QDATA Catalog Builder Frequently Asked Questions

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1.    General Information: What can the QDATA Catalog Builder program do for me?

a.    http://www.robinglenn.com/ads/QDataCatalogBuilderIntro.pdf

2.    Cost: How much does QDATA Catalog Builder cost per page?

a.    http://www.robinglenn.com/ads/QDataCatalogBuilder-Pricing.pdf

3.    User Skills and Knowledge: Do I need certain computer skills, programs and knowledge for management of a catalog in the QDATA Catalog Builder program?

a.    Refer to page 1 of this link.

b. Because the service is online, you can work from anyplace that has an Internet connection

4.    Browser: Can I use this program with the Internet Explorer or Safari browsers?

a.    No. You will need the latest version of Google Chrome.

5.    Free Trial: Can I try the QDATA Catalog Builder before I sign up to create my first catalog?

a.    Yes. Go to catalogs.robinglenn.com and click on "Free Trial".

6.    Phones & Tablets: Does the QDATA Catalog Builder work on a phone or tablet?

a.    No. Although the catalog can be viewed on any device, the program itself only works on a laptop or desktop computer (PC or Mac).

b.  Because the service is online, you can work from anyplace that has an internet connection.

7.    Multiple Users: Can more than one person use the QDATA Catalog Builder at once?

a.    Yes, using the same login.

8.    Production Time: How long does it take to produce a catalog with the QDATA Catalog Builder?

a.    If the user is computer-fluent, a 100-horse catalog can easily be produced in a few days.

9.    Time Limit: How long can I refresh (update) the pedigrees on the QDATA Catalog Builder?

a.    Sixty days. In 60 days, or five days after the sale date (whichever is earliest), the catalog will remain in your portal and online, but it will become un-editable and un-refreshable.

10.  Slow processing: The pages are taking a 'long time' to build.

                   a.    Speed can be affected by your own internet connection.

                          b.    The pages are being created as soon as you enter the horses, but you can click 'Build Page' for a horse you need on-demand.

c.     The program has to go into the AQHA database and then the QDATA database to search, filter, sort and design the information, so larger sires and dams will take longer. Speed is expected to increase within the next year.

d.    It is recommended that you enter a large group of horses at once, which can be done from a spread sheet import, then allow time to let the program build the pages.

11.  'Lost' or misplaced information from a catalog import: Some information on my spread sheet didn't appear in the Catalog Builder; or some information on my spread sheet went to the wrong fields in the Catalog Builder.

a.    The column headings on the spread sheet must be correct, and the information must be put in the proper column. An Import Template is included with the program at MySales/Actions/Import Consignments.

b.    See the information at this link: https://devcb.robinglenn.com/Account/Help?id=1#11b

12.  Changes: My changes 'didn't save.'

a.    This can appear to happen to users with a slower internet connection. If you clicked the 'Save Changes' button, the changes did save on the QDATA web server but possibly due to your internet speed, they may not show up for a bit.

13.  Changes to Performance Record: Why won't the program let me make changes to a performance record?

a.    To protect both buyers and sellers, the AQHA/QDATA performance record cannot be changed on the sale horse. If you think a performance record contains an error, please contact QDATA immediately.

14.  Research: What research is provided on an American Quarter Horse?

a.    See Page 2 at this link: http://www.robinglenn.com/ads/QDataCatalogBuilderIntro.pdf

15.  Research: Are AQHA Incentive Fund earnings included?

a.    Yes.

16.  Research: Are APHA Breeders Trust earnings included?

a.    No. QDATA has been unable to obtain APHA Breeders Trust earnings.

17. QDATA Database: What information is recorded in the QDATA Database?

a.    http://www.robinglenn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/eventtracking.pdf

18.  QDATA Records: Why are QDATA data reports attached to each horse's page?

a.    Free QDATA data reports are attached to each horse to allow you to customize the catalog page yourself.

19.  QDATA Database Account: Are the funds in my existing account at www.RobinGlennPedigrees.com transferable to Catalogs.RobinGlenn.com?

a.    No, you have to create a separate account at https://devcb.robinglenn.com. Funds in your RobinGlennPedigrees.com account cannot be used for your Catalog Builder account.

20. Paint (APHA), Grade, Appaloosa (ApHC) & Thoroughbred (TB) horses: How do I enter a paint, appaloosa, grade or other non-AQHA horse?

a.    Enter the horse's name and registration number. Then choose the breed from the drop-down box.

b.    Complete all information on the sale horse, including foaling date, color, breed, and sex.

c.     Enter Sire and Dam names and numbers, choosing the correct breed from the drop-down box.

d.    Enter the Dam's sire name, choosing the correct breed from the drop-down box.

e.    After saving, Click on Enter/Edit Family Tree and type in the family tree information.

21.  Naming Sale Horses: Should I add a breed designation (APHA or ApHC for example), to a horse's name in the horse name field?

a.    Only the horse's name should go in the horse name field. The breed should be chosen from the drop-down boxes.

22.  Paint (APHA), Grade, Appaloosa (ApHC) & Thoroughbred (TB) horses: What research is provided for non-Quarter Horses?

a.    QDATA Database [money-earning] information will be provided for non-AQHA breeds. A Thoroughbred's AQHA activity will also be included (but not TB activity). All other research, such as APHA, ApHC or other breed association points and awards, must be researched by you and added by hand.

b.    Go to MySales/Actions/Proofing Report to see which horses have Thoroughbreds in their families that need researched with the Jockey Club.

23.  Importing Breed codes: On my consignment import spreadsheet, do I have to include the breed code for non-AQHA horses, sires, dams, dam's sires, or covering sires?

a.    Yes, in the proper column, list the correct breed code for that horse. An import catalog template is included with the program at My Sales/Actions/Import Consignments.

24. Double-registered horses: How are double-registered paints (APHA) handled in the Catalog Builder?

a.    Sale Horses: Use the AQHA name when you enter a double registered sale horse and leave the breed code on the default AQHA setting.

b.    Horses in the Family: If the double-registration has been discovered by QDATA, the program is designed to find the matching AQHA name and report the information as usual.

c.     Notice: QDATA will not be held responsible for knowing that a horse is double-registered. If double-registration has been discovered, it's noted in the QDATA Database. (All double-registered paints recorded in the QDATA Database default to the AQHA name).

25.  Finding an AQHA Horse: I entered a horse's name and clicked 'Find (AQHA Only),' but was not successful.

a.    You must enter both the correct registration number and the correct name for the program to find a registered Quarter Horse.

26.  Finding an AQHA Horse: I entered the horse's name and registration number and clicked 'Find (AQHA Only),' but was not successful.

a.    Verify the horse's spelling and the number. If the program does not find a name and number combination, that name and number combination does not exist in the AQHA database.

27.  Internet Presentation: Can the Internet Catalog Presentation be viewed on a phone or tablet?

a.    The Internet Catalog can be viewed on all devices and in all web browsers.

28.  Internet Presentation: How do I put the internet presentation on my own web site?

a.    Simply copy and paste the link to the appropriate page on your site, or copy and paste the link into an email for your web designer.

29.  Send Pages to Internet: What does this mean?

a.    Until you click this button, only a 'preview' shows on the internet, which shows everything from the top of the page through the horse's performance and produce. Once you are satisfied that all pages, specifically the sire and dam paragraphs, read the way you want them to, clicking this button will change the internet presentation to show the entire catalog page on each horse.

30.  QDATA Catalog App: What is the QDATA Catalog App?

a.    Download the QDATA Catalog App to your smartphone or tablet by going to iTunes for Apple devices and Google Play for Android devices.

b.    View an App tutorial at this link: http://www.robinglenn.com/catalog-app/

31.  QDATA Catalog App: Can I submit my catalog a second time to the QDATA Catalog App if I decided to make changes?

a.    No. The catalog can only be submitted to the QDATA Catalog App once. Please make sure your entire catalog is completely finalized before sending it to the App. In fact, it is recommended that you wait and send the catalog to the App after the printed book is at the printer's.

b.    To preserve the integrity of the information being presented to buyers, the Catalog App pages must exactly match the pages in the printed catalog. Buyers must have confidence that both versions of the catalog are the same.

32.  Text Case: I want the sale horse's name to appear in all capital letters.

a.    The top of the QDATA Catalog Builder page presents in upper and lower case. It will not present in all upper case letters.

b.    Please enter information in upper/lowercase while adding or editing catalog information, adding or importing consignments and typing family trees on non-Quarter Horses. This will allow names like 'McDonald' to present correctly.

c.     Regarding ranch/owner initials that need to be in all capital letters: you can add words to the 'All Caps' list. Instructions are on the Add/Edit Consignment page.

33.  Photos: What file type (format) and photo resolution do I need to use?

a.    https://devcb.robinglenn.com/Account/Help?id=17#33a

34.  Unregistered Horses: If I have an unnamed foal whose registration is applied for, how do I name it in the program?

a.    https://devcb.robinglenn.com/Account/Help?id=1#34a

b.    Include 'Papers in association.' in footnotes.

c.     Click the 'AQHA Foal Not Registered Yet' box.

35.  Unregistered Horses: If I have an unnamed foal that does not have registration papers pending (i.e. papers have not been sent to the association), how do I name it in the program?

a.    https://devcb.robinglenn.com/Account/Help?id=1#35a

b.    Include 'Registration has not been applied for.' in the footnotes.

c.     Click the 'AQHA Foal Not Registered Yet' box.

36.  Sessions: My catalog has different sessions. How do I handle that?

a.    https://devcb.robinglenn.com/Account/Help?id=3#36a

37.  Sessions: How do I hip number by session?

a.    https://devcb.robinglenn.com/Account/Help?id=18#37a

38.  Covering Sire Paragraphs: Does the program produce covering sire reference paragraphs for all covering sires?

a.    A covering sire paragraph will only be generated on AQHA registered covering sires, foal-at-side sires, or embryo-at-side sires for the 'Reference to Covering Sires' pages. An option allowing you to write covering sire paragraphs for non-AQHA horses is built into the program.

39.  Importing Corrections: If I imported my horses from a spread sheet, but I later want to make changes to their information, can I re-import a corrected spread sheet?

a.    No. Changes to previously imported horses have to be made by hand on the Horse Info  screen. Only new horses will be imported from your spread sheet.

40.  AQHA Parents: If I have a non-AQHA horse with an AQHA parent, do I have to manually fill in the family tree for the AQHA parent's side?  

a.    https://devcb.robinglenn.com/Account/Help?id=1#40a

41.  Import vs. Upload: What is the difference between 'import' and 'upload'?

a.    Import: The transfer of data from a resource such as a catalog to another program.

b.    Upload: The act of copying an entire file to the web, such as a photo.