent
824 3/12/2019 Bay G Ec Jet One Jess Gotta Zoom Jess Zoomin Juan Perez, Jr.
825 1/1/2024 Eagles Fly Higher One Apollitical Apollitical Jess Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farms & Dr. Richard Beck
826 1/22/2020 Bay S Tempting Dash Preslee The First Corona Cartel Dunn Ranch
827 2/19/2022 Bay F Ima Talented Guy Animal House Fire Water Flit Dunn Ranch, Agent for Pattie Marshall
828 2/29/2016 Gray M Coronado Cartel Zoomin Zoey B Stoli Rancho El Cabresto, Inc.
829 1/25/2021 Bay F Jess Louisiana Blue Queen Of The Kartel Carters Cartel Jerry D. Chapman
830 3/13/2021 Bay F Mitole (TB) Dianas Tres Seis Tres Seis J. And S. Debord/L. Timmerman
831 3/17/2020 Bay Tobiano F CRM Livewire (P) Js Chickenpox (P) Royal Quick Flash (P) Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent for Jim & Shirley Wheeler Oklahoma Accredited Breeding Stock.
832 2/25/2023 Sorrel C Tf Im That Guy Seperate Secrets Separatist Marty Powers, Agent
833 3/11/2022 Brown F Valiant Hero Lady Of Reason Sa Favorite Trick (TB) Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
834 1/26/2015 Sorrel M First Down Dash Higher Math Raise A Secret Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
835 2/24/2020 Bay G A Revenant Aqua Girl Corona Cartel Dunn Ranch
836 4/21/2018 Sorrel S Freighttrain B Eye Be Swift Mr Eye Opener Marty Powers, Agent Frozen semen retained by seller; details in sale office.
837 1/20/2021 Bay G One Fabulous Eagle Requested Fire Walk Thru Fire Aa Farms, LLC
838 1/24/2009 Sorrel M Gold Medal Jess Credit Card Queen On A High S & E Sales Prepping, Agent
840 3/14/2020 Brown G Docs Best Card Hiclass Kamikaze Separatist Vaqueros Racing, LLC
841 3/24/2019 Sorrel G Sir Runaway Dash Streak N Attitude Streakin La Jolla Tate Farms, Agent for Runaway Racing
842 2/22/2023 Bay C Mental Error Shot Of Ivory Ivory James Royal Vista Ranch, LLC, Agent for Sarah Donaldson-Rioux
843 2/18/2020 Sorrel M Apollitical Blood One Eyed Eagle One Famous Eagle S & E Sales Prepping, Agent
844 2/15/2021 Bay G Duponte Diamonds For Codee Carters Cartel Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
845 1/8/2020 Sorrel M Apollitical Jess Famous Phoebe Dash Ta Fame Shamrock Ranch (Tom Maher)
846 1/29/2021 Bay C Tres Seis Heartswideopen Feature Mr Jess Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
847 4/9/2020 Sorrel M The Marfa Lights Sashay Hot Walk Thru Fire Andy Knight, Agent for Bella Vista Farms
848 5/16/2023 Sorrel C Fly Thru The Fire Flight Plans One Famous Eagle Will Woods
849 2/8/2020 Sorrel M Apollitical Blood Blacks Cartel Streakin Six Cartel Marty Powers, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
850 3/29/2012 Chestnut M Apollitical Jess Fovee Cuvee (TB) P. Parrish, Agent
851 4/8/2017 Sorrel G Tempting Dash Fast Prize Tracy Shazoom Rancho La Cobra
852 3/16/2020 Bay G Apollitical Blood Kiss N Toll Tres Seis Bielau Oaks, Agent
853 1/30/2021 Brown G One Famous Eagle Brown Eye Suze Mr Eye Opener Granada Farms, Agent for Johnny Trotter
854 3/26/2020 Bay S Hes Relentless PYC First Prize Fany PYC Paint Your Wagon Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent
855 3/12/2023 Gray F Teller Cartel In The Open Mr Eye Opener Lp Ranch, Agent for Haras Portofino
856 4/6/2018 Gray G Ice On Fire V Jess Eye Eye Eye Fly Jess Fly Lori Harris
857 2/18/2020 Brown M Corona Cartel Celtic Emblem Apollitical Jess Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
858 2/17/2021 Brown F Favorite Cartel Moonie Blues Freighttrain B Red River Equine, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
859 1/30/2020 Chestnut M California Chrome (TB) Lilly Reich (TB) Bodemeister (TB) Kaycee Crockett
860 4/23/2006 Sorrel M Finance The Cat (TB) Hips So Fine Extra Easy Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Jeff Locklear
861 3/21/2020 Bay Tobiano F Gitter Dun Turnpike (P) Catty Wampus (P) Judys Lineage (P) Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
862 3/6/2020 Sorrel G Eye Am King Alice K White First Down Dash Red River Equine, Agent
863 3/1/2016 Sorrel M Feature Mr Bojangles Gingers Special Eyes Eyesa Special Vaqueros Racing, LLC
864 2/9/2023 Sorrel C Teller Cartel Dashing Executive First Down Dash Lp Ranch, Agent for Haras Portofino
865 3/16/2020 Sorrel M Tf Im That Guy Breck N Records PYC Paint Your Wagon Bielau Oaks, Agent
866 4/23/2020 Gray G This Chets A Rockin My Big Time The Big Tipper Lea Stodart, Agent for Kenneth Quade
867 1/14/2011 Sorrel M Shazoom Jess A Lil Bit More Mr Jess Perry Dunn Ranch, Agent for Greg Cullum Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
868 3/31/2022 Sorrel C One Sweet Jess Tf Rebs Lil Runaway Sir Runaway Dash Dunn Ranch, Agent
869 2/1/2011 Bay Tobiano M Furyofthewind Real Easy Effort (P) Real Easy Cash (P) Lea Stodart, Agent for Shari Burger
870 2/20/2014 Sorrel M One Famous Eagle A Corona Episode Corona Cartel Dunn Ranch frozen embryo by Walk Thru Fire sells with mare.
871 3/26/2011 Brown M FDD Dynasty Bodacious Dream Corona Cartel Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent for William J. Maher Lifetime AQHA Embryo Transfer enrollment.
872 2/24/2020 Bay G Lethal Corona Miss Fast Jeans Ivory James Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
873 3/3/2023 Sorrel C Cyber Monday Tinys Courage Captain Courage Marty Powers, Agent
874 3/29/2021 Brown F Kiss My Hocks Edies Painted Lady PYC Paint Your Wagon Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
875 2/7/2016 Sorrel M One Famous Eagle Belle Helene Valiant Hero Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
876 3/21/2016 Bay M Foose Tres Sea Tres Seis Dunn Ranch
877 1/27/2020 Sorrel G Jess Lips Skyline Dawn Too (TB) Preachinatthebar Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
878 1/1/2024 Aint Seen Nothin Yet Royal Wild Time Royal Shake Em Marty Powers, Agent for Clint Holle
879 3/29/2021 Bay F Duponte Pink Cartel Jet Cartel Scarlett Hill Farm, Inc., Agent
880 3/17/2020 Gray M Moonin The Eagle Flashin Dee Dee First To Flash Andy Knight, Agent for Bella Vista Farms
881 2/5/2021 Bay F Freighttrain B Moonshine Milly First Moonflash S & E Sales Prepping, Agent for Courtney J. Trahan
882 1/1/2024 Apollitical Jess Three Green Leaves Tres Seis Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farms & Dr. Richard Beck
883 2/17/2015 Gray M Jess Louisiana Blue Prairie War Princess Dashin Is Easy Terrazas Family
884 5/5/2013 Chestnut M Hold Me Back (TB) Frangible (TB) Broken Vow Tom Scheckel
885 4/9/2019 Sorrel M Zoomin For Bux Doing Trix One Sweet Jess Dunn Ranch, Agent
886 1/25/2021 Bay G Paint Me Perry Martinis N Bikinis Red Storm Cat Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent
887 1/20/2021 Bay F Escondido Beach Uncommon Ivory Ivory James Dunn Ranch, Agent
888 5/1/2015 Sorrel M First Moonflash Jess Say Bye Bye Spit Curl Jess Lonnie Vaughn, Agent for Neale Edwards
889 2/7/2019 Sorrel G Jet Black Patriot Princess Lil Bit Coronas Leaving You Bielau Oaks, Agent
890 3/23/2019 Bay G Majestic Cartel Baylee Bug Tac It Like A Man Dunn Ranch, Agent
891 4/11/2021 Sorrel C Apollitical Jess Cassandra Crest Holland Ease Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
892 1/22/2017 Sorrel G Jet Black Patriot Ruston Kitty (TB) Eugene's Third Son (TB) Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
893 2/10/2010 Black M Valiant Hero With Real Intent Raise A Secret Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
894 2/16/2013 Bay M One Famous Eagle Little Rebas Corona Corona Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Eleven frozen embryos retained by seller: 4 by Corona Cartel; 1 by Favorite Cartel; 1 by FDD Dynasty; 4 by KVN Corona; 1 by Valiant Hero.
895 4/6/2014 Gray M One Dashing Eagle Snow Deal Snowbound (TB) Dlt Ranch
896 2/3/2018 Bay M Hes Relentless Summer Kat DMNV Mountable Marty Powers, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
897 2/23/2019 Chestnut M Five Bar Cartel Little Kool Barbie Mr Jess Perry Stacey S. Charette-Hill & Mcstooks Accredited Oklahoma Breeding Stock.
898 2/11/2021 Gray G Rip Tide First Place Miss First Place Dash Tate Farms, Agent for Jose Lopez
899 3/17/2023 Sorrel F Coronado Cartel Dont Jack With Jill Stoli Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
900 3/29/2022 Sorrel C Down N Dash Catchawildwave Wave Carver Tom D. Crabtree Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
901 3/17/2021 Brown C Favorite Cartel Jess Mas One Sweet Jess Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Shaun Hubbard
902 3/28/2021 Sorrel G FDD Dynasty Shezadashinatcha Heza Fast Dash Dunn Ranch, Agent for Bfd Farms Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
903 3/26/2007 Brown M Jess Louisiana Blue Call Me Lika Call Me Together John & Kathy Lee
904 1/30/2018 Bay M Coronado Cartel First Prize Chicks Spit Curl Jess Dunn Ranch, Agent for Five Livestock Co./Steve Wright
905 3/5/2020 Brown G KVN Corona Ms Fast First Prize DMNV Mountable Marty Powers, Agent
906 4/10/2003 Chestnut M Okey Dokey Dale Ive Been Around Rocket Wrangler Yesenia's Racing, LLC pasture bred, exposed April 3-6.
907 3/23/2018 Bay M FDD Dynasty All About Tonight Carters Cartel Bielau Oaks, Agent AQHA Challenge.
908 1/1/2024 Streakin Six Sizzling Corona Cartel Rick Beck, DVM Donor mare enrolled in AQHA Embryo Transfer Program for life.
909 3/18/2021 Bay F Favorite Cartel Dont Pass Bar A Regal Choice Burns Ranch, Agent eligible for California accreditation.
910 2/20/2021 Bay G This Is An Eagle Brown Scorpion PYC Paint Your Wagon Ufo Racing Stables
911 1/25/2019 Gray M Jess Good Candy Alltherightcurves First Down Dash Bielau Oaks, Agent sells open for 2024.
912 3/16/2016 Gray M Favorite Cartel Perrys Folly Mr Jess Perry Marty Powers, Agent
913 2/1/2023 Sorrel C Kiss My Hocks CD Daddys Home Big Daddy Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Namgis Quarter Horses
914 2/2/2006 Sorrel M Dashin Bye Go On Secret Raise A Secret Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent
915 3/13/2020 Brown M Moonin The Eagle Conspicuous Dynasty FDD Dynasty Dunn Ranch, Agent for Dennis Dreier
916 1/21/2023 Sorrel C Flying Cowboy 123 Coronas Mate Coronas Leaving You Marty Powers, Agent for David Morehead Eligible for Oklahoma accreditation.
917 3/11/2023 Bay C Volcom Lethal Perry Mr Jess Perry Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
918 1/1/2024 Uncle D Run Away Cache Sir Runaway Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Krazy B Racing donor mare enrolled in AQHA Embryo Transfer Program for life.
919 3/28/2021 Sorrel F First Down Dash One Famous Rock Star Mr Jess Perry J Lazy Six Ranch
920 1/8/2019 Sorrel G FDD Going Grand JP Straight Shot Mr Jess Perry Dunn Ranch, Agent
921 3/2/2021 Sorrel G Reagal Eagle Scat Cat Furrtreeous Richard Joneson
922 3/22/2021 Sorrel G Mister Fulton Lil Dashing Reign He Will Reign Aa Farms, LLC, Agent
923 1/28/2023 Bay C KVN Corona Desired Effect Desirio Marty Powers, Agent for Kelly Yother Equine, LLC
924 2/1/2021 Gray F Rip Tide Miss Mallard Too First Down Jewel Tate Farms, Agent for Ok La Connections
925 3/3/2021 Bay F Carters Cartel Streakin Fast N Fun Streakin La Jolla Spring Hill Farms, Agent for Eddie & Stephanie Harrison
926 2/26/2021 Bay G One Fabulous Eagle Lett Her Zoom Shazoom Dunn Ranch, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
927 2/25/2020 Sorrel S Mr Jess Perry Famous Corona Lady Corona Cartel Newman Cattle Company, LLC
928 2/12/2018 Bay S Jesstified Tessas Decked Out Corona Cartel Burns Ranch, Agent
929 3/15/2022 Sorrel C First Moonflash Famous Corona Lady Corona Cartel Grant Farms, LLC
930 1/19/2021 Bay G Czar Cartel Mv The Black Ghost Genuine Strawfly Mike Logan
931 1/20/2021 Brown F FDD Dynasty PYC Pick Your Pocket PYC Paint Your Wagon Rancho La Cobra
932 3/9/2020 Sorrel G Mr Piloto Make Us Proud Holland Ease Villafranco Racing Stable, LLP
933 2/16/2020 Sorrel M A Revenant Famous Cartel Lady Corona Cartel Granada Farms, Agent for Johnny Trotter
934 4/30/2021 Bay G Flare For Ivory Debonair Dynasty FDD Dynasty Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Barron Racing, LLC
935 2/21/2015 Bay M Corona Cartel Illegal Fireworks Walk Thru Fire Andy Knight, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
936 2/22/2020 Bay M Hes Relentless Cole Hearted Hussy Royal Quick Dash Shamrock Ranch (Tom Maher) Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
937 2/29/2020 Sorrel S Corona Cartel Penelope Cruzin Okey Dokey Dale Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
938 1/22/2020 Chestnut M Munnings (TB) Evening Show (TB) Master Command (TB) Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
939 2/10/2021 Gray C Special Effort Hopey Chick Chicks Regard Scarlett Hill Farm, Inc., Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
940 1/23/2020 Gray G Ivory James Apolitical Pac Apollitical Jess Fontenot Racing, Agent for Rob Redding
941 3/18/2020 Gray G Power Jam (TB) Speeding Shazoom Marty Powers, Agent
942 1/18/2021 Bay F Flying Cowboy 123 Miss Southern DD FDD Dynasty Jordan Wiggins, Agent
943 2/20/2020 Gray G Big Daddy Cartel Curlie Cue First Down Dash Bielau Oaks, Agent
944 3/22/2020 Bay G Mr Piloto Beach Break Heza Fast Dash Bielau Oaks, Agent
945 3/24/2020 Black G Jet Black Patriot Escalady Mr Jess Perry Bielau Oaks, Agent
946 3/6/2020 Sorrel G Eye Am King Alice K White First Down Dash Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
948 5/14/2021 Sorrel F First Moonflash The Blues Girl Corona Cartel Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent
949 2/25/2020 Sorrel G Mr Jess Perry Famous Corona Lady Corona Cartel Grant Farms, LLC
950 1/29/2020 Brown M Favorite Cartel Ruths Chris Separatist Mane Attraction Racing
951 1/30/2023 Bay F Freighttrain B Chickaloni Jess A Chicks Bobby D. Cox
952 3/25/2020 Brown G Freighttrain B Moehrig Azoom Spring Hill Farms
953 3/11/2023 Brown F Freighttrain B Abov All One Famous Eagle Bobby D. Cox
954 3/26/2011 Brown M Corona Cartel First Down Runner First Down Dash Dlt Ranch
955 3/1/2022 Gray F Big Daddy Cartel Another Chick Flick First Moonflash Royal Dream Ranch
956 4/4/2021 Sorrel G Kas Tempting Fear This Stoli Stoli Bielau Oaks, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
957 3/23/2018 Sorrel M One Famous Eagle Fast Prize Corona Corona Cartel Shamrock Ranch (Tom Maher) One frozen embryo by Blood Money and three oocytes were retained by a prior owner.
958 4/20/2021 Sorrel G Valiant Hero Sheza Beautifuleagle One Famous Eagle P. Parrish, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
959 2/9/2021 Brown G Jess Louisiana Blue Dashin Brown Eyes Mr Eye Opener Dunn Ranch, Agent
960 3/9/2020 Sorrel G Corona Cartel La Row One Dashing Eagle Royal Dream Ranch
961 2/14/2020 Bay G Jess Louisiana Blue Diamond Version Stoli Jerry Windham Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
962 1/6/2021 Black G Tempting Dash Lj Moonrise Separatist Dunn Ranch, Agent
963 2/18/2020 Sorrel M Flare For Ivory Cubeta De Coronas Stel Corona Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent for Barron Racing, LLC
964 2/21/2019 Sorrel M One Sweet Jess Corona Catrina Corona Cartel Dlt Ranch
965 2/12/2020 Sorrel G One Famous Eagle Fast Prize Shana Shazoom 4Mw Farms & Racing, LLC
966 2/15/2023 Bay F Apollitical Jess Anasttasia The Louisiana Cartel Rancho El Cabresto, Inc.
967 3/20/2020 Sorrel M Big Daddy Cartel Sandy June Bug Blushing Bug Marty Powers, Agent for Darling Farms
968 2/27/2023 Sorrel C A Sweet Jess Requiring Fire Walk Thru Fire Cavenaugh Quarter Horses, LLC Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
969 3/10/2021 Bay Tobiano G The Marfa Lights Sexy Painted Wagon (P) PYC Paint Your Wagon S & E Sales Prepping, Agent
970 2/3/2021 Brown G Capo De Capi CNN Alley Cat Captain Courage Sunflower Stables, LLC
971 1/17/2018 Sorrel G Giorgino Lil Famous Dash One Famous Eagle Scarlett Hill Farm, Inc.
972 4/4/2020 Brown G The Louisiana Cartel Fabulously Fast Mr Jess Perry Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Pamela B. Hann
973 1/31/2021 Chestnut G Panama Wes L Bar D Bonnie Lee Giorgino Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Nominated to the AQHA Racing Challenge.
974 4/7/2021 Bay/Solid F Capo De Capi Eysa Savvy Queen (P) Mr Eye Opener Dunn Ranch, Agent
975 1/15/2020 Gray G KVN Corona One Famous Shaker One Famous Eagle Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent for Garlyn O. Shelton